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Yelp... I should have seen this coming....

zerostepdrama's picture

YSD, the last of the skids, will graduate in May. Which means CS will be over in less then 90 days. $600 back into our household. That is good news. It will be the last tie to BM.

On a side note, YSD will give birth the following month. DH only just found out about YSD being pregnant a month ago... so we figured she was just pregnant... nope guess she's been hiding it from DH.

So this should be a happy ending... Skids all aged out... CS done... YSD having a baby and should be busy with her baby and her own life....


BM is moving in with her BF of 6 months. (And she's still married). And she's moving into my sister's old neighborhood (THANK GOD SHE RECENTLY MOVED)that is 1 mile away from my house.

So this means, that BM who has never lived in our city, will now be living in our city. It's more possible now that I will run into her while out and about.

And of course if she's a mile away, it will mean that the skids will now be a mile away too. MSD will visit her mom. Better chance of running into her now.

Better yet SS and YSD are moving in with BM when she moves in with her BF. Since BF has 2 young daughters with bedrooms, YSD and SS will be taking up residence in the basement that SS is going to work to convert into 2 bedrooms, 1 for him and 1 for YSD.

So now SS and YSD will be living 1 mile away from us. Easily within walking distance if needed. While I have no real issues with SS, it's just too close for comfort.

No idea what happened to OSD and if she went back to her abusive DH in another state. There was no mention of her moving into the BF's house. She deactivated her FB, much to my disappointment since her page was a good source of information.

I'm sure it won't be too long until SS and YSD start popping in.

Here was I ... my naive and optimistic ass thinking... oh soon all the ties will be cut and the chance of seeing that bitch BM will be even slimmer and the skids are all grown and BOOM... their asses will now be one mile away.


hereiam's picture

That is a little close for comfort.

I wouldn't really worry about running into BM as much as I would about the steps just dropping by whenever they want, or whenever they need something. That would become a source of irritation for me.

zerostepdrama's picture

I'm pretty sure that is how it is going to be.

SS isn't so bad. He has lived with us on/off at various times. However, I don't want him thinking that he can start coming back over and crashing with us if things don't work out at BM's. He's 23 ffs. Time to get his own place!

And YSD... that is what I am most worried about. She hasn't been in our house for at least 3 years. Even longer since she's stayed the night. With her soon to be 18, graduated and having her own kid you would think that she'd be getting her own place. Except she doesn't have a job, or a car.

I can see her asking DH to come over and hang out more. Which is going to make me super uncomfortable.

BM has always had her junky 2 bedroom apartment that the skids could always go back to. Now they will be in someone else's house. And honestly, BM and this BF hardly know each other. Once he realizes what it's like to live with her and her grown kids and assortment of grand babies, yeah... I can't imagine anyone being able to deal with it long term.

Willow2010's picture

CS will be over in less then 90 days. $600 back into our household. That is good news. It will be the last tie to BM.
Keep dreaming you silly silly girl. lol

Seriously…I would start a plan to move. No way in hell would I do that. I lived in the same subdivision as BM for years. IT SUCKED and I would not do it again. I would move.

I am actually afraid of this for when SS gets out of military. UGH. He wants to move close to DH and I. BM lives a few hours away. I am afraid when the grand baby gets here she will want to move close. Makes me gag.

zerostepdrama's picture

Our neighbors sold their house a few months back and made a $29,000 profit. So selling wouldn't be a totally crazy idea. But we love our house and we bought it at the end of the financial crisis so we got a GREAT deal. And the likely hood that she will be with her BF in this house, longer then we would be in our house is very slim.

DaizyDuke's picture

NAh! These idiots are not going to last here. I give them UNDER a year before they either get evicted or BM's BF boots their asses out. These types NEVER land anywhere for very long... that's just how they roll. No freaking way should Zero uproot for these idiots.

zerostepdrama's picture

She's probably moving in with the BF because CS is ending. LOL. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to afford to keep making bad financial decisions.

twoviewpoints's picture

Yeah, but that's a loooong mile. I doubt too many times they'll hike it. I don't think 'walk' is in today's kid's vocabulary unless it means hey have o walk across he parking lot and into shop somewhere. If they don't have a vehicle, they'll call for a ride Biggrin

Being all the kids are now adults, calling first to see if you're accepting visitors and no keys should be in place.

As to seeing any of them out and about, yeah, maybe. Use the dash down the next aisle before they see you, or the 'oh, gosh, I'm really busy, sorry, can't chat' and keep moving.

No more child support? Yay!

zerostepdrama's picture

Well that mile used to be mine and BS's bike ride mile but you can bet that we will now bike ride in the opposite direction. Ha Ha.

