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Thank You all!

nottheirmomma's picture

Been reading posts for some time now...I now know I'm not crazy and all of the crap we're dealing with is NOT my fault and I'm so grateful to all of the stepparents and parents on here. Thank You! Smile

Candice's picture

and I too am a Stepatlk Addict!

Welcome to the only place where we stepparents have to unload our frustrations w/o expensive therapy....


Run 4 the hills's picture

The boards don't always move as fast as the amount of online users would have you believe they would BUT it is a fab place full of wise, war wounded heroes who UNDERSTAND how HARD this all is!Only another woman who has walked in our shoes can appreciate it. Even the DH's ofthis world DO NOT GET IT!! (They are usually part of the problem Biggrin

As I said in my post this week - Ladies, I salute you!

And. . . . VENT we do!!!!! Lol.