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School conferences/events

BurbankStepMom's picture

I am new here, but have found good information. I still have some questions though. BD and I have been living together for 4 years with my BD and his BD (My SD) The Mom is very upset that I am in the child's life and is now trying to make the school exclude me from meetings/events. The school will not talk to Dad if I am present. I don't think this is legal. Can they exclude me because Mom complains? We have joint custody and if I understand FERPA, I am also considered a "parent." Any thoughts....thanks.

ittakestwo's picture

I am not sure legally but I can honestly say we have had no issues here with either my kids school nor my SD's schools. Custody has changed for us where SD is concerned so we are not nearly involved or informed as we used to be, however, she is now in middle school and the nice thing with that is an online program called "edline" where we can check and moniter her progress and grades.

As for parent/teacher conferences... DH usually went to those alone as him and BM do NOT communicate and cannot sit in a room together so they each had separate p/t conferences.

My ex and I do communicate so we schedule one appt with our kids teachers and we both go that way we both know what is going on, what needs to be worked on etc.

We are both on the emergency pickups at both schools and this was no issue at all. I know that DH had probs in the past where BM would remove him and add her husband, but the last I knew all 4 of us were on as emergency contacts/pickups. My DH is also an authorized contact or pickup for my two.

It is what it is...

sshoho's picture

I am the stepmom who is left out of everything. I finally gave up - since I don't have any legal rights, I said fine...and I've walked away from the situation.

I was never listed a contact (although I work 20 hours per week and could easily get to my stepdaughter if I needed to) so I can't pick her up. I'm not invited to parent conference night -- so I don't go. I am not involved with her girl scouts or basketball. I am the third wheel and gave up trying to fit in. Her mother is as sweet as pie to my face but passive aggressive behind my back. I am cordial to her and don't try to make friends. My stepdaughter loves her mom, as it should be, but constantly says, "Mommy says I can do this, mommy says I don't have to do that." I told her, that's fine at mom's house but not here. So far, she has not tested me but I know someday she will.

I hate being a stepparent.

DG's picture

I can relate to being a third wheel. I was so excited/idealistic about my special role of filling in the gap and supporting my new husband, but it seems now that I am more concerned about how everyday decisions impact the kids' moral and character development than their own parents are. I feel helpless. It is very frustrating to feel you care more than the parents do and not only be powerless to make a positive impact, but also resented for making a suggestion, however gently and diplomatically.

soon2bstep's picture

Thank you for putting into words, exactly how I feel.

hopeful_sm's picture

This is exactly what I am going through. Thank you for putting this into words for me.

aidenjames's picture

wow yep know just how you feel. just wrote a blog about this and my autistic 3 year old ss. Iget so frustrated some times i could spit nails

luvdagirl's picture

We have always scheduled seperate conferences just to avoid it all but during the custody battle SD was yet again in a different school and it seemed that everyone in that office were bitter women that automatically took BMs word and it did make things more complicated until we went to the superintendant since our paperwork did give us rights to all school and medical information and those conferences are pretty informative!
BM still hates me, I am almost proud that such a nasty vulgure person wouldn't like me, it reminds me that I must be doing something right. Especially since BM doesn't seem to posses a moral compass.
Every year that SD was with BM we had to take in court order and provide all info so they do get to make life inconveniant alot but just keep plucking away and sooner or later you can cook that goose!
Good Luck!