Yeah I really don't see YSD walking to our house. BUT I do see her thinking since she is so much closer, that she will be asking DH for more or when she needs a break from BM to come over.

Acratopotes's picture

I will keep it my route and work them out, why should you change your habit because off them...

ride the bikes past there, laughing and joking and flaunt your bike fir body in front of them beatches }:)

2badsosad's picture

It's exciting that you will get back your $600.00. We live within 3 miles of our BM and for the record; I have only run into her one time. There is hope that you might not see her very much. I can't promise your step kids won't be over.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah... I don't want to run into BM's nasty ass but that isn't my worry too much. It really is the skids being so close.

Acratopotes's picture

dream on Zero - skids are to lazy to walk a mile to bug you and DH... they will call him and he will collect them....

guess what while SS is converting the basement into a 2 bedroom apartment for him and YSD... it's not BM's new basement Hon, it's yours... }:)

Tuff Noogies's picture

two and a half years ago, dh and i moved into what was dumb@$$' stomping grounds. during the process of moving, she did a nosy drive-by of our house. to my knowledge she's dropped by two other times. thankfully i never did run into her anywhere, not even in passing on the roads. she has since bounced elsewhere i do believe, but her whereabouts are still unconfirmed.

i wouldnt worry too much about it, zero. i doubt you'll be tripping over her very often, and hopefully that arrangement won't last long. i'll keep my fingers crossed that the skids DONT come by often for a break from bm's.

zerostepdrama's picture

Thanks! I am just so used to not having YSD in my house... it will just be awkward.

And plus (and somewhat sadly) the less the kids are over or around, the less drama we have.

zerostepdrama's picture

I don't think it's her usual M.O. buuuuttt it's starting to sound like it. He's already given her a promise ring Smile

Definitely have thought about the cameras.

zerostepdrama's picture

Well if we are going off of how mature (or immature) BM is, then yes she is 12. LOL!

robin333's picture

It's so nice when CS ends. I would worry more about skids visiting (asking for something) more than seeing BM.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah... we shall see how it goes... not looking forward to it... if it becomes a problem.

robin333's picture

I hope it doesn't change anything. One of the skids recently got a job that is mere miles from our house. I'm hoping that won't result in drop-ins as I hate unannounced visits.

zerostepdrama's picture

YSD is pretty needy and having her dad so close by... but I truly hope that I am just being paranoid.

notasm3's picture

BM and I lived a little less than a mile apart when I met DH who lived 200 miles away. Then he moved in with me. I never once ran into her.

As for drop ins - just say no.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah my concern is with the skids getting too comfortable with the close proximity of the houses.

WalkOnBy's picture

Asshat and I lived about 10 blocks apart for 10 years....our town has about 23,000 people. Guess how many times I ran into him or Money-Ka in those ten years?

Him - twice

Her - never

zerostepdrama's picture

While my odds of running into BM increase with her being closer, I am more concerned with the skids being closer and doing drop ins.

zerostepdrama's picture

DH says we are on the same page. He brought it up before I even brought it up. He knows if they cause stress in my life, it will cause stress in our marriage. So I *think* he knows the consequences but he has been known to fall stupid to the skids.

ItsGrowingOld's picture

I'd be highly concerned about DH's unborn grandkid being used as tool to suck the life and resources out of your DH. It's happened to many unsuspecting DH's in the past.

zerostepdrama's picture

This will be grand baby # 5 with 2 more arriving a few months after YSD has her baby.

YSD is in a worse situation then he siblings when it comes to raising the kids BUT DH is of the mindset, if you're grown enough to make a baby, you're grown enough to raise the baby.

YSD is his BABY though... so we will see if it's different for her. And especially with her being so close. If he wants to spend all of his money on his grand kid, that is on him. But he's going to be disappointed when he has no fun money left.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

So BM's boyfriend of only six months is fine with her moving her two kids into the house he shares with his teens and them all living in the basement with a new infant and $600 less income. Ya. I'd be very very worried if I were you. SS and YSD and her baby will be eventually, probably very soon, asking to move in with you and your DH.

zerostepdrama's picture

I believe his kids are more like ages 10 and 11.

SS will not be moving into our house again. He's tried it twice. He's 23. It was actually totally fine when he lived with us but he's an ADULT and needs his own place. Not hoping back and forth between DH and BM.

YSD- DH will not agree to that simply because he knows if YSD lived with us there will be more BM drama and he doesn't want that. SS is good about keeping it at bay. The girl skids, not so much. So I guess this is the one time when BM's craziness actual benefits me.