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What are the little things that your DH does for you?

zerostepdrama's picture

What are some of the little things that your SO does for you? The things that let you know they are thinking about you.


onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

Comes outside when I pull up with groceries and gets them all, and yells at the kids to get outside and do it with him. And works his ass off.

CBCharlotte's picture

DH is always the one to put the dogs in their room and turn off all the lights when I get into bed at night. He knows I don't like to move once I'm cozy haha. He also cooks a lot, and whenever I'm really tired from a long day of work/travel he tells me to go lay down and watch Real Housewives and he'll take care of the dogs and dinner. Also he texts me "I love you" randomly when I'm at work, and I'll come home to fresh flowers fairly often.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Your dogs have a room? My cats have a room too. DH is allergic to cats, but "he knew what he was getting into when he married me" and "they were part of the package deal." HA! We have hardwood floors and I keep the house clean, so they really don't bother him. But the compromise is they can't be in our bedroom, so I tuck them into "their" room every night. Blum 3

AshMar654's picture

Hardwood floors are the best for allergies. SS is allergic to cats, I have two and he takes an over the counter pill everyday and he is good. We even forget somedays and he is totally fine. I clean a lot and cats are not allowed in his room. Plus I think he is building up a tolerance to them. He pets them and plays with the cats. Even asked if feeding them and scooping the poop in the liter could be one of his chores. I love that kid.

ItsGrowingOld's picture

this is off topic, but I can't resist responding to your hard surface being better for allergy suffers.

I'm in the carpet and hard surface cleaning industry. It makes no difference to me what type of flooring people have.

But I have to address your comment about allergy sufferers should not have carpet in the home.

Multiple scientific studies have concluded that carpet fibers, in trapping and immobilizing potential allergy-causing particulates, can actually help people with allergies. If allergens are in the carpet, they're not circulating in the indoor air stream. It is recommended to use a HEPA-filter vacuum to maximize removal of such particles from the indoor environment.

Carpet acts as a trap for allergens and is capable of holding significant quantities of soil, dust and other substances that would otherwise swirl around in your breathing space. The carpet holds on to the particles until you are ready to remove them. Regular vacuuming, using a high-efficiency filter and periodic hot-water extractions, removes the majority of allergens.

Periodic duct/vent cleaning is helpful in minimizing allergens in the home too.

You can google the following study for further information:

"Carpet, Asthma and Allergies - Myth or Reality" by Dr. Michael Sauerhoff, Ph.D., DABT.

If you would like more information, please message me and I would be happy to point you to further information:-)

AshMar654's picture

I did not know that. Also preference for me is hardwood. I find it easier to clean and maintain and keeps the smell with three animals way down. Yes you can do that with carpet as well but I just find hardwood easier.

ItsGrowingOld's picture

I like hardwood flooring too Smile Large area rugs with a thicker pile over the hard wood can help trap airborne particles as well. Upholstered furniture does too but not leather furniture.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

DH gets home from work first, so he makes dinner 90% of the time. He does more laundry than I do (and knows not to touch my "good" clothes!). He doesn't mind when I binge-shop at Barnes and Noble, which happens more than it probably should. He listens to all my Grandma's stories and is genuinely interested. Smile

AshMar654's picture

I know this is so silly. SO still (only a year and half in) but he taps my butt. Makes me feel sexy and attractive (I hope he keeps this one up). Plus he cooks during the week since he is works nights and is up at home before i get home.

classyNJ's picture

SO makes sure that everything my mother needs to be done is done. He calls her weekly and they bust each others balls. This makes me love him more everyday!

He works his ass off but manages to be sure to have equal time with SS's and me.

He makes my coffee in the morning while I'm in the shower (he doesn't drink it) and like Ash is constantly grabbing something on me.

DaizyDuke's picture

DH always makes sure the house is locked up at night.. I'm really bad about remembering to do that. He will also bring the horses into the barn at night if I have a meeting, hair appointment or something going on. A huge plus for him is that he is not the general male slob. He actually puts his clothes in the hamper, doesn't leave dirty dishes around and lowers the toilet seat! Wink

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH's love language IS doing things for me.

* He thanks me for things I always do: laundry, cooking, buying his cigarettes, changing the sheets, etc.
* When we take my car, he always pumps the gas and cleans off the windshields.
* He will fetch/move ANYTHING that is heavy. Not that I'm incapable; he worries the Queen of Clumsy will hurt herself.
* He never fails to kiss me hello/goodbye or tell me he loves me.
* He makes me feel feminine and attractive with comments and caresses (love those man hands!!)
* He refuses to let me do any yard work other than gardening/weeding the garden. I LOATHE yard work!
* When we went on vacation and opened my family home, he spent HOURS clearing brush and doing yard work. This means a lot to my Dad, and that means the WORLD to me.
* He caters to me when I don't feel well. Even when HE is hurting, he will fetch my meds, make me tea, fix dinner, etc. He goes out of his way to do things he detests because he wants to take care of me.

moeilijk's picture

DH tells me he loves me about a million times per day, including telling me he loves my smile, my sense of humour, and how nice I am. He tells me he appreciates what I do and thanks me for it daily, at least once. He is lately asking more often how he can help me reach my goals.

He can be a dink, but mostly he's really great. Just don't share food with him, his idea of a bite is most of my sandwich.

ETA: The other thing he does that I really appreciate is he plays with DD3. I don't really like playing 3 yo games. I don't think he does either, but he will still do it for an hour or two at a go. Me, after 10 minutes I'd really like to stop, and after 30 minutes I am done like dinner.

robin333's picture

Maybe you should have asked what we do nice for our DHs. I have allowed mine to continue breathing throughout our move which required all my self control and worst fears about prison.