patient but frustrated's picture

I'm new to all this, but in regards to school I have a little information. BM registered ss in a school over an hour's drive away in hopes that it would be impossible for us to get him during our weeks. Now it ain't fun... let me tell you... driving four hours total a day during our weeks to take/pick up ss. During the first day, we went up to the school for well wishing for ss, such an excited 3rd grader! Of course BF said we had to go since BM sent an email telling me I wasn't invited and needed her permission to be there etc. I didn't want to go because I had a feeling in my stomach that this was going to go bad. After classes had started BF and I were in the hall outside the principal's office as BF wanted to make sure my name was on the pick up/drop off list as BM filled it out. Well, BM came out of no where marched her self up to me pointed her finger in my face and told me I had no right to be there, reminded me that I have no children of my own, that I have no business talking to anyone (I knew a couple of people there some happened to be teachers) and I had better NEVER be there again without her permission, did I understand? I have never gotten in a verbal confrontation with this woman but I think everyone has a line and she stepped across mine that day. I said "You know...I don't care what you think and could care even less WHAT you say....that's all I got out before she went screaming down the hall...I'm taking your name OFF the list, do you hear me...I said "Go ahead" she said...I'm TAKING IT OFF..again I said "GO AHEAD" so the principal was in the hall and witnessed all this and BM marched up to her and tried to have my name removed from list of contacts. Principal told her that there wasn't a thing BM could really do about it which pissed her off to no end. Principal called us into her office (she let us cut in front of a LOT of people after that scene) Closed the door. BF produced legal paperwork...Principal said that I, as BF's representative, could pick up and drop off child, attend school functions etc and there was nothing BM could do about it, however P/T conferences I was allowed to attend as long as BF was present I couldn't attend those alone. But the principal asked us to to draw up a paper stating that i was his representative etc stating that I had his permission to act on his behalf in emergencies etc...and have this paper notorized and bring it back to the school, which we did. When I took it in to the office the pricipal looked at it smiled at me and said..."You know I had to deal with her outbursts last year for her grandson... (another long story). She also told me that if it was our week to have him and BM snatched him before I picked him up that there was really nothing I or she (as the school rep) could do about it (I mention this because it has been threatened) but that she would document it. I don't think they can exclude you if you are representing your SO, you may have to get a paper notorized like we did, (which was optional but BF felt necessary as we are really dealing with a psycho). BF and I decided to that it would be good for me to get out the house a little and the school just happens to be asking for volunteers ...(imagine that LOL) Good luck, if you do need that form, I have it around here somewhere! (HUGS)

BurbankStepMom's picture

I can't believe it - we have a very similar situation! But now, the school seems to be having an about face. The principal is not responding to my emails (and we did have BF give me permission). Apparently, somebody from the Board of Education called BF directly and try to tell him that I was not to be involved in school situations. BM is telling the child that she's going to get me out of the school - I am not even in the school that much. I was there alot last year for meetings because the school tried to say the child needed testing for spec. Ed. I was a teacher for 11 years and knew that she was not learning disabled, she was just stressed out of her mind because BM was volunteering in the classroom and doing things like changing the child's clothes because she wasn't happy with how we dressed her. She would also intercept paperwork before it got into the backpack so we wouldn't know what was happening.

If you have the form, I would love it. Also, I am still researching info to see what the laws say about schools and our rights to them. We also have a protective order against the mom due to her threats and stalking. But she's used the school as her protection. We have child every Sun. to Wed. so it's 50/50.

Thanks so much!

patient but frustrated's picture

That is weird that the school is trying to do that, it was my understanding that they really can't get involved in civil matters. Remember taking public school law in college? (I went for teaching also LOL)Any way... I'll add you to my buddy list! I Love my buddies... and shoot an email with the form to you. So sorry you are dealing with this, you may have to bypass principal and BF may need to take this up with the school board personally. Talk to you soon (HUGS) Smile

laughterandtears's picture

and in our state, if you are responsible in anyway for her well being on a regular basis, then the school it most certainly allowed to talk to you and should. The BM in my life threatned to sue the school, called the superintendent, made the teacher cry and they still looked it up and found out that they have every right to talk to me (SM). I would look up the law in your states about who the school can and cannot talk to.


BurbankStepMom's picture

Thank you so much! What state are you in? We are in California. We are not legally married....don't know if that matters. I am trying to look up the laws...wish I had gone to law school....

laughterandtears's picture

I'm in Oklahoma. When all this started, DH and I weren't married, but I was responsible for the children since they stayed with us every weekend, then came to live with us. As far as step parent laws and right, look up your stated statues(sp). That's where I found laws on stepparents for certain things in my state.


Cruella's picture

I think it was Anne that actually posted information about our rights as SM's regarding school and information. Anne was that you?

