im not sure whats out there on the internet yet on this idea but how about a forum to start talking about how the SYSTEM is nuts . Courts..lawyers..laws.. the whole ball of wax.. because if you look around this site you can plainly see .. some of the problem is a totally unfair court system that doesnt look at the whole picture when it comes to child support and fair REALISTIC child sharing.
Yes you are correct, court
Yes you are correct, court system is unfair. Like in our case, both parents have joint custody and we are only allowed to see the child 8x a month and that's it. What does joint custody mean if we can't share the child equally? Child has expressed his unhappiness with the visitation schedule. How do we bond w/this child, there is barely time.
isnt it sad...
Sad and ridiculous! I so hear what you are saying about joint custody.. and to take it one step farther.. i hate the word ~ visitation~ its not a visit its the sharing of raising your child/children.. especially for the so called ~ joint ~ custody.. eek already!
Its soo frustrating and sad when you hear how a child/children are expressing unhappiness with that as well.. in our situation, the oldest boy ( 15 yrs old ) has time and time again over the past 2 yrs expressed his own feelings about it..that it is stupid.
im so baffled on how joint custody equals 8 times a year..theres got to be something you can do? I dont think i understand much anymore these days when its comes to a lot of these issues.. things just arent make sense to me.
i hope so you are able to change things..
There are two kinds of joint custody in our case
There is joint legal custody and joint physical custody. In the beginning my husband had nothing "joint" at all. He was walking a tight rope to not make biomom mad so he could see his son. They had no court order or parenting plan at this time. Biomom was mooching off of her mother and moving one boyfriend after another into her mother's house. Then her mother got tired of it and left! Biomom now wanted MORE money from my husband. He told her that she could have more but they were going to come up with an agreement and sign it. So my husband got joint physical and legal due to biomom's greed. She still had residential custody though.
Now the tables are turned and have been for four years. Biomom still has joint legal but we have stepson here more than she does. So she really doesn't have joint physical anymore. We have the residential custody now.
So you can have a joint custody and maybe it is just legal and not physical.
Just a thought.
Hi Dawn...after reading your
Hi Dawn...after reading your message I wanted to ask how your husband ended up with more physical time with your ss than with his bio mom? Did she agree or fight the change? Was there a lot of cost involved with attorneys, etc.?
My situation right now is that my BF has joint legal and joint physical custody. And my BF's son spends equal time with each parent. My BF's son just mentioned to us last week that he seriously wants to spend less time with his bio mom and more time with us. The problem with that is his bio mom will most definitely not agree to make that kind of change. So we are trying to figure out whether we need to get my BF's son a guardian ad litem or do we need to go through our attorney? We don't know how to go about this especially because my BF's ex will think that my BF is the one who came up with this idea and she will probably panic and do something irratic like file for full custody. Any thoughts?
In our case, we had a third party, stepson's therapist, who pretty much made the decision. Biomom's way of living was determined by the therapist to be unstable and hurting stepson. Biomom admitted all of the bad things(no schedules, no routines, etc.) that she did to the therapist. Biomom also admitted that she didn't make her house a home for stepson. With all of this documented, we went forward with getting biomom to agree to stepson staying at our house more than hers. She did try to back out once, before it actually went through but my husband just reminded her of what she told the therapist and what the therapist told her. We did it all out of court. We had an attorney draw up the paper work and then eventually it got signed by a judge. Stepson wasn't really old enough at the time to give his own opinion even though he had stated that he did want to live with us.
How old is your stepson? If he is old enough his opinion will be taken into account but it won't be the final determining factor. If the ex will fight, then you will need at third party like a therapist or the guardian ad litem. It works out better if it isn't totally the ex against you guys.
My stepson is 11 years old. He is very mature for his age in some ways and not sure how the courts will view his reasons for wanting to live with my BF and I more than his bio mom. But he has told us that there is alcoholism in the household (both his bio mom and her new husband drink a lot). He also told us that his bio mom's new husband isn't very nice to him (mostly when bio mom's husband's son is around and when bio mom is not there). He is basically treated unfairly and feels that he has no outlet because bio mom knows that he feels this way and she has told my stepson that he just has to get used to their new family. I feel really bad for the child and I have told him that things will hopefully get better soon for him. The bio mom will definitely have a temper tantrum once she finds out that stepson doesn't want to be with her as much and it will be an ugly next few months. I thought about stepson talking to a therapist however, bio mom will not agree to something like that. Their situation is joint legal custody therefore, both parents need to give consent for treatment. (I am a therapist as well, so I know that she would need to give consent in order for stepson to see one). We will be contacting our attorney if stepson wants to go through with his proposed changes to the physical placement. We told him to take a week (while he is with his bio mom) to think about whether he is ready for everything emotionally. We told him that once bio mom finds out that stepson wants this change, she is probably going to make him feel very guilty and may even treat him differently. That is what I am worried about, especially since he will have to remain with her every other week until the court settles this matter.
In our case stepson was already seeing the therapist because he was having behavioral problems, which lead to his being diagnosed with ADHD. So biomom had already agreed for him to see the therapist for that. Otherwise, she probably wouldn't have wanted him to go either.
I hope everything works out for you.
Let me know how what happens.
What is it with these so called mothers.. why is it always about the money..i got into the wrong buisness i should have just been a baby factory and sat on my ass collecting cash!! what the hell is this shit anyway.. you have a child and for some reason that entitles you to a paycheck?? Bullshit.. More money..for what? Funny thing is that these women would have no problem living on their own having pets who need care and food.. but some how they have the money to do that!
I understand your
I understand your frustration. I used to get furiuos about the amount of money going to ex for child support each month. That is UNTIL... we had a baby of our own and I realized how expensive children really are. We pay $600.00 per month for child care alone. Thats not including food and clothes and toys, diaper, wipes and all the other things that come up, like regular check ups, or er visits and medications. And we only pay $500.00 child support to ex. Which I know doesn't even cover daycare for my stepson. And I am not trying to be rude but the costs for pets and children are NOT at all comparable. I have two dogs
I do however agree with you that the court system has failed to see how important child / parent bonding is beyond money. As we only have my stepson less than 80 % of the entire year.
wasnt rude at all
i wasnt making a dead serious comparison on pets and children but it is the same in a way.. any LIFE costs money..its just SOME use children for money, just like they use children to cause drama or get the father back in thier lives and the list goes on..
my last visit with the vet was 2200 bucks.. vets are more expensive than drs.that was for ONE visit with testing... and by no means am i being rude back.. i listen and hear what everyone is saying.. its just open discussion so no worries i hope
I guess we were fortuniate
I guess we were fortuniate because my husband only paid around $350/mth though he had a good salary. Luckily they weren't able to tap into all his income so for us that was minamal. I know what your talking about, his ex in the beginning tried to use the kid to continue a relationship with my husband. That I didn't allow, and wouldn't even allow her to call our house when her kid was there. If there absolutely had to be contact she had to talk to me or there was nothing, lol. In short, we took all the power from her and amen it worked great! She finally gave up when we had our owns kids.
