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First Holiday with SO, SS, & future InLaws.....Oh Boy!

AshMar654's picture

I am just venting on this one a little maybe alot. Just need to get it down and out of my system at this point. Holidays with my SO were pretty great, did Christmas Eve at my parents with him and his son. Everything started Thursday night when I went up there and guess who showed up for dinner, yup the aunt no clue why but it was what it was. Oh and she started drinking plenty again and was getting to the point where she was trying to tell her brother my SO, I just want to be included once you all move in, and the eyes were getting teary. SO responded by saying do not start this again tonight I do not want to hear it and walked away. I was happy with that. I stayed downstairs to finish my glass of wine and was talking about my mom and what she got my soon to be SS for xmas. I mentioned she kept worrying about treating him like she treats her bio grandchildren, I think is sweet and aunt say what does it matter it's not like it is her biological grandson. I said she wants him to feel included, she is just that way, rolled my eyes and went to bed a little annoyed, yes I told SO.

Fast forward to Christmas Eve, went to my parents with SO and SS and aunt and his parents went to their families. It was great absolutely fantastic. Everyone had a great time we laughed and played with SS new race track game and just really had a great night. Get back no one was home (SO lives with parents but we found a place so that is changing) it was quiet and just awesome, SS was all excited and ready for Santa, tried to stay up late by telling his daddy I said he could, I never did and his dad knew he was lying, we laughed. All great until.....they got home aunt is literally bawling her eyes out everyone was upset and mad. Oh and yes aunt and the MIL were drunk so yay for that one. I have no clue what really happened I have some ideas. She goes to bed MIL and SO and I are all up and hanging out for a little trying to figure things out. Well I guess aunt hears us talking she is really drunk and did not catch all of it comes down stairs crying like crazy and starts blah blah blah. I told her to go to bed. I said enough you are drunk go to bed. She brought down all her gifts for everyone and just sat them there so I put them all out for her and arranged everything.

Xmas day morning starts off good things are a little strained but it starts to mellow. Some of his family come over my parents came up because we wanted everyone to finally meet since we will be moving in together in the next 6 months. All goes pretty well until about 5ish. Aunt and another family member wanted to go for a walk ask SS to go he is like no and says only if I can ride my 4 wheeler. I said no it is getting dark and your daddy will not like it either, SO was in other room did not hear the conversation. SS did not even fight me on this just said ok I will stay here. Aunt says well let's go ask daddy, really! My mother heard all this and kinda made a face like really too. Anyway SO without me even saying anything to him said the exact same thing I did. All good. Well everyone is having a few drinks and a good time at one point aunt asks SS8 to fill her wine glass from the box of wine on the counter. It took everything in me not to yell and freak out on her, I look at my SO he is not happy, my mom who is meeting these people for the 2nd time is like what, but because everyone was there we all just let it go. Of course at one point aunt is talking to me again about how she wants to be included and her brother does not talk to her and on and on and on. I was little for harsh with her this time saying hey your brother is happy, SS is happy, so it is what it is. I am so tired of telling her over and over that she will still be a part of his life it will just be different.

Night ends with her getting super drunk at this point and getting SS all wound up after SO and I both said it is time to calm down and relax for the night. I get him his milk tell him to go sit in his favorite chair in the living room. I am cleaning up in the kitchen some fake snow we made and SO is taking out the garbage I hear aunt in the living room playing with him and getting him all wound up making him laugh and he spits his milk out all over the place. She laughs and keep tickling him so of course SS8 thinks it is funny and does it again on purpose this time and SO walks in at that moment and sees the whole thing. Yells at SS everyone is yelling at this point, SS is crying upstairs cause he has no clue what he really did wrong cause the grownup was acting more childish than he was.

I am so close to just telling the Aunt off and once we move in allowing very limited interaction and SO and I are completely on the same page. It is nothing but chaos. (Sorry it was so long just way too much this weekend).


Disneyfan's picture

The sister and MIL played a major role in helping this man raise his son. The aunt has pretty much be mother figure for the last 8 years. Now that the OP is the picture, she wants to push the sister out of the way and dad is going along with her.

If things do not wOrkney out between them, dad will once again look to his sister and mom to help with kid.

Why not just focus on your relationship with your SO and let the kid, his aunt and grandma be?

Your desire to play mommy should not alter an 8 year dynamic that has worked just fine for the 4 of them.

