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I talked with Sd

Taris's picture

I took sd to dinner last night for some girl time and I asked her what she wanted if dad would let her. She said she wanted her own place so after dinner we drove around and looked at some apartments near us. By look I mean we drove through them and looked at the outside. She made a list of some of the nicer ones she liked that were close to us and we are going to go look inside this weekend. I'm also making a list of some near the community college she wants to enroll in. Tonight I am having a big talk with dh. I already invited him to dinner and I am going to let him know this is happening and he will apologize to ds for his behavior towards him. This is nonnegotiable to me. Wish me luck!


Acratopotes's picture

No cancel dinner with DH, you are going into war without being prepared.

Rather play the cards clever , help SD find a cute little place for herself close to everything, she can sign the lease and pay the deposit and then tell her Dad... Daddy I found my own place, i'm moving out, I am use to having my own space and I need it, I will visit as often as I can..

once she's gone you can talk to DH about how he treated your children

ESMOD's picture

I agree. You have talked blue in the face to him about you not wanting his princess in the home. You got nothing.

The only way this is gonna work is if darling goes off on her own and gets herself a place to live. I would be texting her links to cute little places and pinterest pics of decorating

twoviewpoints's picture

I agree also. Dad will interfere if he catches wind. Help SD do this. She's an adult and doesn't need his permission nor approval. Deal with your DH's attitude later.

princessmofo's picture

Oh, boy... Based on your dh's past behavior I anticipate you will be the one looking for apartments in the near future, not sd. I agree with Acra, you are gearing up for a full out war. Good luck...

BethAnne's picture

As i said the other day, find her a duplex or a pair of apartments if that is more affordable and she can buy them both, live in one and rent out the other. It will at least cover her mortgage (if she needs one) and may well provide a small monthly income for her.

I am not too sure someone who is so willing to say to the person that is listening what they want to hear is going to stand up to her dad though. She could be just placating you, just as she was placating her dad.

Disneyfan's picture

So does this mean this story is going to wrap itself all nice and sweet the Hiddenmoon's did?

If so, be careful not to out yourself on someone else's blog like Hidden did.

Acratopotes's picture

not at all sad I missed that.....

I'm tired of drama on this site

will go an listen my fab song now

Tuff Noogies's picture

she's still "here" with an active account.

ETA - i'm referring to Troll. i have no idea about hiddenmoon.

Jlbfinch's picture

Okay so this teenage girl never liked you, her mom died less than a year ago, her morning sickness is so bad she can't take the smell of coffee, yet she was totally fine to go to eat at a restaurant (the smells!) and then cruise around looking at apartments? lol okay.

still learning's picture

LOL! Sad but true. DH will likely want SD to save her money and live at home. Good luck Taris, sounds like there's about to be a battle.