OT - Women Wednesday
How's your willpower? Mine sucks something fierce. Unless you want to count my determination to finish that buttered roll, eat the last cookie (the poor cookie can't be alone!), and savor the final hot wing (no hot wing left behind!!!).
I don't know what happened to my willpower. I USED to have some. But like a rock in a stream, it has been slowly eroded by stress, anxiety, and depression. I found comfort in that buttery carb-laden roll, was soothed by that last cookie, eased my sadness with the spicy bite of that hot wing.
ESMOD posted an interesting article yesterday that talks about willpower and why some people seemingly have more than others.
Now I'm swimming in a vast ocean of LOST. If there was a store selling Willpower, I'd be there when the doors opened. Even if there was a blizzard, it was Black Friday, and I had to get in line at 2am for the 4am opening. I would gladly trade a week's worth of coffee (Finnish Blood) for a Willpower Rejuvenation Shot. Where did it go??? I've searched for it, high and low, with no success. I feel so helpless and hopeless that I'm beginning to think that it would be easier to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (will leprechaun gold buy Willpower?!), get close enough to a unicorn to pet it, or be abducted by aliens and receive a willpower implant (naturally, they'd shove it up my hiney).
Where do you go for a willpower refill???
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You need a month of holiday
You need a month of holiday my friend, to simply sit around on the beach, sip some string shit and recharge your batteries through nice hot sunshine.. you are burnt out and the year you had... I get it....
Now book yourself a holiday of doing nothing, enjoy life and recharge those batteries, your will power will come back
Acra, if I could afford a
Acra, if I could afford a month-long holiday, I'd visit you! I know I need a vacation, but simply cannot afford one right now. Plus, I have not "earned" enough vacation time yet - too early in the year. Sigh...
fine fine..... what about a
fine fine..... what about a week-end doing nothing but sipping wine, watching romcoms on youtube, lazy around naked and chill
It doesn't help. I am in
It doesn't help. I am in serious need of a vacation where a) it's not a WORKING vacation, and b) I don't feel guilty for not accomplishing anything. I spend too many weekends, mentally (and sometimes physically) exhausted and feel horribly guilty because I don't get nearly enough accomplished.
If you do by any chance
If you do by any chance cobble together some money and time, I highly recommend www.cheapcaribbean.com. If you keep looking there, you can find trips for well under a thousand dollars for 3-5 days. (Dominican Republic is our favorite). Flights from the eastcoast (direct from Dulles airport in Nova) are fairly reasonable. I can go roundtrip on southwest from my city for under 400 pp.
We have already been twice since my DH stopped working his season in December and have another 5 day trip planned for February. Lucky for us, my work lets us borrow against a future quarter vacation time.
Something about the sunshine and the sea makes me feel better..lol.
Of course, I haven't recharged my willpower completely haha.
I wish there were a magic pill for that!
Alas, ESMOD, if I had a
Alas, ESMOD, if I had a thousand dollars, I could pay off my surgery bill. :O
Yeah.. I know how that is.
Yeah.. I know how that is. Hopefully you can get a little wiggle room and carve out something for you. It's hard to not allow the "little indulgences" when you feel like you are denying yourself other stuff.
A "little indulgence" could
A "little indulgence" could mean that I cashed in those pop cans and bought a bottle of Stone Ship Stout instead of some broccoli...
Blonde, I feel the same way.
Blonde, I feel the same way. A slumber party where everyone agrees to sleep in their own beds and not bug the others sounds ideal...
Willpower is never
Willpower is never sustainable...also very damaging to how we see ourselves and our abilities. It can exacerbate feelings of failure. Aniki, this is for you...https://www.savagelyhealthy.com/willpower/
ETA: Nutrient deficiencies, which can help direct hormone supplies, are important to understand and support. Everything is connected
This!! Fad diets,
This!! Fad diets, "willpower," counting calories, meal replacement etc. These all set you up to fail because they aren't realistic, sustainable OR enjoyable.
Eat healthy, exercise and enjoy a treat. Cookies and bars don't make me feel guilty or like I've failed if I sweat my ass off at some point that day.
Beebeel, that's my problem.
Beebeel, that's my problem. I'm NOT eating healthy. I am half of the time, but that is sabotaged by my bad food consumption.
Thank you, My Veronas.
Thank you, My Veronas.