AshMar654's picture

Yes they have both played a major role but the aunt is just that an aunt the MIL has been more of the mom role in his life and she is completely good with me being in the picture. Her and I get along really great. His parents treat me great and are really happy with how things are developing. They even gave us the same amount of money for Christmas, they are really good to me.

I have no intention of pushing anyone out of the picture here, SO has been more about setting boundaries for her and asking her to take a step back. SO and I do focus on out relationship a lot. We make time for the two of and we talk about everything. I was trying to let the Aunt be I really was, let's face it every time I am there she is there and drinks way too much and just starts to cry about how she does not want to lose him. She brings it up and gets all upset even though I have said multiple times now yes things will be different because it will be SO's and my house not her parents so she can not come and go and be over all the time. No couple wants that. I told her she would be able to take SS for weekends here and there.

Now that may change because SO even without me saying anything to him is beginning to question his son's safety when in her care, because all he sees when she is around is her drinking way too much. Oh and she was throwing up from drinking to much the one night we heard it and it was the bathroom right next to SS.

The dynamic is not working anymore because my SO is miserable and that in turn affects the son.

notasm3's picture

I said she was a drunk some time ago - but lots of people here disagreed with me. I still say the aunt is a drunk. I personally do not think young children should have to put up with drunk adults.

AshMar654's picture

You were right, I have fully witnessed it now. I still do not see a problem with a kid seeing an adult have a drink with dinner or at the end of the night to just relax. Yes on the holidays we all have a little more and I am still good with that. I do not like that SS sees her getting drunk all the time and acting a fool and how she starts fawning all over him when she gets really loaded.

Disneyfan's picture

But dad was perfectly fine the "drunk" aunt when he didn't have a woman willing to step into mommy role.

The drinking is being blown out of proportion to make the aunt look bad. Or dad is is a useless parent who was willing to give a drunk access to his kid instead of being 100% responsible got his kid.

I think the truth is in between those two extremes. Based on what the OP has posted, it seems like aunt and MIL spent the last 8 years helping dad out with the kid. Considering the fact that the child is not a problem, it's safe to say they did a great job.

NOW all of a sudden, the woman who helped to raise this kid that the OP and her family seem to adore is a sloppy drunk who is a danger to the kid.

I am extremely close to my nieces(17 &11) and nephews(19 & 10). The moms at my nieces dance school call me Auntie Mommy.LOL If anything were to happen to my sister, and my BIL's new SO tried to dictate my interactions with the kids, I would be extremely hurt and livid.

AshMar654's picture

Again I am not trying to take him away or change that dynamic on purpose but it will happen when we move in together no matter what. Her drinking was not bad at first a little much but now it is just getting worse the closer SO and I get and the more serious we keep getting the more drunk she gets. She did not raise him she was there and really involved but the MIL and his dad helped raise the SS.

AshMar654's picture

MIL is happy for us and he is not burning anything there cause they are moving to FL and we live in PA. Just so you know my SO thanks me all the time for coming up and spending time with him and SS. I work for a living and have a job and he knows that, pretty sure when I see my SO looking up jobs and talking to me about them and asking me to help him type up his resume he is not expecting me to just be the nanny. This was not about my SO why do you always turn it into that. You are so bitter.

uofarkchick's picture

SuperJew is many things (the word meshuga comes to mind) but bitter isn't one of them. She's just looking out for you.

AshMar654's picture

They were planning on this well before me. Trust me. He is not grooming me. I do not need everything sugar coated trust me I am not expecting perfection here. I appreciate honesty I really do but you are not at all concerned about an 8 year old little boy having this woman who has been a pretty good role model up until now. She can not handle that things are just changing, so instead of just seeing how things play out and taking my SO's and my word for it, she is getting sloppy drunk and he sees this.

SS is getting frustrated too, he even comments on how much his aunt drinks, he never use to to but recently he has. That does not strike you as something is wrong. SO and I have done nothing to her but tried hard to calm her fears but she refuses to listen.

uofarkchick's picture

And I don't think an eight year old would just casually come to the conclusion that his Aunt is drinking too much. This is something that has obviously been discussed in front of him.

uofarkchick's picture

My dad taught me how to measure fingers of whiskey at about that age. I don't remember thinking it was odd. I was never allowed to drink it but I was allowed to pour occasionally. Not a big deal.
I was referring to her saying that an eight year old is concerned about the amount that his Aunt drinks. Normal eight year olds really don't have much of a gauge about what is too much and what isn't. More than likely someone has said in front of him that she is drinking too much.
And no one said he was stupid.