JMO but when you have your own kids and theres a visiting step child, that you only see so much a year; it just doesn't work. He was being raised totally different, and my values were completely different and a more structured environment. Our kids, didn't want the step child over because he was viewed as an unwanted visiter, so in short it was so uncomfortable at our house that as the kid got older he didn't come over. I just don't see many cases where that does work, even with joint custody. Our kids didn't consider SS as a relation or sibling, and none of us really bonded with him. Even if we saw him a lot in the beginning It wouldn't have worked. My husband was divorced from his wife and dated this woman for a few months and she purposely got pregnant to entrap him. So this was never a child he wanted to begin with, nor did he plan to be with the mother. Sad for the kid, but it all worked out. He's grown and doing well, we don't see him but he's always been raised by her and her family and that just worked out for everyone involved.
That's kind of cold.imo. So
That's kind of cold.imo. So you played a pivitol role in weeding this poor child out of his fathers life and the life of his step-siblings. And seem very pleased with the results of your efforts.
For you to say...."So this was never a child he wanted to begin with, nor did he plan to be with the mother. Sad for the kid, but it all worked out." FOR ME!! you left the "for me"part...I totally screwed up this childs life....but oh well...."it all worked out FOR ME!!
Man, that's cold!!!! I couldn't do that! I care about people and peoples feelings....sometimes yes to my own detriment.... I stress over things, I feel guilt at times, but to say 'the kid wasn't wanted anyway so I got rid of big loss!!!' OMG
It probably was in the kids best interests that his mother..kept him away from you, you sound very cold and a control freak.
I'm sorry....I'm being very blunt and judgemental....but what you just said....really upsets me. What if the child that was treated that way, separated from his father/siblings etc....was YOUR child. If my X's GF interfered with MY childrens' relationship...and drove them out of his life...and thier siblings lives. GOD FU#@ING HELP HER!!! imo
And to top it are
And to top it are quite pleased that you were successful in hiding money and denying this child his legal right to be supported financially by his father. He was raised by a single mother with only $350.oo per month from Daddy dearest....While you travel the your leisure... It's not his fault Dad didn't wrap it...why did you insist the child had to pay for it!!
What kind of money was it 13 years ago?
I'm not standing up for all the comments that were stated by this person in an earlier post, but I did want to point out something..she stated that this child is a grown adult, so let's say that is 20 years old..what was $350.00 per month cs 20 or 15 years ago? I'm just curious, in today's money that isn't a lot considering what most non-custodial parents pay, but was is sufficient 20 years ago?
I know she made some comments about hiding money and that upset you, but I'm just curious to know if the money back then was truly sufficient, and didn't make the child suffer.
This is just what popped in my head reading these posts...tell me what you think..
Here I'll help clarify, she
Here I'll help clarify, she entrapped another guy the same way. Yes they both needed to pay child support, and certainly I agree with that. However, if she was sent $350 or $3500. per month wouldn't have mattered. Today she lives in a dumpy rental, never owning her own home and drives an old car. Still trying to swindle the companies she gets jobs at for a phoney disability.
There's not a lot you can do if the BM is really horrible, unless she is burning the kid with cigarettes or other abuse. Mental abuse is hard to prove. The BM is still the BM, yes my husband made a mistake and yes he took responsibility. However, we chose to cut her out of our life and our decisions were good ones based on our situation.
Again any suffering was inflicted by the mother, something I'll never get. BTW $350. was more then enough, do you think the kid really benefited from that? As he got older he was in that lifestyle around her nutso family, so that was all he knew. Now thankfully he got away, and just perhaps he may not follow in her footsteps; time will tell.
I am shocked
I have to say I am shocked by a lot of your comments on here. I wonder why you are even on a stepparenting site when you obviously couldn't stand the fact your husband had a child from another marriage. Your advice isn't helpful only hateful IMO. Lovin Life is right...everything worked out FOR YOU. How do you know his son wasn't hurt by the fact his dad basically abandoned him for his "new family". I know I wouldn't want to have children with a man who could just give up his son that easily. Your carefree attitude about this child disgusts me..."Sad for the kid" like Oh well who cares...Seriously, what is wrong with you?
I too am a little
Taken back by all your comments..
I have two bio kids and two SK and I love them all very much. I get very upset with SK more so then my own because I had no hand in raising them and they are different from my kids but I would never take there father away from them. That is there dad.
Child support issue, every parent whether it be father or the mother deserves the FAIREST support.. I think its very sad that you find it rewarding for you that he only pay so much in support a month. Never mind the child, how rude. I will tell you this my ex is suppose to pay $520 a month and can't pay that and I know he has money all over. If I could tell this woman who you were I would just so she could call the IRS and tell them to audit you or at least investigate.
The issue at hand about your husband not wanting this child. Then he should have kept his pecker in his pants. HE played and lost. That is true with any man who slips into bed with someone they do not know very well. Irregardless if she tricked him or not. If hes an adult then he knows how children are made. Also its not just up to the woman to take birth control. ITs a two way street.
I think that your comment was very rude and selfish. And true that it did not help anyone here. This site is not to be vendictive against kids, we are all trying to deal with our situations and come up with solutions and learn from one another on how to bond with our non- bio kids.
WIth all that being said. Since you are probably feeling sorry for yourself about what we have all said, take some of that support money that the child deserved and go buy a new outfit and wallow in your pitty.
Personally you the more I think of it the more upset I get with you. May you be to old for this to happen to you or one of your children. THink about that how would you feel if this was one of your children and one of your grandchildren. I am sure with your personality that you would not lay down and take it oh no you would be saying lets get him. How rude.. Think before you speak..
Oh yeah better go buy some rain coats for your husband so this doesn't happen to you.. Now I am smiling.. Have a wonderful day..
First of all you don't know
First of all you don't know what our situation was and that was over 13 years ago.
Actually the only one who ever hurt the child who is NOW a grown man was the bitter revengeful mother. We refused to act that way or feed into her. Or put her down in front of the child, she was totally the opposite. We figured as he got older he would see things for what they were, and he did.
BTW He now lives in another country because when he grew up he realized how awful his mother was and couldn't wait to move out.
Not knowing our situation you are very rude with those comments, and I feel sorry for you if that anger and bitterness is apparent to your kids.
Hope you get some help there..and You Also have a wonderful day..