doingmybest's picture

Hi. I am step mom. Biodad has 2 boys by psycomom, & i have one by loserdad. All the kids live with us now. Whils the boys were with their biomom and biodad was paying catholic school tuition, she was not even taking them! She had been too high the night before after turning tricks all night!(yes, really) Biodad took physical possession of the kids and we all lived 'happily ever after' untill stepson began showing signs of adhd. The school knew I was the live-in 'mom', so they usually called me(even tho we're not married). We had MANY conferences, to which biomom was invited. She showed for one. The school the boys all attened is wonderful. All they asked was for boidad to sign a letter stating they have his permission to speak with me about the kids. They are aware of her irresponsibility, but not all the sordid details. They have learned when the boys are not at school on Mondays, they are still at their biomom's and not sick. There was an incident of a new nurse starting on the day ss was 'feeling sick' (meaning there was a math test next period). She called me to let me know he was there, but we agreed, no fever, no vomiting and chatting with the kid next to him, he was fine for class.As we were on the phone, bio mom called the nurse.Why has never been determined.Nurse told biomom of the 'feeling sick' and the nurse sent him home with some guy we don't know because biomom had told the nurse she would pick him up! Why this woman was caling the school, we still don't know. Well, heads were rolling. The counsoler called twice to apologise(knowing they screwed up big time!), so now we have letters for both boys stating biomom is not to be contacted for any reason at all. It makes me feel so weird. Being a mom, I couldn't imagine how that would feel. But, I would not tell the kids school is not important and I can teach them better (she's a high school drop out), nor would I get arrested for drug dealing and prostitution., so if I can remember that, I don't feel so bad. Anyway, this would probably fit in another thread better since I'm venting in a rambling sort of way.I think my point is get it all on paper. Document screw-ups, have biodad write letter stating you are also responsible for the child(ren)s welfare. And stick to your guns. Don't let the kid(s) think you don't care because you 'won't fight for them' I know it's horrible and feels like walking through hell, but the kids need to know we love them just as much as the bios do and will walk thruogh fire for them.

BurbankStepMom's picture

I did read Anne's post about FERPA. Not sure if the title "stepparent" means we have to be married. And from what I understand, if DH allows me to be at conferences, there's nothing the BM can do short of a court order. We may have to go through the attorney, but it's soooo expensive. The Board of Education won't talk to me. It was a board member that tried to tell DH to keep me out. I don't know how you ladies put up with the garbage....I could hardly sleep last night because I was mad.

Red's picture

as a school person, all the BF has to do is sign a piece of paper, any old paper will do that gives you permission and you call go to all. you can also not be the custodial parent and get info and sign that the step can have the info.....

laughterandtears's picture

Join the PTA.


patient but frustrated's picture

or do what i am doing...volunteer!!!! LMAO

.....psycho ex's suck....

everythinghappens4areason's picture

In our area, we have certain members on the board for certain area's. We had problems as well in regards to situation surrounding the ex and her crap about me going to the school etc. Anytime hubby would call the teachers/school board and speak to them, they would say, sorry, this is a civil matter, we can't get involved. They have joint custody but the children reside with her and only come here every other week.

We then called back the Board office and asked who ther superintendent was for that area. This is the head dog. They gave us the name and address because we said we wished to send written correspondence.

We very politely explained our situation, what had taken place several times at the school, who we had spoken to in the past and what we were told. We explained that this was not a civil matter, this was addressing the best interests of the child in the school system.

We then asked for written correspondence answering a bunch of questions...such as, where is it indicated in any regulations that the father can not have someone attend with him to meetings, have someone else pick up the children on his scheduled time in the court order, etc. We also asked in the letter for the Superintendent's supervisor or manager, because we would also be following up this matter with them.

We let them know politely that we were not budging on this, it was wrong, they both have joint custody and this is not an issue the "school staff" should be taking sides on. We said we were making an official complaint and wanted it documented and for them to respond within a timely manner.

We also put CC: on the bottom of the letter and put the principal's name of the school and the teachers name as well as anyone else we spoke to about it. We sent a copy of the letter to each and everyone of them.

Within days we came home to a message on the answering machine from the superintendent stating that it had been looked into and all our concerns were addressed and we would not have anymore problems surrounding this. We left a voice mail after hours for them, indicating that we would like the info she left on the voice mail put in writing and forwarded to us ASAP, we thanked her for her time and hung up.

When we received the letter we photocopied it and sent it to each person we listed on as CC AND we sent a copy of it to BM. BM has made several RUDE remarks about it to us and the kids, but there is nothing legally she can do. The school staff handles us politely but cooly. We don't care about the coolness, we are there for the kids.

Try it, maybe it will work. I do know with the School Boards that if they receive a letter in writing it must be looked into....verbally they don't usually do squat about.


Anonymous's picture

That sounds a lot like what is happening here. The BM is using her "volunteer" position at the school to protect herself and harass us. What state are you in? I don't think the school can allow her to work there since we do have a restraining order against her and that supercedes her right to work in the school, but I am not sure. That's a good idea and we'll try that as well. I think our attorney said we could probably get a court order to stay away from the school on dad's days. I am still trying to understand the law......

