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SD20 coming for her Winter break.... FML

DaizyDuke's picture

Stalked SD20 FB last night and saw that she is planning on coming home for her winter break. No clue HOW she is getting here, guess I don't care. I'm assuming she is staying at MIL's because she and MIL were all "can't wait to see you soon!" (GAG) DH hasn't said a word about it, so I don't even know if HE knows she's coming. I know his exact words a few weeks ago when I asked him if she was coming for Christmas were "well if she does, she's NOT staying here" He better stick to this, because of that little bitch thinks she's stepping foot in my house after she snooped through MILs phone and found a text message from me(that was honestly nothing more than conversation) and then sent me the nasty message ( she can pound salt.

I am done being disrespected by this little twat. I guess the good news is it gets me out of going to MILs for her Christmas gathering. I refuse to be in the same room with SD. Not going to happen. I got stuck having to sit at the dinner table with SS19 last year because MIL never told me she invited him until BM2 was dropping him off in the driveway. I mean DH wasn't even there, because he can't deal with MIL. Whatever, they are her grandkids and if she's cool with only being useful to them at gift giving opportunities, then that's her deal. It does suck because I love DH's four sisters and my 2 nieces and I enjoy spending time with them, but we'll just have to figure something else out.

Supposedly SD is going to be working at the sporting good store she worked at over the summer when she was here. No clue how she is going to get back and forth every day because we sold the car that DH was letting her drive. I know SHE doesn't know that, because DH told me a few weeks ago he never told her. We do have a 3rd car, but I will make a stink about her driving that. We actually do drive it a lot, it's the dog-mobile so they don't get our new cars hairy and we both drive it to keep the miles down on our new cars. And we live in New York. Ya know, where there is snow and ice in December and I'm not going to have her driving MY car around on MY insurance. We dodged a bullet with that bullshit over the summer. Not doing it again.

Why the fuck do skids have to ruin everything


momjeans's picture

This bites.

I wouldn’t tell DH if I were you. If and when he finds out, I’d expect him to stick to his word - that she’s “not staying here”.

Ice her while she’s in town.

Would it be possible to have a get together with the sisters, etcetera... without SD and MIL, or will people question their whereabouts or invite them?

DaizyDuke's picture

MIL knows how I feel about SD and she knows about the text that SD sent me, she scolded her for it.. (supposedly)
SILs know about how I feel about SD nobody would be shocked if I didn't come, and they'd be fine to get together separately.

DaizyDuke's picture

Before you read one blog and form an opinion from your high horse, you should probably know the whole history. SD is a sociopath. She meets every criteria (other than torturing animals). I have dealt with lies, manipulation, scheming, name calling, disrespectfulness for 10 years now. She only has use for her father when she wants something that he can provide, since her mother is a POS who does nothing for her. But by golly, she worships the woman. And that's fine, it's her mother. I never expected to be a replacement mom, but what I did expect was to be treated with common decency. And I guess you think it perfectly "normal" for a 20 year old to snoop through her grandmother's phone, to ask for screen shots of conversations?

The girl lives for drama, she looks for drama, if there is none to be found, she creates it. DH realized all of this when the day she moved out of our home at 16, was the day our home became peaceful and happy again. And every time she has come back since then for winter break, or summer or whatever, there is drama and chaos. Every.single.time. No matter where you go there you are, ya know? At maybe at 20 years old, it's about time that somebody told her narcissistic self that the world does NOT revolve around her, that everyone is NOT her beck and call and that she is NOT the perfect princess she thinks herself to be.

Acratopotes's picture

I'm thinking of telling DH - hey did you know SD will be here for her break?

if he says NO, then laugh and say you better inform her we do not have a spare car anymore, if he says yes... laugh and ask, did you tell her we sold the spare car..... thus we will not be able to supply transport. (sort out the car situation)

And when she wants to move in laugh and told DH, Oh hell NO, you said she's not living here, thus we can not accommodate her