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The Other Max

Maxwell09's picture

I haven't been posting much lately. We have a lot going on. SS6 is struggling in first grade. We don't know if it's ADHD or if he's just immature. This is the second teacher (1st was kinder) who chalks up his bad days as immaturity and lack of self control. His grades are slowly creepy lower.

In my own news, I've started working. I went from a SAHM of 3 years on Friday to a career woman that following Monday and it's been Hell trying to jump back into interacting with people other than toddler all day long. I've briefly mentioned in the past that my SS's brother via BM, Spawn, has a new stepmom. I made a post, probably deleted now, about wondering if she's having as many problems with the BM as I had in the beginning before I joined stalk. She goes to the same gym as me and is actually quite pleasant. If I were a trusting person, I would trust her to be a good friend. Turns out, it's not me and never was. BM is pulling the same crap she pulled before with me now on the new Stepmom.

Of course I told NewStepmom the basics (ignore the whore, not your monkey, do better than I did, etc) and surprisingly she's taking most of my advice. At first she thought I was being dramatic when I would say something like, "Your social media is public? yeah, you should go to private" She would look at me crazy and say those cute naive things like "I'm not going to change for BM, she can deal with it or stop creeping" or "I'm not worried about her and what she sees" and I'd warn her, "look BM will become obsessed with beating you or appearing better than you, dont put yourself out there like that if you know you can't ignore it" Sure enough BM has noticeable started copying some of NewStepMoms mannerisms and creating nearly identical posts.

Now she believes me-they always have to see it themselves. I wish I could fast forward her through the pettiness that's about to consume her life, but I've learned from here and steplife that these people, anyone who hasn't dealt with a crazy Bm, must actually go through it to fully understand how ridiculous it all is. I only hope she's better at rising above it than I ever was.


moving_on_again's picture

I feel bad that you ever thought it was you! I knew BM was crazy 10 years before I started dating SO, so luckily, I knew it wasn't me. However, I somehow stupidly didn't think it would be such a big deal. It ebbs and flows but it's still a big freaking deal.