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The princess has arrived

Taris's picture

I doubt she is going anywhere. She is eating up all the attention dh is giving her. Dh and i had a huge fight yesterday because my youngest ds was loud getting ready for school and he woke her up. She has morning sickness so she was in the bathroom puking and crying to dh that my ds needs to not wake her up. He took off on my son and I cut in and him and I aren't talking right now. This morning he told my ds t shut his damn mouth. I let him know that isn't acceptable and I swear if looks could kill I would have died right then. I am so pissed off right now. Oh and coffee bothers her so my older ds can't drink it anymore. What the heck is happening? This is crazy!!


MrsZipper's picture

It's his house. SM and her kids moved in with him. If they want to move out they can I guess.

MrsZipper's picture

That's the double standard the therapy dog incident people said, DH doesn't like it, not his house, he and SD can leave. Well, Here SM doesn't like it, not her house, she and her bios can leave.

TwoOfUs's picture

Totally different scenarios, though. In the first instance, it's a MINOR child who has special needs that the SM is trying to take into consideration...while also trying to find a way to compromise and make it work for her DH and SD. Also, in that situation, the SM is dealing with a change in the status quo the best way she knows how...while trying to take care of her child who, again, is a minor with special needs.

In this case, it's an ADULT SD and her soon-to-be-delivered baby upending the entire household and no compromise is being offered at all, even though the adult has the funds to be self-sustaining. She could easily get a house nearby and DH could go help and visit as much as he likes. Nope. He wants to completely change everything about the way they have established their household and their lives without any discussion. He's the one changing the status quo. don't get to do that in a marriage.

Yeah...that "double standard" you are seeing and so quick to point out simply isn't there.

MrsZipper's picture

Can a 19 year old easily get a house nearby and raise a baby with no help? Especially one whose mom recently died and all of those emotions are stirred up? I can't say I would like the situation but dad is clearly wanting his daughter to be supported, and that is his decision as a parent. God forbid one of my DDs got knocked up at 19, I wouldn't be happy but you better believe I would want to help them however I could. I doubt I could say oh well, best of luck to you, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

DH is choosing to help his DD. He is choosing to admonish his SS. He is choosing to incur the wrath of his wife. If he doesn't care about her hurt feelings there is not much SM can do about it except leave.

TwoOfUs's picture

No one is suggesting that the SD be put out on the cold with no help. I would never suggest that. I'm just saying that 1.) The double standard you pointed out isn't there. The two situations are very nearly opposite cases, in fact. And, 2.) That it's possible for the DH to care for his daughter without upending and uprooting everything for everyone else. She's inherited hundreds of thousands of dollars. She was living on her own before getting pregnant...of course she can do so now. At the very least, DH could tey to balance her needs with the rest of the household.

I agree that OP should move out...but not because it's "his house."

twoviewpoints's picture

OP can't tell SD or DH to leave. It's Dad's house for many years, long before any thoughts to OP. OP also has AN ADULT 18yr living in he home. One adult child goes, other adult child can go too. See how that works?

The original post makes clear exactly why the SD does need her own home. Instead of fighting with her husband about noise, sleep and coffee she needs to focus her attention to helping SD find SD's strength to stand up to Dad.

Today it's coffee. Tonight it will be whatever ANYONE in the house makes/eats for dinner. This morning it was adult stepbrother making some noise. Tonight it will be ANYONE watching tv or having a conversation. Or the neighbor's dog barking. Or the actual minor child of OP will get a cold and cough.

Princess is obviously having a tough go of morning sickness. Newsflash to Princess: morning sickness does not just happen in the morning. Morning sickness does not just happen if pregnant self does not get her beauty sleep. Ect. Ect. Ect.

Princess will be able to control who and when anything is cooked/brewed/ate in her own home. Princess will be able to sleep when and however much she pleases in her own home. Princess will be able to begin setting up her baby's room between puking her guts out and Daddy can swing by and check on her and visit as often as he pleases. Princess will be much more happy and comfortable.

