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I'm leaving

dawnmblack's picture

After much thought and consideration and crying, I might add. I have decided to leave. I am going to go get boxes, pack my shit and I'm outta here. The only thing that has kept me here this long is because I didn't want to add any more changes to my kids lives. I just really can't do it anymore. I feel like the life has been slowly sucked out of me. I have put in so much more energy and work and money than he has. I guess SD will be happier now, she has her dad all to herself.
As far as were I'm going to go, I talked to my ex and the kids are there this weekend anyway. He told me I could move in. I don't plan to stay there but he lives on the same street as I do now. I think I'll stay long enough to find a place in the same area for my kids, so they don't have to have extra changes. We are friends nothing more but it will be so much more peaceful there that it has been here.

Bonus Wife's picture

Oh Dawnmblack...I'm so sorry. Please know you're in my thoughts. And, try not to think about too much..just take it one day at at time right now.

stamina's picture

The important point isn't that sd will be happier with her dad to herself (which probably won't be true) but that you will be more at peace without their chaos. Your happiness and that of your children is what counts and it you have more peace, there will be more happiness. Take care.

dawnmblack's picture

I will keep you posted. I already feel as a weight has been lifted. Yes, my ex is still my friend, I am lucky for that. It has been a hard decision but one I knew I would eventually have to make. Good luck to all of you step moms, it's such a hard and thankless job, in my case anyway.

Catch22's picture

In most of our cases. Good luck and I hope things, starting today, are on an upward slope for you and your kids.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Run 4 the hills's picture

Sorry to hear that you have more changes in store. Good for you for being strong enough to face up to it all

Wish you all the best honey.


Cruella's picture

I hope things turn out well for you! You deserve happiness.