AshMar654's picture

She can take him for walk, all I said is you cant take the 4 wheeler. It was getting dark and it has not light on it, auntie said lets ask your dad I said ok, knowing full well he would say no too. What is my SO really suppose to do not be with me and not live me all just to please his sister. You basically are saying my SO should stay in his current situation and be unhappy just so that his sister can be happy and still be the mother?

I am not smug at all I have my flaws. We both have tried to reassure her time and time and time again, for the last few months now. She is just getting worse with the drinking and crying what else do we do? Honestly tell me should SO and I really put all our feeling aside and what we think is best for us and SS just to please her?

AshMar654's picture

You really have this all messed up she lives in her own house that is 30 minutes away. SS lives with SO, MIL, and FIL. Yeah I was happy with it cause this was like the 4th or 5th time she has gotten all emotional and drunk and crying about the same thing. SO and I are both just fed up with it cause we can not keep telling her she will still be involved and she just refuses to listen to that and wait and see what happens. Her drinking is just getting worse, she is now getting so drunk she is throwing up.

Yeah I inserted myself cause I knew my SO would not be good with it. I backed off after that and let him deal with it. She was not his partner at all. Again the MIL has been there more as the parent figure not the Aunt. She is not my SO's partner at all. You are really turning this into some crazy messed up stuff.

AshMar654's picture

I am my SO's partner period I will back him up and he does the same for me. We have a long road ahead of us and things will not be easy. I have had my fair share of crap relationships, even my own parents tell me all the time, I found a guy who fits me and I fit him. His parents say the same thing too.

AshMar654's picture

"says only if I can ride my 4 wheeler" from my post seriously. Yes it is an actual little kids 4-wheeler they make them.

AshMar654's picture

For two months now when I am there for the weekend she has been there most of it. Even before the holiday she was getting drunk when I was there. SO didnt think a huge thing of it, noticed it getting a little much but was trying to see the good. This past week she was up Thursday night and got drunk and crying, Saturday got back from their families place drunk and crying, and Sunday drunk and crying again. Trust me I not making this worse than it was.

AshMar654's picture

I get that and I did as soon as I said the words and auntie said lets ask your dad I shut up and walked away. I usually hold my tongue but I slipped up this time because I truly thought it was a bad idea to ride a wheeler outside when it was kind of wet and getting dark and I also knew what my SO would say. Maybe I was wrong but I really was only looking out for the SS.

AshMar654's picture

SuperJew some background aunt had a an eating disorder when she was younger for years. I knew aunt when before SO she was my boss 10 years ago at my internship. The one girl I know from my internship lived with the aunt one summer and told me she drank alot and popped alot of pills back in the day. This was right when SS was an infant. fast forward several years I meet SO (small world) and aunt again. She seems to have worked out some things and doing better. Until these last 3 months.

It is not me and SO giving her problems.

Disneyfan's picture

" And it's rather rude of you to imply the only reason this guy is with the OP is to play mommy to his son."

That may not be the ONLY reason he is with her. But it's hard to believe a man who has always had some there to take on his parenting responsibilities, isn’t looking for a mommy to replace MIL and SIL.

AshMar654's picture

That does not even make sense. I have never said that to her. She has had issues in the past apparently and honestly tell me do you really think SO and I should put her above our relationship and what we want just so she does not have a mental breakdown. We kept telling her she will still be involved.

Disneyfan's picture

Her "past issues" are nothing more than office gossip.

You are right, she should not be placed above your relationship.

You may not think it now, but you will NEED this aunt in the future. That new, cute kid smell is going to disappear soon. Once you move beyond the honeymoon phase, it is going to hit you like a ton of brick that that boy is ALWAYS THERE. Keep auntie close and you will have all the kid free weekends you want.

You have a SO who loves and supports you. You have a decent, respectful, well behaved SS. You have loving in-laws who would be happy to take the kid so that you can have plenty of quality, kid free adult time with your man. You do not have a crazy BM to deal with.

You have hit the step life jackpot. Why on earth are you hell bent on screwing that up? Let the silent war with SIL go before everything else starts to crumble.

Disneyfan's picture

Please stop.

If what you are saying is true, then every father posted about here who expects his new wife to play mommy to and love his kids like her own is CORRECT. :sick: :sick:

MILs get racked over the coals here all the time for expecting SMs to do what they OP is doing.