Thanks again,

de's picture

my boyfriend and i both came into this relationship with a child. he has physical custody of his son, i have sole custody of my daughter. we also just had a baby together 5 mos ago. my boyfriend's son's mother is truly a devil. she doesn't live in the state, but comes to town every two months for a visit. she makes my life a living hell when she's here. i'm expected to just step aside and let her take over for the four or five days that she's here. she is the type that can't be trusted. she lies and tries to turn the child against me every chance she gets.

i do everything for this child as if he were my own. she doesn't do anything for him. i want to know how to fight for rights.

my boyfriend and i are getting married next year, and that still won't make a difference in this case.

why don't we have rights to the children that we care for on a daily basis even if we're not the BM?

HELP are there any laws to change this.

Jen's picture

I became a step parent in April. My husband got physical custody of his son b/c his mother had documented 3 years worth of material where the BM had left her son with them (while my husband was working at the fire department) or his other job. I don't have children, so when I am with my step son I consider him my son. I have been reading some of the post and can't help but feel that my journey is just going to get bumper. We met with the BM to discuss visitation and when I told her her child did not want change she went off on me even though BF backed me up. How far is too far when you are taking care of the child on an almost full time basis?

Anonymous's picture

I just had to deal with this very same issue. The school tells me that according to FERPA - only the BM & BF are considered parents. The BM has custody and is re-married. FERPA says her new hubby has same rights as she since he lives in the house on a "day to day" basis. Since I don't - I'm not allowed ANY information about ss. I can attend functions and am allowed to pick up, but I can't call the school, can't request parent/teacher conferences, can't sign report cards, etc.

alayneswenson's picture

Please share with me your experiences and/or information about obtaining legal guardianship of stepchildren.

I am the proud SM to two children (ages 12 and soon to be 13) whose mother has full legal/physical custody with BD (my husband) granted 3 days/3 nights parenting time. I am considering filing for guardianship for the children here in the state of Minnesota. Sole custody was awarded to BM 7 years ago and since then the best interest of the children has been lost in the BM's hatred and resentment for my husband. Very dysfunctional homelife ever since for the kids and a father who has no say in their lives.

We have been advised by our attorney to wait until oldest is 14, for that is the age that is commonly recognized as mature enough to speak to the court their wish for their primary residence/parent. Oldest child is begging to live with us full-time and we don't want to screw up the possibility of changing custody next year through a modification of custody motion by filing for guardianship.

Input anyone? Thank you!

undercovermother's picture

Alayneswenson, I think I would wait until you get a modification in custody if you do, before asking for any type of guardianship. I do believe that guardianship means to take the place of a parent, so you might just want power of attorney, to make decisions in place of your husband. But to have that, he would need to have custody of them or shared at least.

Stronger2's picture

Hi Burbankstepmom. I've had the same problems this year regarding schooling. Last year, My SD(14 years old) grades were slipping her 8th grade year. She's normally a A+ student and her grades slipped to C and D+. The BM is very lenient with her and lets her do whatever she wants. Let's her walk to the mall by herself, attend parties, hangs out with the wrong people, and shop instead of doing her homework. She has no boundaries at her mother's house.
My husband and I have enrolled on internet access from the school to monitor her progress the 9th grade year. I have emailed the teachers about her progress and got alot of feedback from them. We communicated with SD to make sure she knows we are watching her. Her grades are now B's. SD told her mom that I was contacting the teachers...she freaken and started contacting the teachers as well. When enrollment for 10th grade came up, I've asked my husband if I could go since I've put alot of efforts to get SD back on track. And most of the teachers know me through the emails I've sent. BM freaked out and threaten to reduce his parenting time if I was present. She ended up emailing all the teachers and had her lawyer write a letter stating the I didn't have any biological rights to have any information of their daughter. On top of that lied to the teacher about me being a homewrecker when in reality ....I met my now husband after he filed for divorce. I still continue to write the emails. My husband and I have continued to go together at different times to parent conferences. I'm sure the school is use to managing difficult divorce situation as this one and will accomodate. Most school will have 2 progress forms (for each ex), different times so that the ex's don't have to interact with each other. If your husband has 50% can contact the schools to arrange different hours to meet with the teachers to avoid any conflicts. This is what we are doing and is working out well so far. Good luck...don't give up....and don't let her control you.

Judy L's picture

I am very thankful that my BM doesn't have a problem with any of that. At least, not as far as I know. When we had the kids full time for the last school year before fiance (then BF) deployed, I would drop the kids off at before school care and pick them up from after school care. My BF had to sign a piece of paper at the Child Development Center for me to pick up the youngest, only when someone new was working the desk. I never had a problem with the older two. If there were field trips to take or homework to sign, I would tell the teachers that I would take it home to BF and he would sign them. They would tell me that I could sign for them, no problem. Threw me off a bit, but I felt great that the teachers and care providers viewed me in that way.