Problem is Dad/Grandpa won't be. OP's best hope is to persuade SD how SD herself would love having have own place and then Dad to understand this is his daughter's baby and SD needs to be free to grow up and be the best mother she can be. Sure Dad can help. What Dad can't and shouldn't be doing is taking over his adult daughter and treating this pregnancy as if it's his own child about to be born.

thinkthrice's picture

EXACTLY!!! Yeah I would be packing my bags-especially since it is his house--an easy out.
What's really crappy is when they move into YOUR house and start demanding the way things are "gonna be."

Yep I do not miss this one bit. I got a taste of it when Chef was grasping at straws trying to find a microbe of waywardness in my DS, who was much older than his brood. Trying to compare apples and oranges--aka trying to prove HIS lot aren't brainwashed pieces of shit.

SO glad mine were much older and out of the house by the time Chef was a permanent fixture. I don't know how you ladies do it with the double standard when you have your own children in the house that are treated like shit and everyone is supposed to walk on eggshells for his brood.

oneoffour's picture

Ah so your son was making coffee right outside her room because he knew that being pregnant and smelling coffee would make her sick. As for the noisy one... well he should know that noise makes a pregnant woman vomit. (Big Arse Eye Roll x2)

I would take the boys to a hotel for a few nights. Or tell DH that being pregnant isn't a fatal illness and in 7 months this will all be over one way or another. Either he will back off or you will be gone. Is he really willing to lose his wife over his daughters bad choices?

TwoOfUs's picture

Oh man.

My OSD who just turned 20 recently moved in with her boyfriend despite my DH's objections. Now...they are seriously talking marriage, and we both really like the there's some comfort there.

Not sure how it came up. We were talking about DH starting over with an "ours" baby or perhaps fostering or adopting. I said that I didn't want him to have to start over if he was ready to be done. He said: "Never. I would love more kids of my own. The only thing I am NOT willing to do is raise I hope DD realizes that...."

I must say, I breathed a huge sigh of relief hearing him say those words out loud...

hereiam's picture

It sounds like you are going to have to make a decision. Your husband is showing you where his priorities lie.

I understand that he loves his daughter but to expect the entire household to bow down to her because she got herself knocked up, well, I just don't get it.

My SD got pregnant at 17 and my DH was upset and worried about her future. He was not overjoyed and putting her on a pedestal, kicking everybody else in his life to the curb. And thank God, she did not move in with us!

ESMOD's picture

In general, I see that your DH is not handling this right.

But.... You said your son was being loud getting up. Just how loud is loud? I was taught to be considerate of others in the home. I am not saying that he has to "tip toe".. but if others in the house are sleeping I was taught to be quiet.. have tv at low volume etc...

From the post, I can't see how out of line.. or not out of line the kid was.

Taris's picture

He was doing his normal routine. He wasn't swinging from the light fixtures singing. If he doesn't like it she can go.

ESMOD's picture

I have a feeling that isn't going to happen.

Daddy isn't kicking his pregnant princess out.

So... either you and your kids learn to deal with the reality that she is living there and try to be accommodating even if her requests are sometimes petty.. or you move out. I really don't see other options because if they stay and continue to buck his/her requests.. it will just be one giant fight fest between DH and your kids and you.

What kind of noise was it anyway.. just the shower running?

ESMOD's picture

I would find that

Any way to get him earphones/buds so he can watch tv without the sound on?

I seriously think cartoons are the loudest and most annoying things with their high pitched voice characters etc..

Acratopotes's picture

I think she inherited allot of money from BM.... she wants her own place but Daddy is saying NO..

thus the problem is Daddy IMO

still learning's picture

Yes daddy is the problem and it takes two to form this dynamic. She can say she wants to be independent yet her actions speak otherwise.

Taris's picture

She inherited a ton of money so she can afford them herself and even worse is she can afford her own place!

Disneyfan's picture

The real question is can YOU AFFORD YOUR OWN PLACE? Everyone can see where this is heading. You can either dance to the beat of your husband's drum or hit the road.

Taris's picture

I can afford to support myself and my boys but I am no where ready to throw the towel in.

still learning's picture

She can't deal w/the noise of cartoons yet shes going to be a mommy. Princess has got some major growing up to do.