Ignoring the move, he always makes the morning coffee, will go grab a bottle of wine whenever needed, is a great SF to DD and he can make me happy 5x during sex. (I may let him start eating since I listed that. He sends his heartfelt thanks).

robin333's picture

Hey Granny! I wasn't trying to be funny. I'm sorry you can relate. Never again am I moving.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Robin, I just spewed salad across my desk!! Keep remembering how much prison would suck, sweetie!

robin333's picture

I keep repeating that over and over in my head. A salad sounds yummy. There's no food in the new robinland yet.

Cover1W's picture

DH is a total romantic.

He's been making me dinner on a regular basis lately having come to the conclusion that since I'm away from the house every workday he can pick up the slack of cooking at least 3x per week. SDs are doing it one time a week when they are with us and me 3x per week. It's a big time release.

DH has been CLEANING THE KITCHEN regularly too. This is the ideal way to make sure I'm not instantly PO'd coming home from work and he's figured out if I'm not so exhausted and stressed we go to be earlier... }:)

He's always touching me or giving me hugs. Even in public.

He gives me his (usually) undivided attention when we are talking, esp. if we're out on a date.

He wants to do things with me alone; like go for walks, travel, go to art galleries, etc.

For all his issues with "parenting" he's a good life partner.

BSgoinon's picture

So much...

Cooks when he is home
Waters all the plants (because I have a black thumb)
Puts the pool cover on for me (because it's heavy)
Puts gas in my car
Takes out the trash
Offers to do the grocery shopping because he knows I hate it, but I always go with him
Schedules and handles all of the vehicle maintenance
Teaching our oldest to drive
Sends me endless mushy text messages (especially when he is traveling)
Always back in his hotel room by 830 when he is traveling with female coworkers, 930 with male
Keeps me posted of his plans when he is gone
Takes me on weekend trips whenever I want
Allll the pet names
Helps with chores
Handles the gardener and pool man

I could go on for days.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

My SO absolutely spoils me.

Going above and beyond his fair share to help keep the home clean.
Feeding my cats when I'm running late from work.
Calling me to ask what he should make for dinner.
Little gifts from time to time.
Making sure there are a few of my favorite treats in the home.
Just rubbing my shoulders or back when I'm tried.
Putting in a movie while I'm trying to get other things taken care of.

Really we spoil each other but I guess the big thing is just he does his fair share in our home. He doesn't complain or act like it's above him. We both work, we both clean, and we both play.

moving_on_again's picture

I was in school full time and worked full time for two years. SO did everything for me in the household. Haha. He's glad I am on a break now!

WalkOnBy's picture

He loves me more than anything on this earth, and tells me all the time.

He can/will build anything I ask him to.

He never ends a conversation with me (text, email, phone) without telling me he loves me.

Tells me I am beautiful, though I am not anymore, and for that second in time, I believe him...

TheAccidentalSM's picture

He does so much but my favourite is bringing me breakfast in bed at the weekend.

hereiam's picture

One of the little things is, he calls me everyday to tell me he loves me (and to hear my voice), and he calls me everyday before he leaves work to see if I want him to pick me up anything on his way home. He tells me everyday that he misses me when we are at our respective work places.

He will do anything for me. I don't much like cooking or laundry so he does it all. He won't let me touch a lawnmower. He waits on me constantly, even when I tell him not to, he just can't help it.

He still sees me as the sexy blonde with great thighs that he met 22 years ago, even though my hair has gotten a little darker with age, and the thighs a little bigger.

He truly loves me unconditionally, and let me tell you, that ain't easy.

B22S22's picture

My DH isn't one to say "I love you" or any other associated compliments, and grew up in a family who criticized instead of praised. So I know it's hard for him to do those things and I've accepted it although sometimes it does irritate me to no end.

However, he knows my love of the ocean so that's where we vacation the most (even though he hates heat, sunburns way too easily).

He's very handy with cars, and enjoys working on all of them with my DS and SS's, teaching them the finer points of car repair/maintenance.

He's a pet lover, and is actually more of a softie than I am when it comes to rescues or strays (our dog is a rescue, which we adopted at his urging and our cat is a stray he insisted we bring into our home)

momjeans's picture

- Keeps the gas tank full.
- Comes outside when I pull up with the kids to help get them out and carry stuff in for me.
- Tells me daily that he loves me and that I'm beautiful. Texts me daily from work to tell me he loves me.
- Often cooks. Helps with dishes/dishwasher.
- Washes his own smelly cycling kits. :sick:

mro's picture

Puts up with the cats! And there is a lot to put up with including one who has the bad habit of peeing on things. :jawdrop:
Then there was the time my DS brought home ANOTHER cat when we were away for the weekend. And the feral cat that adopted him a few years ago. The feral kitty was enthusiastically adopted by the entire family and was with us for about 2 years. The next door neighbors cat was fostered by me for a couple years before they were able to take her back. She would want to come inside and visit but that's where he would draw the line. LOL

As is usually the case with people who are not overly fond of cats (he likes them ok but is more of a dog person) they are all drawn to him like a big cat magnet.

Livingoutloud's picture

Does all grocery shopping (I hate it)
When he shops always buys something special I like or might like
Loads and unloads dishwasher (because I hate it)
Does ironing during school year (I do during summer)
Always carries everything heavy
Buys flowers unexpectedly
Always calls and texts a lot
Constantly compliments me
Very verbally and physically affectionate with me
Makes me DD comfortable when she visits out of town
Puts up with me lol

I can keep going. We are celebrating our first anniversary. My DH is just awesome