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I'm still angry

Taris's picture

Dh is home now and life seems like it's going back to normal (except dh nick named himself pop pop). Sd is moving on and getting on with her life. She seems to be okay although her and dh text like high school lovers. Its disgusting. Anyway, now that life is normal again I'm angry. I'm angry that dh just up an left us running to sd and practically moved in with her. I'm disgusted with his tattoo and the fact thatvsd picked out what is on my husband's chest/side/stomach. I'm pissed that his friends now call him pop pop and that he was showing off his tattoo at a pool party we went to. I'm just disgusted with him and sd. How can I get over this?


Acratopotes's picture

I've said it before and I will again....

your marriage is doomed, maybe it's time to end it?

Taris's picture

I don't think its doomed because dh lost his mind for a while. He was with his daughter comforting her not another woman having sex. I think I am justified in being angry and that I don't have to end my marriage.

MollyBrown's picture

You get over it by seeking counseling and accepting that he is her sole parent and helping her deal with her stillbirth. Also, remember he forgave you for the crap you pulled when her mom died.