Unfortunately, I will not stop with that ONE BITE of pie. I will eat the entire slice. And I guarantee it will be a BIG slice. See what I mean by NO willpower? That pie tastes soooooooooo good going in and going down. 5-10 minutes later, I'm fighting the Urge To Purge. In fact, THAT is what my willpower is focused on 110% - NOT purging. I'm a recovering bulimic who is a food-aholic. If you wired my mouth shut, I would simply blend up stuff into a tasty (fatty, calorie-laden) shake and suck it down. ~cue crying emoji~
Awww, hugs and love to you
Awww, hugs and love to you ma-ma-ma-ma-my Aniki :)...this is multi-faceted. Many times macronutrients can be adjusted to prevent cravings like this but the uniqueness of the individual makes for no easy answer....
I need to be hypnotized to
I need to be hypnotized to not crave stuffing food into my pie hole...
Ahh ***hugs*** I don't think
Ahh ***hugs*** I don't think you have no willpower, I think it's more a matter of you aren't feeling that you have to deny yourself anything just to fit a society norm.
Advice... oh, how I wish you
Advice... oh, how I wish you were right about me. :? I'm hating my body, hating my lack of willpower, hating my weakness.
Like Acra said, if you can at
Like Acra said, if you can at least spend a weekend at home, where you don't step outside at all (unless you feel like taking a walk), that could be good for your soul.
Arrange to have food ready that you don't need to cook (possibly cheeses, fruit and a baguette), and spend the weekend watching movies or reading, and treating yourself to a face mask and foot soak...
As for willpower, I struggle with it also, but I find that it's easier when you have a clear objective, and not just to lose weight and look better. I've decided I want to run a 10K in less than an hour in an event in May. Now it's a bit easier to find the motivation to go to the gym.
Blue Moon, I think it's a
Blue Moon, I think it's a combination of both for me. No willpower AND no motivation. Sure, I want to lose weight so I look and feel better, but I'm not able to motivate myself. And that makes me feel even worse.
I try and get away for a bit.
I try and get away for a bit. Realistically I can't get super away right now... BUT I can go on a nice run or something similar to get some time to myself (except at 4 am... I had a pack of 20 neighborhood dogs following me and barking at all the squirrels/anything that moved... Pretty sure I woke everyone up... So I made it short and awkwardly went back home.... LOL)
My will power is sometimes eb-and flow... Because tbh there are moments where I feel SO overwhelmed that I don't want to can... So I run or during the summer I wake surf (if someone will go with me to drive the boat) or take a sea-doo out (my in-laws shockingly gave me free reign of those... LOL). Just something to get out and away for a bit.
PA, I haven't run in, oh, a
PA, I haven't run in, oh, a couple of decades. I have a bad ankle (torn ligaments that never healed properly) that will give out whenever it wants, causing me to fall. Plus, I doubt my back could tolerate running.
Swimming is my favorite...
Swimming is my favorite... That might be better on everything than running! I SUPER miss the gym I went to back home (the other home where I grew up, lol)... It had a pool with lap swimming... I could go for hours and it was magical... Here the gym is small and the lake is too cold until summer...
You should get a she-shed!!! For just you!!! Your own, everyone else free, space to escape to!
Swimming is my fave, too!
Swimming is my fave, too! Great for cardio and a full-body workout AND easy on bad joints.
Exactly!!! Plus I'm a fish!
Exactly!!! Plus I'm a fish! Should have been n=born with gills and a tail! LOL
Fish as in Pisces? I'd rather
Fish as in Pisces? I'd rather be IN the water than on land!!
I am a Pisces! And held
I am a Pisces! And held swimming records all growing up! LOL. I LOVE the water!!!
Pisces here, too!!
Pisces here, too!!
I knew I liked something
I knew I liked something about you

(No subject)
Honestly, I think our
Honestly, I think our willpower is pretty much spent on not going thermo-nuclear and strangling SO, BM and skids so we're all doing pretty well. Eat the last cookie and enjoy the heck out of it otherwise god knows one of the skids will stuff it in their face without a thought for anyone else.
I admit I eat a lot more chocolate since step-life. Step-life makes you feel shit, chocolate makes you feel good ... also wine helps. I feel positive the mind tries to compensate and urges you to eat stuff. I do mostly eat unprocessed, fresh foods and cook from scratch plus do qi gong (kind of like tai chi) from youtube and it does help a lot, takes ten minutes and is free. So eat mostly healthy but enjoy yourself when you want and don't stress about it, we go through enough.
Valkyrie, that could be
Valkyrie, that could be partially right. I spent 18 years raising 3 skids and am 7+ years in this time. Those 18 years, the exh was an alcoholic and the BM was a psycho crack ho. When I was NOT in that He!!, I was active, was not on a crazy mood roller coaster, and had much better eating habits. Likely, I'm a psych study dream patient... lol