Willow2010's picture

Oh my. I am sorry but this is just a messed up situation. How long have you been with SO?

Look at this from SIL and MIL point of view. (I am am sure you think MIL is just fine with this but I bet she is just as upset as SIL just not showing it as much). They were all just fine to be with SS when your SO needed help but now that he found a new mama for his kid, he is throwing them all to the curb. Those 3 have been the main care givers for 8 years and now you show up and your SO is changing everything. Can’t wait until he tells his sister that she is a drunk. Even though she was just fine to help raise his son for 8 years and then you show up and all of the sudden his is scared for her to be around his kid. See where I am going with this? You are going to take the fall for everything here!

I do not blame you for your feelings at all but your SO should be telling you to back up and let him and MIL and SIL figure it all out. I also I think your SO may be using you. Good luck to you. You are going to need it so much hun.

AshMar654's picture

SO and I have not been together for long a year. MIL and FIL are good with it because they are selling their house and moving to Florida. House is going on the market in March. He is not throwing MIL and FIL to the curb they chose to move and tell my SO ok you need to find your own place now. He has always been a little worried but needed the help I do see where you are going with this I really do.

At first I was trying to give it time and reassure her all the time that everything would be good she will still be involved. We will still let her take him on the weekends. She always corners me and talks to me about this stuff and I have not answers, I say talk to your brother and she cries saying he does not talk to me. I say well that is between the two of you. I try so hard not to deal with it when I am there. She was not really that bad of a drunk but it seems the closer we gt to moving in the more she drinks and gets stupid. The more my SO is getting annoyed. I really try so hard to stay out of it I do and I usually just vent on here. It helps keep me calm and not lose it.

AshMar654's picture

I agree with you, I do say we a lot and I do that cause he tells me this stuff and I agree and he just keeps telling me he wants a partner in his life. He is excited for us. I have tried so hard to defer things to him I really have, she texts me and asks me what our plans are and I give it to my SO. When she is around I say talk to your brother I am not involved but she still tries to talk to me about everything.

She just cries he does not talk to me and all he says is he can not wait to move out. She is like why is he so mean to me, why does he not want to talk to me. I sit there like WTF do I do now. I have tried to listen, I have tried walking away, I have told SO to talk to her. Yet she still cries about the same thing over and over when she is drunk.

AshMar654's picture

I understand what you are saying I do. I have even told him to be more kind with his words when he talks to her. Maybe it is cruel to her but she is a grown adult who needs to understand things change and in my opinion she needs to see how happy her brother is. Every time she gets upset is she never voices concern for SS or about her brother it is always about her and how this will change her life.

I have sat there when he talked to her, when her mom talked to her, everyone in the family has tried to talk to her but she still cries and is only getting worse with the drinking.

uofarkchick's picture

You've probably said this already but is she younger or older? I am a firm believer in birth order psychology.

uofarkchick's picture

Older siblings tend to feel like they have to fix things and will feel responsible for situations that they really aren't responsible for.

Disneyfan's picture

She's a grown adult who need to understand that things change. However, you ~ also a grown adult~ do not need to understand that SIL and nephew have had an 8 year dynamic that works for them. :?

Disneyfan's picture

A normal aunt knows, damn well that in most cases, a SM will not love that kid the same way she, grandma, granddad and dad do. Hell, we all know that more than likely, the OP's fondness of the kid will be a thing of the past in a few years. Her feelings for this kid who will be around ALL THE TIME, when change when she has a kid of her own.

AshMar654's picture

Trust me when I say she is seriously dependent on him for her own happiness. She has even commented that he is her world, he is the one thing that makes her happy. If you saw what I saw all the time lately, you would see that statement is literally true. I am sorry but something is wrong with her when she can not except the fact that SO and I are moving in together maybe 10 minutes further away, have reassured her she will still be involved, and she still keeps repeatedly saying she does not want to lose him and is crying all the time. She has said she would drop everything in her life for him cause he is her world.

There is something wrong when all we have done is be nice and tell her over and over again she will still be involved but her drinking is get worse as we get closer to moving in together. Yeah something is wrong.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

Just a quick question as I don't know your back story. I don't mean to any offense with this, but why is your SO so annoyed with the aunt now? She was in this kids life all this time. Has she only now started getting drunk? It doesn't make sense to me that the aunt is so annoying to your SO now and he is so miserable, but that she was completely fine before. I am just wondering why your SO's opinion of the situation has shifted. It just baffles me that he all of a sudden he finds the aunt to be such an annoyance. I have a hard time believing that she had none of these issues before you came along.