Maybe I don't
or didn't know your situation.. It sounded like you were patting yourself on the back for not paying a lot in child support and at the fact that your husband did not want this child and that he picked his new family over his first obligation. Thats where my comments came from.
Let me tell you I am trying not to pass judgement as we all shouldn't I was going exactly by what you wrote. Which to me and some others sounded very selfish..
Just so you know we as a family have some issues but we work thru them and I do not have an anger issue and my kids are all good kids.. They are all mine not step they are mine and even though we do not see eye to eye on things we all still do care and love each other. So I just want to clear that up for you.
Maybe so this does not happen again and people do not pass judgement on you maybe explain things better..
Going out on a limb... defend her comments a little. I have two biological kids and three stepkids. I love them all immensely. Do I love them all the same? Of course, not. Do I have a greater bond with my biological kids? Certainly. Love is something we feel, not something we can be made to feel. I personally think - whether she is right, wrong or indifferent - that it took a lot of guts, especially on this site, to admit to not having a vast supply of undying love and devotion for this child. Marrying a man who has children doesn't make you automatically love those children.
If the father doesn't have a strong emotional connection to the child, why should she be expected to have one? Since when is it the stepmother's responsibility to maintain that relationship? Shouldn't it be the father's responsibility? I've seen this happen in my own situation, where the biological mother got pregnant with the first child through an adulterous relationship. My husband agreed to stay and raise the child as his own, but as soon as that child was born, biological mother (who said she was on the pill) got pregnant again immediately to make sure he would stay in the marriage. A couple of years later, when they were having problems and trying to work through them, she had another unplanned (by him) pregnancy to try to keep him. They still ended up divorcing, but out of it came three children that my husband never planned to have. Now, he loves these kids with his whole heart and is as involved with them as their mother allows him to be, but that's because he bonded with them. It sounds like this guy never did.
Let me ask you this... since this was an unplanned pregnancy and the child was not wanted by the father, then what makes him any different from a mother who gives a baby up for adoption? Mothers can give their children up for adoption and they don't face as much social stigma anymore, but fathers don't have that same right in our legal system. Fathers have to pay and, I'm sorry, ladies, but many times they pay out the nose because of jealous, vindictive, money-hungry ex-wives who use their children, the law and child support to try to ruin an ex-husband, just because he doesn't want her anymore.
Yes, it is sad for the kid. The kids always get hurt in these situations and it's awful. All children should be born into stable homes by loving, committed parents. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Believe it or not, there are some women out there who use their ability to conceive as a money-making venture. This kid didn't ask to be born, but his father didn't ask for him to be born, either. The only thing worse than no relationship is one that is forced.
We are all here because we need a place to vent about our frustrating step situations. I don't think there is one single person who came here to be judged. I know I didn't and I know I am not here to judge anyone else. I thought this was a place where we could go for support, to ask for advice and to commiserate with others in similar situations. If this is where we go to be judged for being horrible people because we don't love our steps enough, then I guess I am at the wrong place.
~ Anne ~
Good One, Anne
...that is such a true aspect.The courts and the trickster can make the guy pay support, but that is about it.
Too many women have and are using that one, so if their not bonded with those kids its another fact. If I were a man I would be closer to the children I planned and with the person I planned them with. NOT like the women you are talking about who used trickery.
If the dad refuses to allow bm or that child into his future, that woman is at fault. Too bad the courts don't have a law for that type of fraud...yet, JMO.
It takes two to tango
It took two people to create that child, so TWO people need to be held accountable. He always had the option to keep his dick in his pants (pardon my bluntness) but this makes me sick when women who come along "after the fact", defending "their man" and totally holding the woman who got pregnant accountable. I realize there are women who play the "add another kid" game, but dammit, MEN DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM. and if they DO CHOOSE to have sex with them and she ends up pregnant...well GUESS WHAT??? He's going to be a father and needs to step up to the plate. Be a dam father and not a sperm donor. Yes, it is the CHILD that suffers in all this. Doesn't anybody give a crap about that? It's not about the man crying "oh poor me, she trapped me". Thats just bullshit and a total copout. Whether he "Wants" to be a part of this childs life or not is no longer his choice. Kids are not puppies. You can't change your mind and take them back to the pound. This makes me crazy !!!!!!!
We had this discussion not to long ago about choices and options….i’ll just reiterate what I fel then and still feel now on the topic…just like men have the “keep his dick in his pants option” the woman has the same option to keep her legs crossed. BOTH are responsible for an unplanned pregnancy…however, after that is said and done the mother (who we’ve established is 50% responsible) has 100% of the choice to adopt out, abort or keep the baby…the man has 0% choice at this point! She can still choose if she wants to be a mother or not and many woman world wide OPT OUT but men are “stuck” with the decision that the women make…men should be able to opt out too in some instances!
Make a GREAT Day!
i hear what you are saying Nise
and I agree with what you are saying; depending again on circumstance. What i was referring to was men who "opt in" while it's convenient and cute, but run like hell when it gets hard and then use the excuse "she trapped me". I agree that men have no options to speak of on whether or not the woman continues the pregnancy and that sucks. And yes, women can certainly keep their legs together. What I don't agree with is men who "try" the father thing and when it doesn't work, they want to pretend the child does not exist. And I certainly do not agree with women who use child support and multiple children for financial gain nor do i agree with men who hide income or quit jobs so they don't have to pay support. This is a huge can of worms that's been opened!! I'm off my soapbox.
I disagree completely...
Yes woman do have a choice once they are pregnant in terms of how to proceed and men complain that they have no choice. But isn't it interesting that no matter what choice the woman makes, there are repercussions to her, physically, emotionally and spiritually...not so for dear old dad! As well, if the man chooses not to support the child, whether he wanted the child or not, he can do so. Child support orders...a joke! So my advice to students know how it works, take responsibility for your own actions...pregnancy is the least intrusive sequelae associated with unprotected sex. I don't understand how men (and woman for that matter) are comfortable having unprotected sex with that person and all the persons that they have slept with, thus exposing themselves to a multitude of STIs, some that are lethal! That part I don't get!
What makes me crazy... women who lie and say they are on BCP when they are not and the men who learn the hard way that they can't be trusted. It also makes me crazy that men do not have the choice to give their children up for adoption in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, but the women do. It is a blatant double standard and, frankly, it is not fair to villify men for wanting an option that has long been available to women.
~ Anne ~
Soooo True
On hubbys side theres a relative (twice removed!) that dates these guys and suddenly become pregnant! Right now she's getting support for two of the guys shes conned. And the third man, happen to die leaving the child/her as beneficary of his 401k, social security and Life insurance!! While the rest of us went to college and work hard shes made a pretty good living out of scamming people!!! Sorry to vent but this really amazes me about this girl. I also worked in the legal field, and its a occupation with more women then you would care to know about.