Fast forward to current school year. Fiance is gone, kids are with mom for the school week, me on the weekends (long drive, but worth it). We made sure that we all went to Back to School night together and introduced ourselves to the teacher and principal. (Different district) I email the teachers every couple of weeks to check up on their progress. I have never had a problem getting info about the kids. I guess I can thank God that my BM isn't like most BM's I've heard about there.

I guess what I'm saying is that the teachers all met me, and got to form their own opinions w/o the BM "getting to them first". They got to see how the kids interacted with me, I volunteered for field trips and festivals. I made sure that I built a relationship with the teachers too. It's hard to paint someone as a evil bitch/homewrecker who tries so hard with the kids. Before he left, my BF sent an email to the principal and had a conference with him. This email was forwarded to the teachers, who all responded positively. he basically stated that he would appreciate it if the teachers would forward any info re: kids to him and I b/c correspondence w/ his ex is slow, and he would like us both to be kept in the loop. We are still currently waiting for school pictures from the Fall. Don't think we'll be getting them either....

I don't know if this helps in the future, maybe, but this worked for us.

Frustrated!'s picture

I am struggling with this issue as well. I am the SM of a SS who lives with his BM. I have emailed his teachers on behalf of his BF and me, and this is now infuriating the BM. I copy the BM on all correspondence and go so far as to copy the BF and then route correspondence through his email account so she won't have to see mine. BF cannot access internet at work and it is more convenient for me to send the emails, with his blessing, on our behalf. BM says I am overstepping my boundaries because I am communicating with SS teachers. If I didn't do it, we would have no clue as to what is going on with SS because communication is POOR with the BM. I'm not trying to be the hero, I just want these children to thrive and have the best possible care. Am I doing too much? I would think BM would welcome a SM who cares for her children. We don't badmouth BM or even mention her around the kids unless they bring up something at home they've done while with other words, just casual conversation. HELP!

jaylady999's picture

Who totally has no interest in contacting or even being involved in my stepkids schooling(aside from helping them with homework when they are with us for the weekends). I totally understand why BM's in your ladies sitch's are upset. IMO that is crossing unbelievable boundaries and no, you are not doing anyone any favors by doing so.

BM in my sitch dont have any major issues, but I can guarantee if I tried to pull some of these stunts with her children's schooling, we'd have big problems and for good reason.

She is perfectly capable of handling issues with her children's schooling without SM coming in to save the day.

The ONLY time I can see this may happen is if BD is the custodial parent and even then, the waters need to be treaded very lightly.

2Bloved's picture

I can see where you are coming from if the BM is involved. In my case, BM is not very involved. Even as the CP at the time that FH was deployed. It got to the point that the teachers were contacting ME for BM's email address, b/c the one BM gave her came back as invalid. It got to the point that the teachers were emailing ME about issues concerning OSD and her homework. It got to the point that the school called ME about taking OSD to the doctors for an injury that she had from the week before that BM never bothered to take care of. Now, with FH deployed, I only saw the kids EOW, as we live 35 min away. It got to the point that the doctors were calling ME trying to get ahold of BM b/c she was not answering the phone re: YSD lab results.

When FH came back and was CP again, BM did not come to anything. In fact, she did not even show up for YSd first day of Kindergarten even though she promised her she would. I took the time to send her the calendar of events which she did not acknowledge. Didn't show up for anything they were involved in. Did not even know names of their teachers or even the name of the school that OSD was attending. It was like pulling teeth to get any info from her to fill out their school records. Yup, in this case, not a very capable or involved mom at all. We tried keeping her up to date with current info, grade status, but when she did not acknowledge receipt, FH and I stopped and she never pursued.

arbiecat's picture

Under the US FERPA law, schools are required to share information with the bio-parents unless one bio-parent has sole legal custody. FERPA also enables a bio-parent to block access of their child's private information from third parties to include sparents. You are not married to dad so it would be like giving access to any unrelated 3rd party just because they wanted it.

I am a custodial sm to 3 one of which is a 17 year old high school senior. It is dh's sole responsibility to ensure his child is doing what she should in school. I do not attend any PT conferences or private meetings. I do attend back-to-school nights and other events that are open to the public. Likewise, my dh or my exh's ligf do not attend conferences for my ds. I can't imagine why any one would want to attend such a thing for children they are not responsible for.