AshMar654's picture

SO has always been slightly annoyed with the Aunt and MIL. He accepted it because he needed them to help out when he would be out of town for work so he would bite his tongue and only really say something when things were getting a little too out of control. She has always kinda drank but I think it has been a lot more since him and I got together. I noticed it got even worse when she found out we were planning on moving in together, and got even worse when we have now found a place.

All these issues have existed before I came along just now that my SO is really ready to get out and for the three of us to move in he is more vocal about it and does not hide his irritation as well. His family has always said that after he put son to bed he would just go to his room and stay up there. He has been doing that for years because he does not want to deal with any of them.

Everything has not been fine for a long time. He was taking steps before me to change things and make things different.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I really wish men wouldn't let their female relatives step in and parent for them. My advice to you is that you should tread very carefully on this. MIL might be okay now, but don't count on it lasting forever. In my situation, I have known MIL for years...way before DH even had kids. We have always gotten along great. But, my DH let her step into the mother role after he and BM split. When DH and I got together, she seemed all happy and told us how happy she was that the SDs would have a female role model. Then DH and I won full custody of the SDs. His mother came to visit and flipped out because we made SD10 vacuum the rug. She tried to intervene and when DH told her that she crossed a line, she flipped out. She is still not talking to him over this. It was almost 6 months ago. She is refusing to accept our rules and is now suing us for grandparents rights.

So yeah, a woman who I got along with and really liked for 15+ years is now not talking to me or her own son because of this dynamic. And, she recently told DH that she doesn't need him or me. She just needs SD10. You should really tread carefully because MIL might be playing nice now, but you don't know what she is thinking. And to be honest, I look for the Aunt to really ramp up the crazy.

Jlbfinch's picture

Every post you make is about harping on his sister as if everything will be sunshine and roses once she knows her new, limited place in SS's life. And it might be for a little bit but so many people on here, speaking from experience, have told you that you should take a giant step back until your SO is able to show you that he can do all the heavy lifting on his own without depending on his parents and sister and without needing you to immediately take their place. That should be your focus right now, otherwise believe me you are headed for a tough road.

AshMar654's picture

I do not parent the SS right now at all. I do make him respect me as an adult and my SO is ok with that. Yes I make comments here and there and say I know your daddy would not be ok with that and I go talk to SO and have him deal with it. I do back off I go over there and keep my mouth shut and do not say anything to anyone else about what they say and do with SS. I only talk to y SO about things and say hey I saw this or I heard this what do you think? He tells me we talk about it and he does what he does at that point.

AshMar654's picture

I agree with what you are saying, I usually say ask your dad. I have babysat the SS and taken him to basketball registrations when MIL could not do and my SO was out of town for work. Auntie has been there but my SO at least in the last few years never asked her to take him and watch him. She just always offers.

There is no strife between me and the MIL, really honestly there is not. When Auntie is sober she is pretty good with everything, I can tell she is hurt when SS will sit with me on the couch and not next to her. He just does it I never ask him to or says he has to I do not even think about it. She gets upset when SS said hey I want you, me, and daddy to watch a movie, the three of us. I say we can all watch a movie auntie MIL and all of us in the living room. I have no control over the stuff SS says.

I just needed to vent and get it all out there. At this point I talk to SO and let him do what he wants in his situation. I know all three of us living together will have its rough moments and not be perfect by any means. It will be mine and his house so I can tell her she can not come. My SO and I are both on the same page because we both think that having his 34 year old sister around all the time and getting drunk and passing out at our house is not a good idea.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

Yes, people do it all the time. But that doesn't make it right. I am not saying that it is not okay to let other members of the family be role models. But when the parent is lazy and just sits back and lets their relatives do everything, it is a problem. In my DH's case, he knew that some of his mom's ways were not right, but he didn't want to rock the boat. I am sorry, but that is wrong. I love my dad. He is a huge role model to my son. The two of them are as close as can be. But, he knows the boundaries. I would never let him just take over and do what he wants. And in the OP's situation and my DH's situation, that is exactly what both of them did.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

Regardless, if the OP is telling the truth, then he knew things were not right. He knew his sister was drinking. He knew that his kid wasn't being parented correctly and he let it go on so he wouldn't rock the boat. To me, that is irresponsible and lazy parenting. He should have started a dialogue about the issues a long time ago.