No cartoons, no coffee. What other mandates will be handed down? She moved into YOUR marital home. YOU are the woman of the house not her, start acting like it. I guarantee you are going to cause waves and be the bad guy but it will be so much worse if you sit back and allow all of these assaults on your marriage and home.

As other posters said, she needs to fit into YOUR home if she wants to live there. You have other children and there will be noise and smells. She needs to deal with it or get her own place.

Icansorelate's picture

why isn't princess getting up at a normal, morning hour? Does she not have work or school to attend.

If my DH spoke to a child of mine the ways yours did, he would be gone.

What is going to happen when there is a newborn in the house? Will everyone be expected to tiptoe around all day and night?

If I was you, I would have already left.

WokeUpABug's picture

So I got pregnant at 16. My parents helped me. So I am not anti a parent helping a teen out who is pregnant. You know what they didn't do? Make any special accommodations for me. The food in the house? The same. People's routines? The same. I have no idea what I wore for maternity clothes but I can guarantee there wasn't a fancy new maternity wardrobe. Your husband is being ridiculous.

But I think focusing on this is missing the larger picture. Her being pregnant is barely one iota of your problems. The real issue is what happens when the baby comes. There's a good chance your SD will want to be out Friday and Saturday nights and use your DH for babysitting. From what you're saying I'm guessing DH will be 100% fine with this. She may also use him for a lot of other childcare. Whether you lift a finger to help or not, expect DH's time to be taken up with the grandbaby. Gone are your carefree almost empty nester weekends, etc.

I can't imagine being in this situation as a stepmom. It's almost like a brand new stepbaby.

princessmofo's picture

You have been told repeatedly what to expect from this situation, both from the helpful advice on this site and your ignoramus dh. What would ever compel you to stay?! I would sooner drink razor blades then reduce myself and my children to this level of "crazy" but hey... It's your story, you spin it however you like.

still learning's picture

I would have much preferred the smell of coffee from ss31 rather than the pot smell wafting from the basement.

ESMOD's picture

All of this^^^

Bottom line is we can all tell you your DH is "wrong" but I don't think the perfect solution of the girl leaving at least until sometime after the baby comes is going to happen. This is your reality so either deal with it or get out.

TwelveLongYrs79's picture

I don't understand how this is an issue still. The minute my DF made a decision like this, without even a rational discussion? I'd be out.

twoviewpoints's picture

Actually, I think this is why OP dislikes SD:

" My boys dad never sees them and dh was going to adopt them BUT sd "suggested" he wait till we have been married 5 years before he makes a big commitment that will cost him years of child support money for my boys. I don't like precious. That almost ruined our marriage. Dh has NOT adopted my boys and whenever the topic comes up he blows it off."

And the really strange thing? OP carries on about this grown ass woman coming 'home', yet when OP got mad at DH, what did OP do?? She packed up her bags and boys and went running 'home' to her mother. She came crawling back and played nice when DH didn't case after her or give in.

Disneyfan's picture

Thank goodness SD was smart enough to give her dad valuable advice. And he was smart enough to listen. No one should rush into adopting stepkids.

TwoOfUs's picture

Something about that part of the story doesn't quite add up. Her DS is 18 and she and her husband have been married for a year? Why adopt a nearly grown skid. And...if you do...why worry about CS for a kid who's about to age out?

twoviewpoints's picture

Last March 2016, in OP's first blog, she said they had been married three years. So about four years now. She had a 6 year old and a 17 year old in that first blog.

She would get CS for quite a number of years for her youngest son. She may have gotten support and perhaps college cost for the oldest son.

Four years married in an equitable distribution state. So all marital property acquired during the marriage is subject to division. Property brought into the marriage is not subject to division in a divorce. She'll not be set up all pretty if they divorce, especially considering he did not adopt her boys.

Acratopotes's picture

WE all told you this is what's going to happen.

I agree with the poster that said, sit SD and DH down and say, this is how it is in this house, we are not going to change, either you fit in or you eff off...

but seriously in your shoes, I would've looked for a place for me and my children and move out...

no one but no one will tell my kid he's not allowed to have his morning coffee or make a noise while getting ready for the day..

