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OT: Workout Wednesday

lieutenant_dad's picture

Since we missed Tone-Up Tuesday (I think) and could use a pick-me-up...

Who has made the annual "getting in shape/losing weight/eating better" resolution? Who is sticking to it? How's it going physically and emotionally?

I started back in November and had my first "I can't do this" breakdown with my trainer last night. Nothing like crying in the middle of a gym packed with new people getting in on the discounted membership sales. I'm sure I was REALLY selling the benefits of getting a personal trainer. Blum 3


Veritas's picture

Awww, bless your heart :(....hope you are feeling better today. I work with people trying to improve their lifestyles and it is really interesting the discoveries they make about themselves and their ability to work through tough emotional issues, especially when it is tied to food and their habits.

I don't do resolutions but yes, I do work on my own little hurdles throughout the year. I try for small changes and being able to incorporate them enough to turn them into habits. I am on the phone or doing research for a large part of each day so I put a rebounder (mini trampoline) in my office and I jump on it for the length of one song. I do this in between clients and I fought using it for a while, but I now find it very stress relieving. Finally I am not sitting all day. I also have a desk that I can attach to my treadmill so that I can use my computer while slowly walking on it but I have to say that I just have not mastered "walking and chewing gum" well at all LOL!!!

lieutenant_dad's picture

Part of the reason I started working out was to "look better naked", and the more I do it, the less that that is my goal. I have tied a lot of my self-worth to how I look, so being able to truly say that I'm doing this to get stronger and be healthier is a major step forward for me.

hereiam's picture

That made me laugh. I'm sure they won't be hiring you to do any promotions for them!

I have a home gym. DH has been using it but my side is, um, a bit dusty.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I go to the gym in the morning... I can't say it was my resolution... Because I've been a bit of a gym rat for a few years now. LOL But I will say, I went from having m own gym from 3AM-5AM to there being like 7 other people there around 4AM!

I normally just cuss when I get frustrated at the gym... Oops... I was swearing at a punching bag this morning when I re-split my knuckle... (don't worry! I cleaned all the blood off after with disinfectant wipes!!!) Admittedly I felt bad for all those new people who are trying so hard to get into it for the next few months...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sorry I dropped the ball. Took a fall Monday morning and have been out of work the past 2 days.

No gym membership for me. No money!! I'm looking for things I can do at home that don't require money. It's annoying when people say, "You only need to buy...." BITE ME. No money means I DON'T HAVE ANY FREAKING MONEY!!! If I can use canned soup in a workout, cool. If I have to BUY something, it's No Go.

Kudos to you, lieutenant! I know me... I wouldn't break down, but would walk out and never return. Way to stick with it!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Aniki! Get better! I am so sorry you fell and have been out of work!!! Sad

Also soup cans can be great for workouts!, or the edge of a couch!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks, PA! Oh, my aching arse/back.

I'd have to be veeeeeeery careful on the edge of the couch. Heaven knows I'd fall off the edge and land on something sharp. LOL

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Put a pillow underneath and wrap yourself in bubble-wrap first! LOL

Get feeling better! I wondered where you had gone!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

That bubble-wrap would have popped!! I fell pretty darn hard. I think I need some whiskey...

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

LOL... DH has some Jack Daniel's in the fridge at home... Want some? We have coke too! LMAO

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Aniki wants whiskey!!! I'd like a Manhattan with rhubarb bitters and an Amarena cherry, please.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks, Veritas! I hit an icy spot and my feet flew out from under me. I was lying there for a good 15 minutes before I could move. Ooooooowwwwwwww.....

lieutenant_dad's picture

Aniki, this is why we drink while sitting down and not walking about. Wink

Spark People has a lot of good videos for at-home workouts, as well as recipes and trackers. I've used it on and off for several years. It's a very ad-friendly website, so be mindful of that if you join the website.

And I'm paying WAY too much money to just walk out. I'm just going to have to put on my big girl pants and suck it up. PMS is certainly not helping.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Lt Dad, if I'd been drinking, I might not have gotten hurt!!

Argh, no internet at home. Sad
Will have to see if I can access at work. Sssssshhhh.....

hereiam's picture

Aniki, you are a danger to yourself, girl! What happened this time? Hope you are okay.

I don't fall often, but I cannot be trusted to not stab myself with a sharp object if I'm using one.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I burn myself cooking. A lot. Caught my whole face on fire once. Good times, good times...

hereiam's picture

Icy patches are not your fault, that can happen to anybody. We had a lot of black ice here, Monday. Ice sucks, unless it's in a drink.

DPW's picture

Oh no!!! Hope you are going to be okay!

I had such big plans for the new year - eat better, get into shape.... 10 days in, I haven't done anything towards my goals. Bleh.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thanks, DPW. I'm improving slowly. My pride hurts most of all...

Yeah, I've decided that January is a free trial month and my year will start February 1, 2018.

Thumper's picture


I am so sorry to read this. Everything must hurt.


And here I thought maybe you jetted off to the Caribbean, hanging by the pool with a sippy cup topped with a PINK UMBRELLA.