AshMar654's picture

LOL that would be amazing. I could only hope but she needs to actually get a man in her life first.

hereiam's picture

Maybe you could set her up with someone.

Or steer her towards Craigslist, BM over here has found it useful!

DaizyDuke's picture

I am so close to just telling the Aunt off

I don't understand this statement? Telling her off about what? That she got tipsy on Christmas Eve? I know a whole bunch of people who did that. That she was fooling around with SS8 who she apparently adores and "made" him spit his milk? That she is exhibiting fear that not only are her mother and father moving away from her, but so is her brother and SS, who's life she has played a large role in?

What exactly has this woman done to YOU, that would require YOU telling her off?

AshMar654's picture

A room full of grown adults and she asks the 8 year old to pour her wine and hands him the glass. That is what I wanted to tell her off. I didn't, and SO didn't either because it was Christmas day and he did not want to start a fight. He did address is later, he was pissed about it I saw it in his face the moment it happened.

DaizyDuke's picture

I agree... I just went and read her other two blogs. It's like some pissing match between her and the SIL over NOTHING! The SIL has done NOTHING... other than want to spend a lot of time with her nephew. So what she goes to games and stuff??? So what she's over at MIL's 3 or 4 days a week? Poster keeps talking out of both sides of her mouth.. she has no problem with SIL and her relationship with SS.. but then EVERYTHING SIL does is a problem?

AshMar654's picture

No I am not controlling, I literally just post here to vent sometimes that is all. For the most part I keep my mouth shut when I am there. I talk to SO about stuff in private and he explains things to me. I try really hard to stay out of it when I am there. I just need an outlet so I do not explode and keep myself in check.

AshMar654's picture

I was never planning on limiting her interaction with the boy. I also know that my SO did not want her coming over all the time because he wanted the three of us to figure out a routine. Yes all my SO and I have done is considered what is best for SS and how it will effect him. SO spoke with his teacher already about starting a new school next school year because of where we found a place to live.

We took SS to see the new house this week to show him where he will be living. For the last three months SO began talking to SS about us living together. He talks to him about it a lot and is trying to ease him into the change as much as he can. SS even says when we all live together you me and daddy can we do this? In the new house will I be able to set up my new car track? Yeah we do think about him alot.

MollyBrown's picture

I see your a fan of blowing rainbows up people's butts, instead of doing serious self reflection. No one is calling names or being rude.

uofarkchick's picture

Granny? No way. She's definitely not the "glitter farting unicorn" type. From what I've read on here, she's usually a voice of reason.

MollyBrown's picture

Yeah, not really. She is big in chastising people who present what she fells is a negative view. Fancy some herself as a the board police.

AshMar654's picture

Maybe some holes. I try to keep post short so I do not give every little detail. Sorry about the bitter comment. I am truly a good person and all I want at this point in my life is to be happy. My SO makes me happy and his son is a pretty great kid who makes me laugh and I am growing fond of. Even the aunt has told me "he loves you" the son and he loves when you are around, then she says I do not want to lose him. What do I do with that, please tell me? I have tried to just kinda avoid it and stay out of it but I am at the point I do not want to be there when she is there out of fear of her getting drunk and crying and causing everyone else to get upset. It seems like she only gets that way when I am there. I do not even say anything I say hey lets all of us play a game, lets all of us watch a movie. She still cries and gets upset. What do I do? I have tried being out of it, yes I slipped up this weekend we all do, I have tried to reassure her, she still sees her nephew a lot and asks to have him spend the night at her place a lot. She has not been told no.

She has no been told no because the drinking was not a big issue but she is getting worse with it and my SO honestly without me saying anything has been starting to question her ability be responsible when she has him. He is going to talk to his mom and see what she thinks. He tells me stuff and I said I think you should talk to your mom.

AshMar654's picture

Maybe all you say will come true. Again she has not really been the mom figure that was the grandmother. Trust me when I say this all the kid sees in is aunt is someone fun to hang out with and that lets him do whatever he wants. She was breaking down days before I said this. I do not like drama. That is why once she said lets ask your dad I backed down went back to what I was doing. I am sorry but pretty sure I am having sex with him I should be the alpha female in my SO's life, not his sister.

notasm3's picture

I want to clarify something. I am not anti-alcohol. I just spent two weeks in New Orleans for Christmas and probably drank more than most of you. (love public transportation).