Sure these men have to pay support, but can you realistically believe they all want to bond with those children? I above all wouldn't expect their gf or wives to have any responsibility or bonding, its just not right. In response to your comment, probably MANY use children for money I'm thinking! Just The Facts
Someone said in another post...
That a woman doesn't get pregnant by herself...there is a Dad involved. Likewise it is true that a man can't be tricked into getting a woman pregnant. If men truly don't want to reproduce, they need to keep their goodies wrapped. If they don't and they one of their sexual relief units get pregnant, too sympathy for them! Women can only keep this going as long as their on men that are dumb enough to participate.
I would LOVE to get $500 for one child. I get $400 for 2. I pay for all school supplies as well as clothes and daycare. I put out almost $400 a month in their activity fees (karate, gymnastics, etc). I know my ex husband hates that the state takes the money our of his check and put it into my account. He wants full custody rather than every other weekend so that he doesn't have to pay it, but there is no chance of that. I would take a 2nd job on to pay for another attorney. I would be saving money that way for sure, but a GAL determined he is not a good influence on the kids and should not see him more.
Child support as a paycheck & I got in the wrong business2 Funny
Funny they call it *child support* hasn't worked that way for us. We see the kid get nothing, and I mean nothing while her older sister gets everything she wants. Apparently it's our job to pay child support and buy the youngest everything because *mom* buys everything for the oldest. It really sucks and I have about had it. The *child support* is nothing but a paycheck for her and the world owes her everything. When I raised my son as a single parent I couldn't get any type of welfare and lived in a one bedroom apartment and ate only after my son was finished eating to make her there was enough. Often times there wasn't enough. The child support that should be receiving put me just over the poverty line, although, funny enough I wasn't getting the child support but it didn't matter. After the humilation of going to welfare when working full time.
money is important too...
I do see the purpose/need for child support…A woman cannot make a baby on her own and shouldn’t be expected to take care of one alone either...even if he contributes less than she does (i.e. if he makes less) a father should still contribute towards the support of his children. If my husband didn’t financially support his children, I would have no respect for him and I would not be able to be with him…HOWEVER the same is true for mental, physical, emotional, spiritual support…ALL ARE EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT AS FINANCIAL SUPPORT and that is what ticks me off about these courts…my husband doesn’t just want to send a check…he wants to be a father in every sense of the word but the court doest value emotional/spiritual support…if SHE denies him the opportunity to emotionally support his kids they do NOTHING…but if he doesn’t support them financially THEY WILL PUT HIM IN JAIL…now that is the BS!!!
That is very true. It would be very hard to give all of the other supports that you mentioned without enough time with the kids.
We are lucky. We have stepson 2/3 of the time. My husband is my stepson's soccer coach and is getting into the leadership in the Boy Scouts. He does all that he can with stepson. Biomom gets stepson 10 days out of a normal month(no holidays). It just isn't in stepson's best interest to spend more time with his mom. She tends to let things slide. When she had residential custody stepson would miss Dr.'s appointment, wouldn't eat right, wouldn't get his homework done, etc. So we started taking care of as much as we could even before the custody was switched.
The only things that biomom is responsible for now is whatever stepson needs while he is at her house. She has clothes and toys for him. She feeds him and he has his own room. My husband pays for stepson's medical, dental and vision insurance. He pays for any kind of school expense (registration, school lunches, school supplies, etc.). My husband signs stepson up and pays for all extra curricular activities(so far anyway). We take stepson to all of his appointments and we also pay for his haircuts. We buy school shoes and winter coats. Biomom does none of this on a regular basis. Occasionally she doesn't like something we buy and gets a wild hair to buy her own. However, I don't see a reason for my husband to pay biomom any CS at this point but he still is.
Definitely true Nise...
I agree Nise about the child support issue. My former spouse was ordered to pay child support but has NO relationship with his kids...hasn't seen them in years. They suffer the repercussions of this rejection and that part is sad but they are thriving in spite of this. In the end, his loss...but early on, definitely their loss.
The system needs to be overhauled!
I completely understand the need for child support and my husband has no problem paying it each month. Our beef is that everytime my husband does not bow to the demands of the mother she screams bloody murder and tells him she is going to take him to court for more money. He only sees his daughter 4 days a month and the way I see it, if she gets the child for 26 days a month than she should be prepared to carry the majority of the financial burden. My husband carries the burden of missing his daughter for 26 days a month and would gleefully exchange burdens with her. Yes, we have more disposal income but if he had primary custody then she would be the one with more disposal income. Wether the child lived with her or not she would still have to pay her mortgage and utilities. It is not fair to expect to have the child a majority of the time and still live high on the hog. Neither of my husbands ex-wives live in poverty. They both are remarried and own their own homes. Both own two vehicles and have the money to get their nails done. But, neither one works. My husband and I both work and live within our means. If we want to buy something for ourselves we should not be punished for working hard to get it.
As for the courts, I have a very strong opinion about that. I have noticed that the judges have to rule in favor of what is best for the child. The custodial parents get away with a lot more than they should because the courts do not want to punish them in a manner that might hurt the children. In my state it is against the law to withhold visitation. A ticket is supposed to be issued for each offense. After the third offense it becomes a felony and there is mandatory jailtime. Guess what, there is not a single police agency that will enforce the law because it is not in the childs best interest to punish the custodial parent. My husbands second wife has been to taken to court nine times in the last 12 months by her first husband for numerous offenses. She has yet to pay his legal fees as instructed by the judge. Her lawyer keeps getting the case continued. My husbands second wife is in contempt of court right now on five counts. We have to pay our attorney a $1000.00 retainer fee before he will even file the paperwork to get her infront of a judge. That is not fair for us to have to shell out that kind of money to get her to do what the judge has already instructed her to do. Yet, if my husband defaults on his child support the state will drag him to court with no fee to her. Where is the justice for the non-custodial parent? I have started to lobby the state government to get these laws changed. Let's really start doing what is in the best interest of the child and not the best interest of the custodial parent! Sorry, if I went off on a rant. This is a subject close to my heart that I am hell bent on getting changed.
