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Assumptions aren't lies but still

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

How do you handle your partner assuming things and being wrong?

We've had twice now where he was wrong and we had minorish backlash. He's not flat out lying to me but he thinks he knows / remembers something and ends up being wrong. I had a feeling he was wrong both times and tried pressing him to find out for a fact but he didn't and I just left it alone.

I understand him not knowing but I wish he'd just tell me that. I base my life in facts as much as I can. I need to KNOW what I think I know and I don't assume. If he tells me something I have to trust it's correct or else it bites us both.

I know he's done it at least twice but the thing is now I'm questioning if he's done it more.

Most recently there was a change in his CO. It wasn't suppose to be big so when he got the update I think he ASSUMED he knew what was in it. I read it and some other things that did matter were also changed. I asked him about it and he's implying he had read it. I think not. So he went from assuming to lying to keep from having to say he didn't read it like he should. This whole event ended up causing issues for that day. We worked it through and yeah I'd been upset to know he didn't read it but my issue is him lying to cover his mistake.

Again if he had just told me the truth "I don't know and haven't read it" I'd be upset but I'm use to being the one in our relationship to keep things straight. If I hadn't read this we could have ended up in violation of his CO which would have been big. Plus I prefer making her look stupid for not reading the CO and understanding it. How can we do that if apparently he's doing the same thing?

I don't want to be fact checking every single thing. I already have anxiety issues and was trying to back out and let him handle things more but now AGHHHHH.


lieutenant_dad's picture

This has NOTHING to do with you. YOU aren't in violation of the CO; he is. YOU don't get in trouble; he does.

THIS is a deal breaker flaw in a relationship, and one that you have ZERO control over. He is either reliable and trustworthy, or he isn't. Your relationship cannot be built on you being right and the one who keeps things straight and him being the one who just agrees with you.

Him lying is a symptom of him thinking he knows and not realizing he doesn't, knowing he doesn't know but being too lazy to actually check while hoping that he is somehow right, or him not caring while hoping to shut you up. The only one of these scenarios that is "fixable" is the first, and the only way for it to be "fixed" is for him to pay more attention and for you to realize that he is human and will be wrong. Occasionally, you will be wrong, too.

And for the love of all that is holy, STOP trying to stick it to BM. No, it's never fun to see her "win a battle", but it's going to happen. There are going to be things you can control that still end up outside your control. You have to learn to see the big picture. You're too heavily invested in finding ways to stick it to her, when your focus should be on how you support your SO. If you act even half as anxious and controlling over the situation with BM in real life as you seemingly do on here, then he may be "forgetting" things just so he gets you to focus elsewhere. My guess is that he WANTS the drama to stop from BOTH of you, and the only one he can "control" is you.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

He and I talked.

Figured out what was fact and what was lie and talked about the reasons for what lies there were.

I've requested he look into therapy when we can afford it for him to get past the former abuse and the PTSD.

We talked about my continued managing of certain factors and I offered again to back out and leave it to him to which he responded no.

lieutenant_dad's picture

So he has zero accountability and nothing changes?

How far out is therapy for him? How far out is it before he starts taking things over for his own kids?

Don't get me wrong, there are certain things I keep up in the household that involve the boys, but those things are inconsequential. I maintain our social calendar with theirs included, and I manage household food. DH is responsible for the rest, ESPECIALLY anything related to CS and the CO. I know what the CO says, but if he does something questionable, I tell him to refer back to it.

You are in a mindset that you are willing to make this relationship work no matter what. Your anger at BM fuels your desire to make this work because you want to stick it to her. You think you can save your SO and his kids, which just adds a cherry on top. This isn't about whether you SHOULD manage things, this is about MAKING your SO manage HIS life. You will make your mental health worse by being the only one worrying about it, and every little eff up on his part will just drive you further into Mom Mode with him.

Let him handle things and let him eff it up. If it runs into your plans and expectations, then HIS options are to fix it or lose you.

notsobad's picture

You will start to feel like his parent and not his partner.

If he’s always Right and Knows what he’s doing and then it blows up in his face OR he lies to you so that you won’t say I Told You So, your relationship is going to degenerate.

You’ll find yourself double guessing his every decision and checking up on him and his choices. Just like you would your child. You love them and hope for the best but you just want to make sure they aren’t getting themselves into a situation that is hard to get out of.
When it’s your spouse it affects you and your life so much more.

Please get a handle on this and don’t fall into the trap of treating him like a child, even though he might deserve it. Your marriage will suffer.

Acratopotes's picture

This is the perfect time to disengage from his prior life and skids.

Stop policing him, if he signed a CO not reading it he will have to live with it, not you. You simply go on with life like he assumed it would be and if he has to sit at home babysitting brats, not your problem, go out and have fun. This is the only way he will learn Hon....

Yes they do not tell us everything cause in their stupid minds they are protecting us, they are not thinking about the consequences, thus disengagement works.... As I said, it's like living a double life.... simply go ahead with your life, either he grows up and joins you or it's the end, you do not have to give up your values and standards just because your husband assumed something...