I do not think it is a horrible crime to have a drink or get a little tipsy in front of a child. But getting sloppy drunk, maudlin and emotional is not acceptable behavior when a child is around.

I firmly believe that the aunt is a drunk who is using alcohol to deal with whatever problems she has. She may or may not be an alcoholic - at this point in time. There's a HUGE difference in "fun" drinking and drinking to drown one's sorrows.

To me it sounds like the aunt is digging her own grave. The more unstable she is the less I would be inclined to let her be around the child alone.

And I've been the aunt - my nephew lived with me when he was six. I helped out because I was needed and I could help. That did NOT give me custodial rights to the child. He moved thousands of miles away, and my interaction went from daily to a couple of times a year. And that was what was best for HIM.

I missed him of course - but I did not drink myself into oblivion and whine to the world how unfair it was.

If someone is too impaired to drive a car - they are too impaired to be taking a small child out for a walk down the street in the dark.

AshMar654's picture

He is not dumping her, he even defended her a little when I first said stuff. He has told me from the beginning that his son loves his aunt and will still allow her to be around and have interaction with the kid. He told her that too but apparently that is not good enough.

I agree I do think he should thank her and talk to her again. I am not sure it will do any good. I agree with the sober thing too.

Willow2010's picture

He is not dumping her, he even defended her a little when I first said stuff.
Wait, what? Are you saying that when you first came around, you pointed out how "terrible" his sister was and he defended her to you? And now he is "seeing" things your way and thinks his sister is terrible? UGH. Girl, this is all a disaster waiting to happen. And not just about the SIL.

He dumped his sister (WHO HELPED IN WITH HIS SON WHEN NEEDED FOR 8 YEARS!) as soon as he got you.

Can you imagine what will happen if you and he ever break up? I would not get to attached to the skid until you are certain this is all kosher. And I am sorry, but the more you talk about your SO the more he gets on my nerves.

AshMar654's picture

I will clarify. There was on incident a a few months ago again with her drinking. I said do you think she gets like that when she has him at her house, he said that he did think she would do that and told me to let it go and that she is important to his son. I said ok and let it drop. Since that incident things have just gotten worse with her drinking, crying, and saying all the time I do not want to lose him.

AshMar654's picture

How many times do I have to repeat this she has not been around Full Time as all that was the MIL and FIL.

uofarkchick's picture

I'm sorry if I'm remembering incorrectly but I thought she only just recently moved in to her own place?

MollyBrown's picture

Thirty minutes is not that far away and you have no idea how many times her parents asked her for help.

Disneyfan's picture

She was only 30 minutes away.

You're kidding yourself if you do not think this woman was just as involved as MIL and FIL. You have only been in the picture for a year. You have no idea what the last 7 years looked like.

AshMar654's picture

You are right I do not know what they looked like. I do talk to my SO, his MIL, and I have even tried talking to the aunt to get some idea. I was not there. I will be the first to admit that.

MollyBrown's picture

The kid lives with the grandparents. He's moving in with the op sometime soon and getting the kid in June. This is more then a working parent.

AshMar654's picture

Hold on again sister did not live there and her job takes up a ton of time in summer so she is hardly around during that time. He travels less than half the year and is usually home every weekend. He was never going to send his son off to Florida. The plan was for him to get a new job when they moved that was before I came along, he talked to me about in the beginning of our relationship. He had him young and he has made mistakes he knows that and I was not there so I can't say what happened.

What I do know is he has gone to school got his associates tried to be a better man for his son. No he is not perfect but he has tried to do what is best for his son. He has gotten better jobs over the year, saved his money up since he could so he could buy a house for him and his son. That all happened before me. As much as I would like to think that I am that amazing and have that much power over him, I am no where near that amazing.

Maxwell09's picture

O/T How did you like our city's "Christmas" weather }:) I hope you enjoyed the city!

Disillusioned's picture

The Aunt sounds like a bit of a nut-case but, in your shoes I think I would back off where the SS is concerned, most especially in his Aunt's presence - unless she is doing something that would harm the child obviously you would need to intervene

Otherwise, focus on your own relationship with your SS. It's great you're close and he respects you - that's a major part of the battle right there.

But stay out of his relationship with his Aunt as much as you can.

