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O/T heavy stuff

AJanie's picture

It's Friday, hurrah, and my mom just gave me some sad news.

When I was a kid, my mom had a close friend from work and she would bring her son over who was my age. We would play outside, go see movies, etc. As we got older I saw less of him.

He grew up to be extremely KIND as well as a drop dead gorgeous guy; he even did some modeling. He was a retail store manager and had a girlfriend... his future looked bright.

A couple of years ago he ended up with brain cancer - random onset of seizures tipped him off that something wasn't right. He beat it and then several months ago it came back, he woke up one morning legally blind and now he is bedridden and dying. His mother said he is in okay spirits, he looks forward to his morning coffee. He is exhausted and asleep by 4:00 PM each day. She keeps him clean and comfortable.

His mother is a wonderful woman and on top of this, her brother recently succumbed to ALS.

It makes me deeply emotional to hear this.

Sometimes we are lucky in life and we don't realize the absolute nightmares people are living around us, as we walk around fretting about stupid bullshit people and situations.

Every time my mind goes to the worthless void filling drama BM creates to cause havoc in my ONE precious life (threatening to have her boyfriend smash SS's iphone we got him - for example) I will stop thinking about that imbecile and pray for this beautiful man instead.

I don't know what I believe in half the time, except that life is a bitch and then you die, but if you all would be willing to send a prayer or positive thought his way, it couldn't hurt. If ever anyone deserved a miracle - it is him...


AJanie's picture

His mom told my mom that his girlfriend walked away after he got sick and none of his friendly really visit. I am going to visit him with my mother soon, and I don't plan to make it a one time thing either.

AJanie's picture

Yes, we all need a reminder sometimes...

I will try to remember as often as possible in honor of RYAN.

Acratopotes's picture

Why does bad things happen to good people...

give them my hugs and support - even if I'm from Mars

StepUltimate's picture

Thank you for the much-needed perspective (I've been pissed all morning about SS17's latest b.s.) because yes, life is exceedingly good and I have so much to be grateful for. And me letting BM and her weaponized son upset me so much that it's affecting my health (yes, several posts building up, I need to write about this soon) is all bad and a total distraction.

Very grateful for this forum, and for your specific post today. Will keep your lifelong friend in prayer.

AJanie's picture


moving_on_again's picture

AJanie, I am so sorry for your friend.

And ya, that's what boggles me about life. So many people just walking around being a menace to society when if they just expended that energy for good......I can't even imagine how nice the world could be.

And I can't imagine walking away from SO if that were to happen to him. My heart breaks for Ryan.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

So sorry for your friend. Perhaps when you visit there is a favorite book he would enjoy you reading aloud for him. It is sad his girlfriend and friends are not there to care for him. His mom will need some one to give her a rest now and then. Maybe even to just lie down and rest while you visit.

Even just holding a place in your heart for him while visiting in silence while he is resting may be a comfort.

Life is so fleeting. Yet we all carry on as though we have all the time in the world.

mommadukes2015's picture

Hugs girl.

My coworker passed away in March from a brain tumor-very similar story to your friend. It is so hard to see. I strongly suggest visiting him if you can. I've always been privvy to the idea of "living eulogies" like in Tuesdays With Morrie but since most people aren't as open about experiencing such things, I'm trying to make a point to say all the things in love and remember about a person to them before they pass on rather than saving it for the funeral. Big prayers