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Please help my marriage

sassy_half's picture

I have an 11 yr old step daughter who had heart problems when she was born. She is really doing fine now, she will have to have another surgery when she is like 18 yrs old. But overall as normal as anyone else. My problem is this, she has been spoiled her whole life. She has her dad wrapped around her finger. What she wants she gets and if she doesnt she throws the biggest fit to get it, which she then gets it. She has said F..K YOU to my face, has told me she does not have to listen to me cause her mom said so. Treats me and my son like crap. Does nothing she is asked to do. When I try and confront my husband he says, OH this crap again when are you going to get over it? I have tried to leave before but he says oh it will change then he has the kids talk to me and say they are sorry but as soon I get home back to the same old crap. I dont know what to do. My husband will not go to counceling says that this is my problem i need to learn how to handle it. Told me to shut up and let him handle his house. Someone please help me am i wrong for wanting respect in my house. He is constanly telling me i was wrong in front of the kids so why should they ever listen to me. PLEASE HELP

Enuffsenuff's picture

When I moved in with BF-his kids were very disrespectful to me--it pissed me off. I think part of the problem was that me and my kids moved into their house. Their house-Their rules. But I put my foot down and demanded respect from his kids the same as I do mine.

I treated them all the same. If they argued--time out. Screamed/yelled in my face--time out. Tantrum to get their way--I don't think so--they didn't get what ever they were screaming about and they sat a long spell in time out until they were no longer screaming.

Do you not share in the discipline of the children? Does your Husband handle it all?
It's not wrong for you to want respect from your skids. In fact it no different the wanting respect from other people in general. You deserve it and should get it. However in your case it sounds like your SD is taking lesson's from her dad on the respect issue. If he undermines you in front of kids and disrespects you then they will do the same.

My BF use to constantly undermind me with the kids. I finally had to pull him aside and just tell him the truth of the matter. It hurts when the people you care about are disrespectful--but kids often learn what they live--so dad needs to respect you as well.

Hope that helped some

Oh Canada's picture

Let him know that *your* problem (as he puts it) is HIS problem as well. Counseling will really, really help! Sounds like SD could use a dose of it too.
I'm not exactly how to get a man to go to see a counselor if he just flat out wont go. My man had no issue talking with someone, as he wanted some answers/direction too. Although I must tell you, after a while he questioned the point of going after several months. Overall, it really changed things for the better - everone included! It seems like going to counseling really rocks the boat. Getting everything out on the table hurts sometimes. We have to face things we don't like. That's probably why your husband isn't interrested in sharing his failures with at total stranger - plus he's worried everything will be all his fault!
Assure him that it's not all his fault, you all are in this together!
It's not a sign of weakness to ask for help.

good luck!


Anne 8102's picture

You need to get some tips from Candice and the rest of us old-fashioned moms who still believe in washing a kid's mouth out with soap and swatting them on the butt once in awhile. Sounds like their dad needs a good old-fashioned ass-whooping, too.

~ Anne ~

h6not3's picture

I'm in agreement with Anne. I discipline, and even though it's a different kind with the skids, they still get some form of it when they backtalk. I have two skids who disrespect, however they don't dare do it if their dad (my hubby) is around! We are on the same page and are a team. WE have to be the same team in order to have a healthy, growing, loving, nourished, and happy marriage.

Please consider some marriage counseling for you two. I truly beleive that this will get worse unless you both are on the same page.

happy's picture

Well I agree with Anne too..
First of all, you tried to leave once and he said oh it will change and it hasn't. Secondly he told you this is YOUR problem, well when I was in counseling before my divorce my husband always told me we were fine that WE had no problems it was all me.. Couselor said to him that in a relationship if ONE of us had a problem then it was a WE problem. So his kids get to treat you like garbage?
Could you make it on your own?
Only asking because if you want him to see that you mean business you need to tell him you love him but that you can not take the stress in the home anymore.
He doesn't want you to leave but he is not doing anything to help prevent that from happening. So he thinks you are bluffing. Make him see that you are not bluffing this time.
You are an adult and in my eyes you have earned there respect. Do you cook,clean and make dinners, go grocery shopping.
Well if he wants to run his own house.. Let him. Make you and your son dinner, basically take care of your household. Which he pretty much made it clear is you and yours and him and his. Be a BITCH. You should not have to put up with that crap.
So she has some heart issues.. You are not making her run a marathon. And to be quite honest with you um when he is gone someday and she still has this attitude of I am going to do whatever to get my way there are some cases where that just does not happen. She needs her ass smacked and taught the lesson of I am done putting up with your mouth.
Or I would try the silent treatment.. of her. DO not talk to her. DO not do anything for her.. And when your husband gets angry with you tell him oh its your problem get over it..
Fight fire with fire on this..
It is his job to stand up for you to his kids.. And until he does you will still feel the same and in all reality of this you could get really resentful and loose respect for him as a whole, which then could end your marriage.. I am putting it probably a little to bluntly sorry its my mood today.
I wish you peace and serenity for the weekend..

sassy_half's picture

Thank you all so much for your reply. I really needed to hear someone say what i am feeling is right. I am trying the silient treatment, my mother always taught me IF YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING NICE SAY NOTHING AT ALL, and yes the hubby is getting mad at me. But tonight I am ready for a fight if ya know what i mean. He works only on Fri, Sat and Sun so i get stuck with her all weekend. I will keep you all posted. It is really nice to know i have someone to talk to now.

Anne 8102's picture

When any of my kids or skids get mouthy with me or cop an attitude, I inform them that the children don't treat the adults that way and then I start taking stuff away. My 9yo is a huge animal lover, so I can really get him by taking away Animal Planet. He mouths off, I say no AP tonight. He says, "But I was..." I interrupt and say, "No AP for two nights." Then he'll try to come back with something else and I say, "Do you want to go for three nights?" Usually, it stops at two nights. Now, not every kid can be coerced with taking away his right to watch Animal Planet on TV, but each kid has their kryptonite, so to speak. Find hers and she'll be putty in your hands. With the oldest, it's computer time. With the middle two, it's TV. With my 9yo, it's Animal Planet or anything animal-related. With my 3yo, well, I haven't found anything to tame her yet, but I'll let you know! Collecting iPods, video games, whatever they put value in will get their attention. It would be nice if we could sit our kids/skids down, have a nice little Ward and June Cleaver talk with them and have them automatically behave, but that's just not reality. Ransom their stuff for good behavior. It works in our house.

~ Anne ~

imagr8tma's picture

up and coming for you. Or it will be hard.

Your husband has to understand that sd has to respect you for your role in the household.

If not - disengage. She will get tired of being ignored.