ESMOD's picture

I agree in sentiment, but unfortunately, the way the CO is written could, in fact, impact her life if she is living with her SO.

My SO's separation agreement had a bunch of stuff in it that he didn't follow.. and his EX didn't either (neither was supposed to live with anyone not married and they both did for example).

But, if some super controlling stuff over his scheduling or something is put in there then she may have to suffer the consequences along with him.

This example of him "lying" sounds a bit more of him being lazy and not thorough. Did he read it? Maybe he read the part he thought was changing and assumed nothing else changed. Lie? He may not have thought so, but it may have been him not realizing he should look at it all again.

I don't know what OP can do other than just check behind her SO since he seems to be a bit low key lazy about things and may not be particularly savvy. She may just have to lead him through things more. At least she knows not to rely on his review.

Livingoutloud's picture

Well he got used to you taking care of business and of course he says NO to you backing off and him handling things because it means he actually either had to do it or he has to face consequences of messing things up. Since you continue taking care of business, he really never needs to worry.

I think it’s just how he is. He just isn’t the type to take care of business. Of course you are saying it’s BM’s fault. But it can’t be all her fault. He can’t open back account but doesn’t know why, he owed money but didn’t know why, he didn’t know what happened to his GI bill. My DH is ex military and I asked him then about GI bill and he was puzzled how does someone not know what happened to it, nothing happens to it until you use it for your education or officially go through routes to transfer it to your spouse but strictly for them obtaining college degree within short time frame. Abusive spouses can’t just take GI bill themselves and use it on something else. Doesn’t work this way. He just doesn’t know how to deal with things and how things work so it’s easy to say he did it or lie that he does know than actually learn how do it and do it etc.

Your SO is just not very good about taking care of life. You either accept who he is or move on or third option continue taking care of him and then be upset. Everyone can improve of course as he is still young. But I dint think it is wise to put some much energy into changing people.

Saying that my DH often forgets to do things, he has a condition that explains it, for anonymity reasons I won’t post, but he wouldn’t lie about it. I am not his mommy. Lying wouldn’t fly. You are supposed to be equal partners. You don’t sound like equal partners to me. It will start getting old at some point. You aren’t even married and you already in charge of everything because he can’t or won’t take care of business

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

I’m going to try and do one big response to everyone above.

My partner lied to me over this past week. He did so out of fear. He told me what he thought I wanted to hear because in the past when BM got mad she would physically attack him. He told me things to make it easier on him because he was scared. He also failed to communicate things. He again did so out of fear of how I would react.

Let me explain that there are two different issues here that both came out with this recent CO update.

One is dealing with money. My SO and his Ex have a handful of old bills that were never paid. When he was in the military and overseas his Ex was in control of the household. She handled his money and was his power of attorney. She opened multiple accounts and then failed to pay. While married she hid this from him. My partner worked nights and slept during the day. Like in many families BM continued to handle all the bills and money while my partner was in the states and out. It’s what "appeared" to work for them. Or show he thought till he learned different. I grew up in a military house hold and this was the same way it worked for my family then.

All of debts are 3+ years old. Like I said BM hid this from him. It’s really not that hard if: You’re not in the country part of the time and you don’t handle the household budget. She’s the one who collected all the bills, paid or didn’t pay them, controlled all communication for the most part. We have to assume that when communication about the debts such as collection letters came in she would just get rid of them.

As soon as my partner broke up with his ex he started to be informed of this. Yes one event that caused this was him initially being unable to get a “normal” bank account. That has been debt with. The thing that is the problem now is a “new” debt showed up a few months ago. I know for as close to a fact as possible he was not aware of this debt until it showed up on credit karma. I showed him how to use the account and we used it to figure out exactly where the other debts were about a year ago. This one just tipped over into collections where it showed up on his score. Before that he had no communication. Considering every way to connect to him including his phone number and place of living changed at the time of his separation I can believe that BM continued to receive these communications and didn’t tell him.

Unrelated to this debt SO and BM had a court appearance over a minor issue in the order. I honestly don’t understand why this issue had to go to court in the first place but when it got finished SO got a new CO. SO believed that his lawyer would include this new bill in that updated CO.
This updated CO is where the lies and failure to communicate come from.

The new debt was not included in the CO. When I asked about it SO claimed that the lawyer told him that the debt was only in his name and could not be included. I knew this had to be a lie somewhere. He told me at first when he found the debt that yes BM was on it. I also know there is another debt that is in the CO that is solely in his name BUT is considered a marital debt because it was a household debt.

On top of this missing debt there was a change in the CO visitation order that my partner claimed he knew about. Considering I handle the scheduling in our home I kind of need to be informed of this stuff. This was something that he KNEW would come out but it would take months and he was trying to decide how to tell me. In his words exactly he didn’t tell me right away because he was “terrified” about how I would react. This is where we start to get to the issue.

We have the lie over the debt and we have a lack of communication over the visitation changing. Both of these I found out about at the same time.