Good for you lmae! I agree
Good for you lmae! I agree 100% with ALL that you said! Especially the fact that the custodial parent has bills that they are responsible for regardless of if they have a child/or children in their household or when they talk about stuff like child care, schools fees/supplies etc...okay...I can see that but the mortgage...well there are not too many one bedroom homes on the even if it was just'd have a mortgage...same with water, electricity, heat, phone, etc. etc...I know that additional people in a household add to those bills in usage (more people more water) but COME's not to the degree that they gripe one thinks about the fact that we also have to provide things for the child while they are in our care as non custodial parents...just b/c they don't "live here" full time doesn't mean that they don't need bedroom suits, food, baths, toys, in some cases clothes etc, etc...that is not taken into consideration....especially the fact that the non custodial house is seen as the "fun zone" and we can blow a lot of money in a weekend trying to "entertain" the kids...and the minute that she gets her panties in a bunch...back to court we go for more money and then we see the kids when the mother sees fit CONTRARY to the scheduled time the court husband has taken his visitation order to the mothers house with the police for them to tell him that all they can do is take a report b/c they cannot remove the child from the mom's custody...well why not? Per the court, it is his time to be with the if he had her when it wasn't his time and the mom came to our house with the police they would GLADLY take her from her father and hand her over to her mother and charge her with kidnapping! Silly me...I always thought that the purpose of the police was to ENFORCE the LAWS and orders mandated by the Judiciary and Legislative branches of govt...It is close to my heart as well and I'll gladly back any of your efforts to effect change! I'm in Ohio....
yeah! We can make changes if we all raise our voices
I can't even begin to express the bias against most responsible dads by the courts and the courts can even dare say they are acting in the best interests of the child. My BF pays the mortgage in lieu of child support according to judges order which literally leaves him with a couple hundred of dollars a month for him to survive on. Ex had a well paying job that she quit when my Bf filed for divorce. she was ordered to pay him a small amount of money each month in return coz the mortgage payment was rather expensive. This were suppose to be temporary orders before divorce hearing. she has only paid for a couple of months in 3yrs. My BF has never missed a payment, then to top it off she won't let my BF see the kids according to court's order yet they have joint legal custody. Even went on welfare and tried to get more money from my BF when she went to court and lied that my bf was behind payments. She got away with that, my BF filed for contempt of court coz of distracting visitations. Court has posptoned the hearing 3 times saying that will be heard in the divorce hearing. Its been 3 yrs since the divorce was filed. Stupid woman has manipulated the court system to slow down the hearings. My Bfs kids miss him so badly especially the younger one and don't even want him to leave after a visitation. One time I overheard the younger kid crying on the phone that she wanted to see her father and the mother in the background was yelling no. That woman is not a human being, even animals have a heart. There is so much evidence in the divorce papers but the courts refused to leave them. Woman played victim by filing false charges so everyone feels sorry for her. It's so aggravating to see grown women behave like that. I have a kid and her father has refused to pay court ordered child support, he goes for a month and over without seeing his child or even communicate with him, yet when his dumb brain reminds him he has a kid somewhere, he calls and I don't prevent my daughter from talking to him or even visiting with him. Its hurts a lot when I saw my BF who is really interested in his kids and pay his dues have such a rough time trying to fight to keep a relationship with the kids. After all, he was the one who cared for those kids mostly when their mother was out hanging out with other men and coming home at 3a.m. Surely, surely, surely the family courts need to stop being indifferent to such issues and give credit where it is due. Maybe the judges do not have any male relatives going thro such unnecessary ordeals coz if they did, they could really consider the children who are the ones who hurt the most in the end. I am considering joining a father's rights group. Does anyone know of any?
Just reading your post I was
Just reading your post I was thinking be careful what you wish for. I'd rather pay the money and have the step kids live with the bio mom, and their less with us. Why because if you have them more, it creates more stress and issues within your marriage, jmo.
Luckily, it was mostly just my husband and our two kids. Our kids didn't want his comming over, so personally if I had to pay her more to keep them, fine by me. lol Today we have a great marriage, our kids didn't have to share their dad and have turned out well.
Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture, and going to court is costly plus life is too short. Just enjoy your husband and own family, JMO
So what is the relationship like with your kids and their siblings from their dad’s other relationship? How old were your kids when they decided that they didn’t want their sibling to visit and did you allow them (your kids) to make that decision? It sounds to me like the kids you and your husband had became a “replacement family” and his previous kids were kept on the outskirts…I’m not saying it to judge…just to say that as a stepchild and now a stepmother, I don’t see this set up as ideal…
Make a GREAT Day!
You go nise!!!! I'm glad I'm
You go nise!!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one taking offense these ramblings
Isn't that the truth, sometimes it doesn't work with Steps and your own kids. If BM is raising the step in not a good way it can affect your own kids or with all the fighting.
We concentrated on our own kids, couldn't control bm and courts can't control feelings.
Amen, ladies. I, too, am
Amen, ladies. I, too, am thoroughly disgusted by the system. In the state of Maine there is actually a law on the books that a mother with a child under the age of three does not have to work and the court will not impute any wages for her when figuring child support. So, the ex took full advantage of that and let her CNA license expire in the middle of the divorce, just because she didn't feel like working. Why should she? SHe was living off welfare and the $800/month he was paying her for child support and had no bills because she just moved back in with her mother(her mother actually had an addition built on to her house so that the ex and the kids could move in as the ex's sister and her kid already lived there). Then the judge allowed her attorney to question my husband as to how much $ I made. Last I checked, dating someone does not make them in any way financially responsible for your kids. And apparently the $ her mother makes was a non issue. Meanwhile, for four years she didn't work, but went to school FT, at no cost to herself. The state even paid for her daycare and school books. In the meantime, he hasn't been allowed by her to see the kids in 3 years. My husband called the local cops, the county cops, the state police, and the DAs office when she first stopped visitation and no one could enforce his order. He was told he had to go back to court and get an order to enforce. What the hell good is the first order?!
What I want to know is where is the incentive to be a decent, self-supporting individual? My husband and I have worked FT, put our kids in daycare (Not because we wanted to- but someone has to be a grown up and support our kids and hers), paid bills, and continued to fall behind because he lost his job and no longer makes the amount that the judge ordered child support at but hasn't been able to get the child support reduction before a judge in 1 1/2 years because she keeps filing for mediation, continuances, etc.
The whole experience had made me much more cynical about the court system and how "fair" they are. Even when you are allowed visitation, what kind of relationship can you have with your kids when you see them every other weekend- four days a month? That's 48 days a year. In most cases, their extended family, teachers, friends, even the friggin lady at the grocery store sees them more than that.
Nice when it can work but
not if its a few times a mth which is the norm. Top it off you have a ex who is hateful and negative. Then the kid brings all the hatred into the home and turns out like the ex. or you have other children that this one can affect. All because BM is wageing a war.
I don't blame anyone when that child turns into a monster and no one wants to be around the kid. All because the other parent was psycho, and it doesn't work going to court. Because BM gets even madder and withholds visitation and just poisons the child more!
We can start with the state government...
