O/T Fav Horror/Suspense Flicks
1. What Lies Beneath
2. The Grudge
3. The Evil Dead (original)
4. The Shining
5. The Amityville Horror (original)
6. Storm of the Century
7. Pet Semetary
8. The Exorcist (original)
8. Magic
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I ordered Poltergeist from
I ordered Poltergeist from Netflix DVD for DS's sleepover this weekend. DH said he was going to bed early the night they watch it.
Blair Witch Project The
Blair Witch Project
The Conjuring
Amityville Horror (the original)
Poltergeist (original)
The Shining (original)
Scream (all)
I can't stand horror films.
I can't stand horror films. My insomnia is bad enough!! I'd much rather watch an action or comedy film.
I do, however, enjoy suspense and Memento is my fave.
1. The Exorcist (being
1. The Exorcist (being Catholic this one is quite scarring)
2.Texas Chainsaw Massacre
3.The Grudge (Japanese version)
5.The Descent
6.The Omen (again, the whole Catholic thing)
7.Friday the 13th (original)
9.The Ring, or alternately the original Japanese version, Ringu,both equally scary
10.The Conjouring
AHHHHH! A gal after my own
AHHHHH! A gal after my own horror-ble heart! }:)
1. The Shining
2. Halloween
3. Paranormal Activity
4. The Ring
5. Jeepers Creepers
6. The Amityville Horror (original)
7. Night of the Creeps (My cheesy horror fav)
The shining The entire
The shining
The entire Halloween series, except the weird one.
Pet Sematary
Pet Semetary was such a good
Pet Semetary was such a good movie. I forgot to add it to my last.
Bitter Feast was the scariest
Bitter Feast was the scariest horror movie that I have ever seen. The Exorcist was a close second. Then the Omen.
1. Halloween 2. The
1. Halloween
2. The Shining
3. Hocus Pocus
4. The Addams Family
5. The Addams Family Values
3. 4. And 5. LOVE! And I
3. 4. And 5. LOVE! And I like Sleepy Hollow.
Halloween original Nightmare
Halloween original
Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
Evil Dead I & II
Blair Witch Part II
The Strangers
I'm going to just stop there. I don't care what it is, if it's horror I will watch it over and over again. All B flicks, all sequels. And you should see my Kindle }:)
Okay for the Blair Witch I
Okay for the Blair Witch I have to ask are you talking the book of shadows one? Or the one they just released? I was really disappointed in the book of shadows one.
I was talking about Book of
I was talking about Book of Shadows Blair Witch 2. I enjoy it. The Blair Witch Project was ok for the first half hour but I lost interest until the very end basement scene. The Book of Shadows kept me interested. I haven't seen the new release yet
I like the more comedy-horror
I like the more comedy-horror genre (Shaun of the Dead, Evil
Dead series). One highlight of my summer was getting to meet Bruce Campbell. The youngest Skid is a huge horror fan, so we went together and had a blast! He’s just so hilarious!
Shaun of the Dead!!! There
Shaun of the Dead!!! There is a bar that I will no longer go to and call it the Winchester! yes my exDH actually took me there for valentines day.
I just can't watch them
I just can't watch them anymore, I jump too much and I have to watch out for my BP which has been high again lately. Don't want to go over 180/110 again, gives me a rotten headache etc.
But I used to enjoy them, I remember reading the Amtyville horror book when I was about 14, scared ourselves to death with that. I liked the Exorcist too. I don't like the slasher type though, all that blood and guts etc. more supernatural and evil types scare me.
The Cook movie is a horror
The Cook movie is a horror slasher type movie. Very scary and horrifying!
Insidious Identity Paranormal
Paranormal Activity
The Conjuring
I've become such a wimp when
I've become such a wimp when it comes to scary movies. DH loves them, but now claims he's watched so many that he's rarely scared anymore, so rarely impressed with them. I made him go without me to see IT - he went with a friend whose wife didn't want to see it, either - he told me it was "ok".
Silence of the Lambs is one of my favorites though...as long as I don't watch it late at night.
Nothing scares me. I laugh at
Nothing scares me. I laugh at horror! But I love it. I'll watch most anything. I loved The Conjuring and Insidious.
Poltergeist (the original) scared the CRAP out of me when I was a kid. I watched it again recently and it's so cheesy!