Rags's picture

Time to buy some coffee scented candles and light up the house with the glorious smells of freshly brewing coffee. Only cook mocha and coffee flavored dishes for a few weeks. See if her residence changes.

Have fun!!!! }:)

Disneyfan's picture

The only who is going to end up with a change od residence after that stunt is the OP.

Herhusband has made it crystal clear where she and her kids rank in this. They can either fall into line or get out.

Instead of wasting time getting back at the SD, she needs to get busy removing herself from the situation.

bitsnpieces15's picture

Lots of advice.

I think you are in for a long battle because it is going to be his responsibility to raise the baby. It is going to breed more resentment and anguish. I would talk to him, and let him know that she is a member of the family not the only one. If he doesn't accept it, move on. Maybe Even a short term separation will give perspective.

Taris's picture

Call me names I don't care. I am sorry I posted to a poster you don't like. This is a free board and we are allowed to correct others when they are wrong. Geesh! Someone needs some meds and it ain't me!

Tuff Noogies's picture


Taris's picture

I'm sorry. I mostly just read and yesterday I was reading another thread and corrected someone. I didn't realize it would lead to this.

GRITSinAL's picture

I think you will have to get your own place. I know the house is your DH. I can't remember if you have been helping make the mortgage payment or if there IS a mortgage. If you have been helping pay that for several years and can prove it, you MIGHT could get awarded part of that back if you took it to court. The reason I know all this is that our house is in my DH name only. He bought it at beginning of 2010. We married in 2012, and the month after we married, he became self employed. I have been paying the mortgage alone since 2012 because we half our bills, and DH pays the cell phone and utilities which works out to about the same as our mortgage. The reason I pay the mortgage is that DH no longer keeps a checking account, and he is not even on MY account. The mortgage is the one that I pay because we feel like that is the one we wanted to have checks to prove if anything was needed to be researched for any reason, etc.

Well, now sometimes I wish I didn't pay the mortgage because the house is in his name only, so my DS would likely never benefit from anything to do with the house after our death. I should really be contributing to something for his future because SS is probably the one who will benefit from this house that I pay for.

Lately I just let it go. It is only 698 dollars, and to rent a similar house in our area would likely be the same price. DS and I would have to have a place to live regardless, and DH does contribute his half of our expenses too.

DH and I used to argue more, and SS used to bother me more. Things are usually calm now (not always but usually), but there have been times when I have left for a few days or contemplated divorce. It doesn't seem fair since yes I pay the mortgage, but I have about decided that should something happen, yes I will have to leave.

If something happens here, I may print out all the payments I have made thru my checking account and attempt to go to court and get a settlement of some sort (we do not have kids together). I am not sure if it would work, and I am not sure if I would do it.

This is just one of the things that sucks about second marriages.

Anyway, I would not put up with your situation I don't think. It seems to me that it is not likely to improve and will get worse as she gets further along and as the baby is born, so I would probably leave. Sorry you are going thru this.

ETA-- In my case, I hope to be added to the deed soon. DH is all on board with me being added. He is not trying to be bossy to me or take away from DS or me. It is a money issue here. We are always pinched for money, and when I called the courthouse to ask how to do it, they said we would need to go through a lawyer. Our kids are teens, so it seems like they are more expensive as teens than they are when they were younger. We don't have the money to go through a lawyer right now and get me added to the deed, but hopefully in the coming years we will and at least I will be on that. I can't be added to the mortgage because during my first marriage, we owned 2 houses. The one awarded to me I sold. The one awarded to my exDH he lived in a while but let foreclose. My name was on it too, so now I have a foreclosure on my credit.

GRITSinAL's picture

I personally think if your DH could afford it, a reasonable solution would be to help SD get set up in a nearby apartment or rental house and keep a check on her. I feel this might spur her to be on her own and be eventually more successful as a parent and adult. He could help however much he could afford without draining your current household.

If he can't afford that, I still feel a reasonable compromise would have been she gets one room only. Right now, it is almost like rewarding her for what has happened. I am not judging her because it could have happened to me at that age too, but I feel like if it is waaaay too easy for her, she would fall into a repeating cycle.

But if he were going to be such an ass about everything, I still think I would get my own place.