I firmly believe we can make a change if we all just start making ourselves heard. I am very politically active and made it clear to my state and federal reps that I am not going to go away. This is a call to arms, ladies. We have to start making changes at the state level and work our way up to the federal level. There are numerous studies proving that a child functions at a peak level when both bio-parents are fully active in the childs life. The law makers need to recognize this as well as the family courts and start making changes that truly benefit the child. I cannot see how it would benefit any child when they only see one parent twice a month for two days. Our husbands (also included are mothers who do not have custody) should not be seen as cash machines to the courts. Yes, I realize that in the past there were many fathers who walked away from their families but today there are far more fathers willing to take on the responsibility of child rearing and should not continue to be punished by the courts for the mistakes of past generations. My husband has far more to offer in emotional support and morals than his two ex-wives but today the courts still will not acknowledge his desire to raise his daughters. He is still seen as the "bad guy" even though both mothers walked out on him to pursue relationships with other men. It is not his fault he has the capability to earn more money than the mothers but nobody told them not to work or to drop out of highschool during their senior year. I have worked since I was sixteen and add considerably to our income but we are bad people because we are more financially sound. I fear what these children are learning by the actions of their custodial parents and it pisses me off that the courts ignore the bad actions of custodial parents only because the children reside with them. So, this Monday call your reps and make them know you vote and will vote according to your issues. Thanks for reading my rants. I will be happy to supply links to all state and federal reps if anyone wants them.
We can try and get laws
We can try and get laws changed but the reality is, you simply cannot divide a child. And if were all 100% honest, divorce doesn't work for children. Neither does the blended famililes. Yes you can minamize the damage, but in this country its not working nor will it ever. A custodial parent can always withhold visitation, I've seen it a lot. They can make up excuses that the child is sick, or any other excuse and you simply cannot go to court over every infraction.
So laws can only go so far. I believe we need to teach people to go to couples counseling before marriage and kids. Teach young men about their responsibility in using birth control and so on. Because the system isn't working, nor going to work for children. We need to not get to the point where our divorce rate is so high, or unplanned pregnancies and so fourth. When people have multiple marriages theres a problem right there, and people that keep having kids with many partners. These are the things that need to be addressed imo.
Child Support
I just wanted to comment on child support. If a biological father (or mother) shares 50% custody, why should there be any child support? Parents are grown ups and it is not the responsibility of one to ensure the other financial security. If one parent is unable to provide the financial means to care for the child, then the custody should reflect that. IE my husband has 50% custody, yet still has to pay $550 child support to the bio mom. She refuses to work, her parents have bought her a home. When my husband has to go to court because of her behavior (drinking, providing alcohol to minors,physical abuse), it is the expectation of the court my husband pays half of her attys fees. (Not to mention they fail to recognize the danger the children are in). If one parent cannot manage to financially be responsible for their children, then the other parent should have more custody. We live in a "victimized" society where no one wants to take responsibility for themselves. They want everyone else to take care of them. When there is a will, there is a way. Get a job and take care of yourself and your child/ren. It's not your ex-spouses responsibility. If one bio parent chooses not to share in the physical custody and share the responsibility for raising the child/ren 50% of the time, then they should pay child support.
The joint custody doesn't
The joint custody doesn't work, I've rarely seen it work for the child. Its to much to go back and fourth, thats the problem. Babies need to be with mothers the majority of the time and toddlers. Unless theres abuse or something the mother child bond is very important and judges know this. Why sole custody to mother is the norm just about everywhere as should be. 90% of the time when the father wants joint, its only to get out of support.
Brandy, i couldn't DISAGREE with you more!!!
I don’t know what kind of fathers you are used to dealing with but it sounds sad to me!
“Unless theres abuse or something the mother child bond is very important and judges know this.”
I think that the father child bond is equally as important and judges NEED to get HIP to this! I think that is why the US Department of Health and Human services has been “promoting responsible fatherhood” in conjunction with the National Fatherhood Initiative…I think that the majority of the problems that we are seeing in the world today stem from the belief that a mother child bond supersedes a father child bond…judges are pushing fathers out of the picture on one end in the “best interest of the child” and then a few 10-12 years later they see that kid right back in their court b/c if GOD had intended for women to raise children alone, they would be able to get pregnant alone…until that day comes…I think we need to value the bond of each parent, equally important for the sake of our children and our communities…maybe it is not to late to save them both!
And another thing….no father wants custody purely to get out of paying child support! Wouldn’t it be easier to send a check and “check out” then to spend BUTT LOADS OF MONEY in court fighting for the right to help raise your child, make decision for their future, ect…my husband had to take SD6’s mom to court just to PROVE he was the father…that psycho bitch at the ripe old age of 32/33 checked into the hospital under an assumed name so my husband wouldn’t be there…then her nut of a mother (who she still lived with and threatened to kick her out like she was a teenaged mom?!) told my husband he could see HIS DAUGHTER after the “got her immune system built up in a year or so” WTF? So…instead of just walking away from what was obviously going to be a BATTLE AND A HALF he paid to get a lawyer to fight for his daughter…any man who does this is not doing it to get out of support…it is cheaper/less DRAMA to just pay the damn money and let her do what she is going to do!!! But they want joint custody b/c they care!
Make a GREAT Day!
There are some fathers who are money not child motivated
"And another thing….no father wants custody purely to get out of paying child support!"
I know one!!
My X informed my of his intentions to purchase a house about 6 months to a year before he actually did.
He stated during this conversation that he wanted to pay less in child support so he could save money for his house. (NO!!) AND, I don't know why he would tell ME this, but while on the subject of CS, he told me it was his intention to go after 50 % custody...after he bought the house...he beleived that he wouldn't have to pay child-support AT ALL!! I informed him that because of the HUGE difference in salaries between he & I...that he would still have to pay child support even if he had the kids 50 % of the time.
Also...know of a woman I used to work with..her son went to live with his Dad when he became a teen. Dad welcomed him with open arms, didn't pay for SFA for clothing..etc...(his mom continued to do that)Daddy dearest couldn't wait to cut off CS and gladly cashed his CTB check every month.....but THE DAY this kid turned 18....he dropped him back off on his mothers doorstep and left town!!
They are out there, Nise!!
I was always the child-care provider & he the income earner. So whether he pays $800 month in daily child-care expenses & babbysitting fees so he can work, travel, golf, party, etc... or pays CS and little else and never has to worry about homework getting done, or who has to be driven where & when, etc..
I don't think he minds.......
Like Teri has mentioned.....its easier for some men to just write a check and be done with thier offspring!
Like Teri has
Like Teri has mentioned.....its easier for some men to just write a check and be done with thier offspring!
I agree completely, all the more reason why it is easier to write a check and NOT spend the money and time fighting in court for custody (that they are not likely to get awarded to them anyway) if you have 0 concern for the kids!
Make a GREAT Day!
