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Opening a can 'o worms--$

Angel's picture

Just wondering what the norm is out there when dealing with a second marriage where the one partner that doesn't have the minor biokids, has the home & more funds.

Do they keep separate accounts? For me, when I married we agreed that his kids were his responsibilty (or I wouldn't have agreed to marry). Do women who do contribute money to help raise other people's children---do you feel resentful?
Just wondering.

Frustrated Step Mom's picture

My husband and I each have a daughter from previous relationships and then we have two kids together. I make significantly more money than my husband, so I pay most of our bills. He pays his child support, but we share the responsibility of buying for all the kids.

I think this is truly a decision per couple. It goes along with how money is managed in the marriage with or without kids. For us OUR money is OUR money. I like joking with my hubby and saying "his money is mine, and my money is the kids!" I know some couples who are married with bio kids and they manage their money separately and split all costs evenly. I know others who share everything.

One point is I do believe you could be liable for child support if he lost his job. In the eyes of the law, money belongs to both of you!!!

Gwen's picture

On the last point in the foregoing reply: "One point is I do believe you could be liable for child support if he lost his job. In the eyes of the law, money belongs to both of you"

In California, as a stepparent you can't technically be liable for child support for a stepchild even if the bio parent loses the job (despite Cal's community property laws, which do indeed say that money earned during the marriage belongs to both of you). In California, a stepparent's income cannot be used to calculate support obligations. The troublesome issue (leaving aside any moral questions) is that child support is based on the earning capacity of the bio parent rather than whether what he/she is actually making, so the stepparent may be left with a choice to either cover child support when the bio parent has none/not enough coming in, or have his/her spouse fall into arrears on the support obligation. In some circumstances, there may be an opportunity to modify the support obligation based on unemployment, but filing a petition for support modification itself costs money and takes time.

On the main point, we mostly split 50/50 but child support and kids' health insurance is his obligation. Of course, the child support payment reduces our total household income, funds that would otherwise be community property (but are technically not, because the children pre-dated the marriage, but you see what I'm saying?). I do not feel resentful about him providing for his kids, or me helping to pay skids expenses like clothes, food, trips, etc. etc. etc. when they are here. But I do feel resentful that he pays an exorbitant amount of child support to the ex, much more than could ever be used for their benefit, and she doesn't work, her new husband is in school, and she uses the "extra" support to pay for her new husband and his daughter as well as her kids. So my husband is supporting their family. It burns me sometimes, esp. because I pulled myself up by my bootstraps on my own since 16, paying my way through college and professional school, and she gets to mooch off my household. THAT gets me going from time to time, but it's something I try to learn to live with; I did sign up knowingly, after all. But I am human, so I go grrrrr once in awhile!

So that's a long way of saying I agree totally, it just depends on the individual circumstances.

Mocha2001's picture

It is different in every state weather or not the spouse's income is included in the child support calculation. I believe in most states it is NOT a part of the equation to calculate child support, but can be a factor to be considered with one's ability to pay what the formula kicks out.

In Washington State if the bio parent does not have a job the step parent is NOT obligated to pay the child support for a child that is not theirs.

~ Katrina

Gwen's picture

That's right, it is different in every state. I can only speak to California. According to our attorney, in California, spouse's income is never considered, except for calculating bio parent tax obligations. If you file taxes married separate, it is not even considered for that purpose.

Cruella's picture

My Husband was in the Military full time and had a ton of benefits. He was on his feet and made enough money that he could take care of his children on his own if I weren't around. Life was good Well he is out of the Military and has been floating from job to job since then. I am the one with a stable job and now the only person working since DH had to have surgery.

I feel the skids are HIS and BM's responsibility. When I do something for them is because I want to not because I am liable. I do resent it if anyone tells me it is my job. It is not my job I raised 2 children as a single parent so there is no reason that 2 Bios can't do the same. I have been paying for these children when BB wont do for them and BF can't do for them. For a long time SKIDS didn't even say thank you when I bought them anything. So you know what....I STOPPED!!! They found out real quick who does for them and who doesn't. I ask my DH all the time. where would you and the kids be if I weren't around. I want him to be able to totally take care of HIS responisbilities and stop leaning on me so much. Things happen. I could get sick or die. Then what? Each parent should be able to stand on their 2 feet and not totally depend on each other.

Lisa Frances's picture

Hi Angel, my soon to be husband and I have 4 kids between us, 2 each from previous marriages. I look after mine and he looks after his. We have separate accounts for everything except our offset mortgage account which is joint.

It is very hard not to end up spending some of your money on his kids and visa versa. As long as it is minor stuff, not major expenses, it's OK. The big stuff definately belongs to the bio parents - not you.

Smile Just keep smiling......................

chicken little's picture

Hmm? Reading most of the comments I feel to differ. When I married my husband I married him and his children. They walked me down the isle as if my SS was my own. I would think if you often seperated things in the end it would cause problems within the marriage. Yes you can love a step child very dearly and pay many things and not find it resentful at all. We combine our money into one account and I pay the bills and yes even set up the child suport payment within my bill pay service. I dont even think he knows when it is due. But it really does not bother me. I buy all of my SS clothes etc...I love him as my own. Why would I not?

Mocha2001's picture

I have my own business, and have a separate checking account for that, but all of our bills are paid out of a joint account and any income I make goes into that joint account. Child support is paid via allotment from DH paycheck to the State. But we pay for daycare directly to the provider every two weeks, out of our joint checking account.

