Christmas break
So in the spirit of co operation other wise known as pacify my ex I offered him additional time withbs10 over the holidays, I was clear on the dates, he agreed ect....
On Friday he offered to let me pick bs up early this coming Sunday because we had switched weekends for my parents party. He decided it was not fair to have him so much on the weekends with Christmas eve falling on my weekend. Thisbis the same man who was screaming because he is too lazy to see bs10 the day in the week that I offered (because he wants more time) and wanted 3 weekends a month.
So then it changed and he had to work this coming Saturday am so could I keep him f riday night... I said yes and brought up the two days on Christmas break. When he agreed over a month ago he never took the time off work and is now not sure he can or can work from home.....Maybe my husband could hang out with him...wyd.
I asked when he could give me a definite because I don't feel he can be home alone all day, it is yr end which is why I didn't take off and I need to line up some one to come over. His responseis he doesn't know.
The moral of the story is don't scream and yell you want more time and agree to it and then not take it and expect me to figure it out.
- Sweet T's blog
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Moral of the story-you will
Moral of the story-you will never win w/the idiots lol.
And when you deny him the
And when you deny him the days because you had to make other plans because he didn't care to he will scream fowl. But if you wait and give him the benfit of the doubt that he will get it together he'll drop it on you and say your problem.
I just LOVE how that goes.
He is a totally responsibless
He is a totally responsibless parent...if that is a thing. The best part is can my husband watch him...last year in cs revision court he went on and on that bs was home over break with my husband....and me I was home too. He never asked for anything else.
We are going to buy a house this summer and it might mean switching districts. Where I am thinking the schools are better, houses more affordable and I could afford a single family in a neighborhood with kids verses a town home.
The driving distance is the same, but I do not want him starting up again on bs living with him or the three weekends a month crap. He moved away, I have to drive to pick bs back up the same distance and he does not parent.
Making sure kids are doing well involves more than letting them play non stop video games or bossing your ex wife around.
Nice that you will have these
Nice that you will have these text about how you gave him extra time, he accepted, then didn't follow through. Really shows where his heart is as a parent or at least how responsible and dependable he is. Sorry your kids got to deal with this crap.
Your son is not a chess piece
Your son is not a chess piece for your ex husband to move around on the disorganised checker board that is his confused calendar.
I can imagine you being frustrated with exH as he doesnt know what he wants. When he gets what he asks for, he doesn't want it. You try to accommodate him and he changes his mind. I don't know how you cope with this.
Please plan your house move so that it suits you, your child and your husband. Do not plan around your X who shows so little consideration for how you try to co-parent with him.
My goal is to try and stay in
My goal is to try and stay in the district becasuse we start middle school next year, but they ship thed kids off to two different middle schools and the boundaries are really odd. There is a good chance he could end up not knowing anyone if we stay in our district even.
The best part about all this
The best part about all this is he agreed to the limited visitation he has, he just thought he could come and go as he pleased and maybe sleep with me and do his laundry at my place.
It was a rude awakening when I said no and wanted to follow the decree.
And you're right too. The
And you're right too. The decree is as much for kids as it is parents.
Children should have reasonable knowledge on where they are going to be and routines are important. Sure it's ok to mix it up when you need to.
Holidays are hard times by themselves. Poor kid if they were told and then expecting to be with dad this extra time and then he just drops it like this.
Oh for crying out loud!
Oh for crying out loud!
This guy is a real piece of work!
Omg he is something else. But
Omg he is something else. But man can he put on a show. He is now a devote member of his church and a devoted husband....but
His older children are ashamed of what kind of man he is, his immediate family has nothing to do with him because he has accused his older brother of sexually abusing him, even our son knows his dad lies about stupid things. He is now a Trump supporter and tweets polital stuff constantly, talks about writing a book about his abuse and running for office.