That is a sad situation for
That is a sad situation for fathers who Truely Want to maximize time spent with thier children......and lawyers/the courts are a money pit....that don't seem to understand what best interests of the child are sometimes...
But in my situation, even when fighting in court for custody isn't/wasn't an isssue.... (I actually encouraged him to find a place close to the kids neighbourhood..when we first split 5 years he could be in a position for 50/50...he responded by telling me "his life was is 'such-in-such' suburb'"... but the only thing there were his 'party buddies'...that's sad too)
He was all set to put the time into his kids when he thought he wouldn't have to pay CS....(or at least talked the talked)
When he discovered that he would still have to pay (although a lesser amount) AND actually take somekind of responsibility for their day-to-day needs, get them ready for school, drive them here & there, never happened! He has NEVER done any of those things...and if they have somewhere important to be in the morning..they won't stay with him...cause he is soooo irresponsible and has messed it up for them soooooo many times.
So legal battles being irrelevant and all things considered...I beleive it's easier for him..(based on his words, actions & statements past & present)..that I continue to be 'primary care-giver' and he continues to be 'provider' as it was when we were married..
I'm not saying all men are like that...or that he doesn't miss his kids..on a daily basis.. But overall, his lifestyle is buddy oriented not child oriented......always was!
Child/spousal Support
We have what is called "first family priority" which means that our family takes backseat to his first family. My husband pays a ton of money for child support and 50% of all the extras (dance, gymnastics ect)...fine we can afford it and it is for SD but give us 50%. We went through a nasty legally case last year and we received more time 37% (at 40% it affects the money she receives) and we are still fighting for more. I had to return to work early from my mat leave because we couldn't afford for me to stay home with our son. She also recieves a hefty amount of spousal support and works. She goes to the tanning salon, nails done weekely, hair done , membership at the gym. things that I could only dream about because we can't afford. She is extremely time she asked for a reimbursement for $2.50 for a school function that cost $5.00. We paid it.
It seems so unfair to me. My dh is a really good dad who wants his child 50% and he can't have her. Where is the fairness in that? It does take two to make a child.
I agree the court systems need to change. I am in canada and I don't know where to begin to get change implemented.
you are right about one thing...nobody here knows your "true" or long version story whether it be yesterday or 13 yrs ago. However, from what you have posted here, it's not your situation that frustrates us. It's how you have handled it and the audacity to come here and brag about what you have done to that step child. I have watched this thread throughout the day and was not going to respond, but I have to say that you are probably the most selfish person/step parent i have ever met and it does not say much for your husband that he allowed you to sabatoge his relationship with his son. From your posts and your arrogance and satisfaction with yourself for cutting this child out of the circle, I would have to say that he (husband) does not have much of a backbone. Life is about choices. And when you, as an "adult" CHOSE to get involved with a man who you knew fathered a child with someone else, you also chose to be with his child. How dare you make the decision that he was not welcome at your house, BY YOU, therefore no one else was allowed to bond with him either. Children live by example. I venture to guess that your bio children learned from you to treat this ss as an outcast. The bio mom may very well have had issues herself, but to blame her for this disgusting set-up is truly narcissitic. To blame her for YOUR plotting to keep that child out of your home is downright disgusting. That child had no choices. YOU decided for him and his father that they would never have a relationship. He was a child for God's sake and you condemned him for struggling with a broken family. You added to his insecurities and outbursts and unhappiness by treating him like he was diseased. Did you ever stop to think that if a little effort, time, love and patience had been tossed his way, that maybe,,,just maybe, he would have learned to be an enjoyable child to be around. He would have been reassured that he was still loved even if his parents are not together. Do you know most children blame themselves when the parents split up? Do you have any idea what that must be like to feel that as a child? HOw can you not love a child? ANY CHILD? You can divorce a spouse.....CHILDREN ARE NOT DIVORCABLE. And as difficult as it may be at times, your committment to your SO INCLUDES his offspring whether you like it or not. I hope to hell that you and your current husband remain married for the rest of your lives because I would not wish your cruelty on another broken family. My heart goes out to SS and I do not believe he left the country to distance himself from his bio mom. You can bet he did it to get away from the whole lot of ya. God Bless that young man.
And May I Say Likewise To You & Keep Guessing..
Reading all the posts here there are quite a few people that may not handle situations well, or ideally. Thats ok, most at least have come to share their stories, and thank GOD some have the honesty to tell it like it is. That perhaps they don't love the Ex or SC, ect. And are here for many reasons, Talk about your self righteous judgement. To blantly name call and be rude to those sharing their stories right or wrong, as perceived by you is just plain infantile, not to mention ulgy; because you weren't in their shoes and guaranteed YOU don't know their situation; nor myself. We can only TRY and give helpful advice, to be taken or not. So keep your guessing....
I've received quite a few personal emails from those that don't want to share those exact feelings and actions publicly. Oh and sadly thats because of people like YOU! There is no special formula in all of the situations, so none of us can really judge as we weren't in their shoes. Again in our particular situation it worked, sorry that makes you angry.
If I can offer some advice because I was in that situation, I'm happy too. And if I were even to guess I suspect some of the anger and hostility that some maintained - (as in you) has done more to hurt the kids involved. I chose to post honestly as opposed to the fantasy that usually doesn't solve problems. And I will continue to, and I want to say thankyou for everyones emails, much appreciated because many of us here "have been" or are in the same boat.
Have a nice day!
There is never
any excuse for abusing a child, which is what you and your husband did to his son. That's the bottom line. No amount of babbling will change that fact. No situation justifies cutting a child out of one's life. And I do not have to be "in anyones' shoes" to know that. It is not about coming here and posting honestly that is the issue. I would never condemn anyone for that. It's being proud of inflicting pain on an innocent child that is the issue. And the willingness to pay more child support in order to ensure the child does not come around is sickening. It is not the child here with the problem, it is the adults. And I personally am not interested in whether or not you have received supportive emails. If that makes you feel better to tell us that, so be it. The fact remains, child abuse is never ok. There are hundreds of thousands of good therapists that would have been happy to intervene and help your family with your "situation". It's apparent you did not want a solution that required some effort on your part. It was easier and more self serving to pretend the child did not exist. I would be interested in hearing his side of the story.
"There is no special formula
"There is no special formula in all of the situations, so none of us can really judge as we weren't in their shoes."
I agree 100% with that statement!! ...that's what makes being in a blended family so difficult and why we come here for support/advice from others in similar situations
"Again in our particular situation it worked,..."
Again, I agree 100% with that" ..each situation is different and by each of us sharing our experiences of what worked for us and what didn't work...we all learn different perspectives and possible solutions to make our issues easier to deal with.
"......sorry that makes you angry"
I don't think ..That's what makes her's more the way you come across. Maybe you don't mean too...or don't realize it...but you come across as very, very cold.