~ Katrina

sweetthing's picture

Because I was in a better place financially my DH offered to keep our money seperate & split our household bills. I declined this because to me this marriage is a partnership & we are a team. His CS comes directly out of his paycheck so we never see that money and he covers my health insurance as well as the kids. W/o these two factors our income is pretty close to the same. I have never felt resentful about spending money on the kids because I love them & they love me. I think when you have really good kids like my SS's it makes it easier.

I know that both my DH & Step kids know that it is my income that makes life easier and they are appreciative. I also think with our having the baby it would be really wierd to keep our finances seperate.

However my parents who have been married 40 years ( should have divorced 30 yrs ago) keep their money totally seperate & pay bills based upon each others earnings so go figure...everyone has to do what works for them.

Dona's picture

when the time comes for me to marry my BF, I think I'll have an account for just the skids. I don't mind contributing while they are with us, but if the money goes to BM then that would piss me off.

I now do lots for the kids when we are together and it's part of dating a BF/DH with kids. It makes it easier on him not to worry about things. What I won't do is support the extra money that the BM asks when she goes shopping for things that are not necessary or her trips. She wants no responsibility for the kids. She left the marriage and wants her fun and freedom.

I would love to see future skids to live permantly with my BF.

Good luck!!

jisselle's picture

My DH has the kids due to the, BM being a total loser! When my DH and I started dating the kids lived with BM, but then she totally got all whacked out and my DH gained custody of the Skids (we are married now so it is too late for me) we fight soooooo much about finaces especially since BM never has a job or bothers to pay for anything and I am always the one shelling out to help out where the BM can not even afford to pay for the skids lunches when she sends them to school. We also have one of our own and it makes me so upset that I have to pay their kids and my own child gets less because I have to pay for one that is not mine. So to answer your question: YES!! I am resentful the Bio parents need to step up and take responsibility for their children!!

Chocoholic's picture

so together we have 4... we have all of then 1/2 time and so there is no issue there.... Where I run into the issue is with dh spending too much on worthless crap! We recently agreed that I would take over the finances.... we have joint accounts but he has his own spending account.... he gets an allotted amount to spend each month and he brings his receipts home and I balance his book each night.... I don't understand how you didn't expect to be paying toward the kids.... I'm not trying to bash on you but.... HELLO!! Even IF only dh's money went toward his kids.... once he runs out, hes going to turn to you and then in essence, your money is still going toward the kids.... There is always going to be things that come up... my dh dropped my son off at school.... my son's dad is always forgetting to send him to school with lunch money and so the school builds an account of money that is owing.... my dh paid of the owing balance (which was not incurred during our time) and he funded my son's lunch account so that even if his dad failed to send money, my son would be covered.... My dh never said a word about it... we share our responsibilities... my kids OUR responsibility and his kids are OUR responsibility.... Although, it does annoy me that my dh's ex gets $860.00 per month from us yet she can't seem to provide essentials for the kids??

Cruella's picture

Yeah DH will probably turn to me but then it is my decision whether or not I bail him out. His check goes to a joint account with me and I can see all he is spending and he can see where I am spending my pay. I will NOT combine my money with him. He is a financial nightmare because BM ruined him financial. He is slowy recovering but I worked hard to get good credit on my own and I intend to keep it. I don't want my hard earned money and future retirement being spent on children who are not my own and problems the Bios created long before I came along. The SKIDS have parents good or bad. If they don't dress well then it is a reflection of both of the Bio's not on me. I raised my children as a single mom. I feel like my responsiblity is done. I do for my skids if and only when I feel like doing for them. I just bought a ton of clothes for them for school. Why??? because I love them and wanted to. Not because I felt obligated.

I had a step daughter from another marriage who I took great care of growing up and I barely get as much as a call from her. I am done with doing a thankless job and being a Marytr. Bad attitude???? Maybe but if I don't look out for my financial future do you think my SKIDS will take care of me......NOT! Believe me I thought the way you do when I first got married. But after thousands of my own dollars going into legal battles with BM for her BS and DH leaning on me so hard my back feels like it is breaking. I had enough and it opened my eyes.

happy mom's picture

In my situation, I don't discipline my SS, I let his dad do that and I don't spend any of my own money for SS. All started when BM turned her son against me. I just don't feel that I'm obligated at all to care for this stepchild. I don't tell people that he is my son, that he is my stepson. I just don't feel that I should be the one disciplining him and then if biomom disagrees with it I don't want to deal with any of that.

-happy mom

Bonus Wife's picture

Good question. I agree with Chocoholic. I own the house and am very financially responsible. He was a financial nightmare so we first had separate funds...and he gave me a certain amount each month (the most he could afford to give after he paid his few bills(insurance, car payment and gas, 401k loan repayment, and of course CS). But guess what! He'd run out of funds much much quicker than I did, so guess who had to pay for things like not only ALL our household bills but also all our entertainment when his kids came over? Me! And I felt like he was a tenant and I was a sugar momma! Then the worst thing happened...I looked on his bank statement and saw a debit for an item he managed to purchase for the exwife (FROM THE KIDS of course) for christmas and it was over $100 -So I was not only furious but resentful.

Now, we have joint accounts and I too have set up electronic bill payments for every one of both of our expenses including C.S. ...( more ex calling.."did you mail the check....when did you mail it? Is it gonna bounce??Blah blah blah.

Don't know yet if I am resentful....My biggest fear is that by the time my kid gets older (she's the youngest, he has three older than her) we will be in debt and won't be able to afford to give her as much as we give them. So, ask me in a few years.