He lied telling me that the lawyer told him BM could not be held responsible for half the bill. The truth was that the lawyer dropped the ball and never even attempted to get it discussed or looked at. My partner decided on his own, to eat the full cost of the bill rather than push it because we have a date for their final court case now. He wants to be done with this and is worried that pushing the issue on the debt would extend this out further. He was afraid to tell me that the lawyer failed and he’s ok just leaving it alone.

So we had a sit down about this stuff. One of the discussions was on how he wanted to handle the house schedule and finances. We work together on this with yes, me taking the lead in ways. We could separate out finances and he could be responsible for visitation on his own but that would involve me disengaging further than I want to. I’m fine working my schedule around when we have the kids. I’m fine watching them at times. No I don’t put myself out there. If there is a time that we can’t make it work it falls on him. Since he works nights and me days there is never an issue about us not having coverage but for extended periods of time I like to try and be off to support him and spend time with the kids. I take them to the park, library, and stuff like that and I enjoy it. I need to know when his time is because I WANT to be involved. If I drop it on him alone with the way I am that means lessening my involvement in the kids’ life with us and I don’t like that. My partner is capable of taking care of the kids. He does it. He doesn’t demand I be available and I have made it clear that if he slacks on his part I will stop. My partner doesn’t need to find a baby sitter because I WANT to be there. He can if I’m not and he has / continues to manage this so please don’t ask me what he’d do if I weren’t there because he would figure it out as he has and does.

Now the issue with the money I explained to him that I understand. The cost of taking the bill alone is not worth extended this more than it has already been. I wish he had just told me “lawyer forgot about it”. My partner WILL be figuring out how to cover this debt on his own as he has done with the rest. CS and his bills are his. He then helps cover the bills in the home. Maybe I pay more than him in the long run but when he’s coming up short I let him know and he finds a way to make up for it. He has done odd jobs for friends, donated plasma, hell he even entered a research study for a medication they were looking at to see if it would help with his PTSD. Sharing the home I have with him and him paying what he does is the option I like best. If I lived alone my cost would be more but yes I could cover it. I also have family that would allow me to stay with them for a while so I’m not trapped. Neither is he. Before me he lived alone. He could easily go back to that or room with a coworker. He could figure it out.

I know that I have a choice in all this. I chose to work through this with him. I'm not prefect either. Trust me, my partner deals with my past. If I didn't see a chance of things getting better I would move on without him. Yes I come here and I write. Sometimes I don't articulate well. Sometimes I'm frustrated and have only half the information I should before I come here and share. Yes I am a highly anxious person but believe it or not it's calmer at home then it appears through this. I use this as my sounding board or to just get things out. When I come here I do get alot of input that believe it or not I consider. I've taken alot from here to change things.

Yes in ways I've stepped back and yes in ways I'm overly involved and somewhat controlling. Part of it is my anxiety and need to know. I don't think I could handle not knowing about visitations or what kind of debt my partner who I want to marry has. We're at the tail end of his divorce and tried. It's his just like this CO is but I've chosen to be apart of this life. I've chosen this man and these kids and yes that's going to impact me. I get ALOT out of this that I don't want to lose. I don't want to disengage from everything and maybe I need to learn how to do so partly but alot of times the advice I get while good is too drastic. Then sometimes you guys tell me AMAZING stuff that I do use. Not everything makes it here though.

God I write alot.... Sorry and thank you if you've read this far.

Livingoutloud's picture

I think under the circumstances such as him lying (regardless of reasons for lies), having debt and not being good with things AND mainly you two not being married, combining finances is a bad idea. Why are you finances combined? I’d also really warn you against financially supporting a man especially if you aren’t married. Be careful. And even if you want to help, separate your finances. Don’t marry him until he has more stable income either.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

His debt is less than 3000 though his credit score is in the dumps. Mine is over 20,000 though I have a pretty nice credit score. He also has the majority of the money in the bank waiting for the final divorce order to go through. At that point his debts will be paid except for half of this most recent one which puts him back maybe 300? Yes there may be other's to show up but I am not responsible for them in the long run nor do I see them being big issues. These debts are things like a cable bill.

Combined might not be the right term since of we share nothing legally of course. By combined we bring home our checks and pretty much put them together though we don't share an account. My partner works in cash so after putting aside what he has needs to cover the back child support and debt he has hands me about 450 to 500. We take out all bills first, buy needs for the home, then share the rest. This to me works out. Honestly if I were to sit down he might be doing more to contribute to our home after it is all said and done then me.

Of course there are other things loosely related to our pay checks that each of us benefit from. Together we afford more and enjoy a better standard of living. Together he can't rent in a decent area but I'd struggle to afford a one bedroom. I have a 401K but he's most likely going to get VA disability for the rest of his life. I get better insurance through my work which when we get married I will put him on if he isn't getting it through the VA.

Money isn't just cash or black and white. It's complicated.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

No he get's paid into his bank account and after moving X amount into savings he withdrawals the rest. He then hands it all to me to take out what we need for bills which I deposit into my account. I give the rest back to him and that is what he uses to get what he needs. He doesn't like to use his debt card though he has it. Since all the current bills are in my name because he moved into my apartment I pay them all out of my account.

As is normal taxes, ss, medicaid are withdrawn before the money is direct deposited into his account.