There's been alot this, do that, because I did..but NOT alot of information "shared" about your particular situation, or events... it's hard for someone to take your advice or to relate to you..when they don't know the particulars of YOUR situation, or your background...and how you came to make those chioces and decide if those choices that worked for you in your situation would be helpful in THEIR particular situation...with the personalities and dynamics THEY must deal with.
Right off the bat....I felt insulted by many of your comments..some of which were implying that
1) I have somekind of 'fly by night' relationship with my significant your assumption that in SD eyes I am 'just another relationship'
2) That because we are on the 40's & 50's side of life and will NEVER have children together...that our relationship will ALWAYS be substandard
3) That unless we obtain a document via state or church, that I should not attempt to have any relationship with the people he cares about, That strikes me as selfish...
4) I explained my situation in my reply....I felt I needed to defend myself..... you have defended yourself....against judgements made against you
I have to tell you....
We too eliminated hubby's ex from our lives. Refused to play the games..we were tough!! We had to be...she was hell bent on making our lives miserable...WE had to!! So...I don't have a problem with you doing that!!!
And we hated paying nut-job x every single penny..whether for childsupprt or alimony.(she lied to get that).....and the childsupport...the child worked and earned her own spending money. We knew Mommy-nut job blew everypenny on extravagances for her own self.... So I don't begrudge someone looking for a fair and reasonable court ordered amount. I've been on both sides of that issue as well. (We had been left with so little after her lies..that I've had to use MY child-support to pay HIS child-support...)
ANd I know of nut-job woman who (tried) to entrapped guys by getting pregnant..... On one hand the guy had nothing to do with his kid. In another situation, the guy is actively involved in his life....
I don't pass judgement on either one of wasn't mature enough to handle a child..maybe was a good thing for the child that he not be in her life... HAVING SAID that he's older & wiser...he regrets not having memories of her growing up...and a relationship with her.
ANd you bet all of our lives as step-moms would be a hell of alot easier if it was just US & OURS....and we've all thought it and some have written about it. It's an honest real feeling!! ANd no-one attacked them for expressing or having real feelings...
But it's not always about what's best for us all the time, we bring chidren into this world..and we take responsibilty for it or not!
I think you are misunderstanding why people are getting thier back up regarding your's not that your advice or even controversy isn't appreciated. I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we love reading peoples stories and hearing their suggestions. We all learn alot from each other. me..your posts read like you are judging some of inferior...for a list of reasons....
I mean you have elicited some very strong reactions from people ...that I don't usually see here..... (from me as well)
NOt so much by what you've's all been said before. Many have stated they wanted Sk's, x's out of their lives. That's no shocker..... We've given advice to kick kids out. Tough love. Etc. None of us want to deal with X's....
Maybe you are a blunt person...and maybe I don't know your full story...Maybe if I knew more I would have a different take on it. But your posts convey an all-about me attitude....with complete disregard for comprimise or acceptance of your husbands chld...or anyone's feelings but your own.
I don't know what events brought you to this point....
I'm glad you've gotten support from others via e-mail. I wish they felt they could 'speak' freely here...many of us do!!!! It is an annonomous forum...after all. And we all are free to disagree...
I know for me..
I think I got screwed and it nerves me..
My husband is to pay $130 a week in CS for our two children, he is not over 2 months behind. I had to pay a lawyer for a year to get it from $75 a week for 2 to the $130 a week.. Which makes me angry. My lawyer said there was no way to get his milk checks garnished so he would never get behind. So I dropped it and now I find out for $25 dollars they will garnish his milk check.. I am like what the heck. I got screwed out of $8000.00 of my taxes because he never filed taxes in 98, 99 or 2000 until 2001. He owed $14000.. and I payed $8000 or so of them.. Its unbelievable.. If I would have known that he was going to be such a jerk about everything.. I would have clearly made him give me 1/2 of the farm and its equity.. But instead I walked away.. I am a Dumb Ass.. and know it..
Happy ..That's what I'm afraid of...
That's what I'm afraid of...being screwed over. He has a lawyer..I can't afford one. He makes 70K....I make 10K. He has been a jerk about many things so far...but has paid his basic CS faithfully..for which I give him credit.
I have already walked away from a spousal support..which I'm sure I would have got had I filed for it when we first split up and I lost my job.
I'm currently debating on whether it's worth while to pursue his share of section 7 expenses and his childcare contribution. It is the law..but we have nothing but verbal agreements or dis-agreements so far..
Another way
I see everything in another way. My BF is stuck paying child support to his ex. He is self-employed and does make most of his money under the table. The thing with our situation is that it is supposed to be 50/50 but ex actually has kids 1 day more, so that is all the child support that my BF is supposed to pay. Well as it happens to be we actually have the kids more than she does and she still complains about not getting child support. She said that she is going to take us to court, but I dont see that as a smart idea seeings how we have ended up have the kids most of her time to have them plus our time.
Now I am not complaining about having the kids more, God knows that I love them as my own. I am just mad the she still expects us to pay when we have them half of her time plus ours. I just think that that there shows a money hungry ***ch!!!
Amen Biomom
Take a bow woman. That was awesome
Do not Judge..
I beleieve that a lot of difficulty in the world could be simplified when people are their real selves and show their true colors.
I say this because I understand that some people might be offended by her comments e.g. 'her children did not want him coming around' or 'he has moved to another country'.
However, I am convinced that it is better that she was honest about her feelings towards this step-child. She might not be as patient or as giving of herself as some other people here, but that is who she is. Pls remember that we SM are constantly reminded that we are not the BM's and can never be, so the person who should be making any effort to maintain this relationship is his biological father.
Let us not play the blame game of 'you enstranged your husband from his child': he has the human right to feel ambivalent about a child he did not really want (you make mistakes but you can regret them, it does not mean you are a really bad person) plus she did not force him to have a distant relationship with his son: in the final analysis, he should be able to decide whether he wanted a close relationship with his son.
This is the same for her kids, as I believe children are impressionable, but, but there must be strong reasons for them not to want a half-brother around plus if she feels that it is better for their up-bringing, I am all in support: afterall, we are constantly told that any decisions that BM's take is for the interest of their child so it should be assumed when the SM is doing what she thinks is best for her biological kids.
The principle I operate on is that people cannot force emotions and there is no such thing as an appropriate feeling in a step-parenting situation. Although it could be argued that she knew he had a child before she got involved with him, if he is happy to put the child second to her, then that is his decision (which I believe should always be the default position) especially as it is not her responsibility really.
I think it is better for the step-son that he was not in an environment where he was not wanted... this might be why he has turned out OK.
"Being the Real 'You' should Always be Good Enough"