I know that can be frustrating. My DH's sister has had next to nothing to do with SD's (her nieces) over the years, and yet she took huge offence to me having anything to do with them or any say on anything in their life

There are many incidents where she throws in my face they're HER nieces - she has more say as the Aunt, I have none as the SM. One small example of many; I remember one time when DH & I had been together for about a year, living together at the time, and SD's were with us for their weekend visit. We had all gone out for dinner including DH's parents and his sister. DH ordered a cocktail and had got up to go to the washroom and YSD (about 12 at the time) suddenly says "Disillusioned, can I have a sip of Dad's drink?"

I have no idea why she asked me, but before I even had a chance to register the question, DH's sister snapped at me and angrily said "that's for her PARENT to decide"

At the time, it really ticked me off how DH's sister had talked to me, especially as I had nothing to do with any of that - I never told DH's daughters what they could or could not do and they normally didn't ask me for permission on anything either. But at those initial stages they did come to me more than his sister for things they needed, that was for sure, and that was because they saw me much more often than their Aunt who only made an appearance at family get together's, but then she played the powerful blood Aunt role of course during those times

What I figured out about her was that she was competitive in her relationship with SD's, when it came to me (just like she competes now with me, with her relationship with her brother). I wasn't competing (then or now) at all, but she was clearly insecure about it.

Your SS's Aunt is insecure about your relationship with her nephew. She obviously has some problems. But, as much as you can, don't make it any worse by competing back - not saying that you are - but don't play in to it. Step back, be a good person and role model for your SS. I think that's the best thing any step-parent can do. Don't play the inlaws games!

AshMar654's picture

Thank you, I try really hard not to compete. It takes a lot for me to keep my mouth shut and yes I slipped up this weekend it happens. Thank you for words of encouragement.

MollyBrown's picture

You guys have been dating under a year and he recently just informed them that is serious. Added that her parents are moving away. Have some self reflection and think how she feels. Try to judge less, you will want her help once you realize the kid isn't going away and playing house loses the shine.

AshMar654's picture

We have been looking for a place to live for two months now. We started early because we wanted to give ourselves time. They have known for the last three months now that we are serious. Yes it is quick and fast I get that. We are taking the actual transition slow. Son will not move in until school year ends in June. We will have the the place I will move in and SO and son will be there on the weekends.

DaizyDuke's picture

Ladies... you are just assuming here that Aunt is drinking because she thinks she is going to lose skid. Poster doesn't know why she drinks, WE don't know why she drinks. Maybe she drinks because it's the holiday, maybe she drinks because she has nothing better to do, maybe she drinks because she has untreated mental issues (given she also had an eating disorder) The poster has mentioned THREE times that the Aunt has been drunk.. THREE! How did this woman become an bluthering alcoholic in two days??

A lot are also implying there is some ploy here by the Aunt to overly insert herself into skids life... she's not doing anything different than she has for the past EIGHT years! The only thing I see "different" here is the poster who came along and has made huge leaps in referring to her boyfriend's mother and father as her "future IL's" and treating her boyfriend's kid like he belongs to her. NONE of you find any of this a bit overstepping?

AshMar654's picture

I say IL's because it is easier to type. Can I just clarify that. I do not treat the kid like that at all. I really do keep my mouth shut a lot when I am there and around her. I step back and let her do whatever she wants usually. Is it truly my fault that the more I am around and the closer it keeps getting to us living together that the son just asks for me more than her? I even asked her to come do things with us and tried to include her, she has done the same with me. When she is sober things are good tense but good. After the two glasses she starts with all this drama.

AshMar654's picture

I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when she gets drunk and starts acting stupid and says stupid things too. I have tried adopting the attitude more of just ignoring it, this weekend was a challenge and I messed up at moments. I am trying to stay out of it. Next time I am there and she starts talking to me I think I am just going to tell her to take it up with her brother I am out of this and go hide in the bedroom. Seems like the best solution.

AshMar654's picture

I just might do that sounds pretty good. I do not think my SO would blame me. He would want to follow truthfully.

SMto2's picture

What I think sounds so unrealistic to those of us who have been SMs for some time (18 years for me) is this notion you seem to have that the moment you move in with SO, boom!, you instantly become an equal parent/authoritarian figure with SO over his son and his aunt who's been a parent/authoritarian figure his whole life up until now should disappear from the picture.

You are already making all these orders and decisions like you're his mother: "...SO and I both said it is time to calm down and relax for the night...I get him his milk tell him to go sit in his favorite chair in the living room...I am so close to just telling the Aunt off and once we move in allowing very limited interaction..."

It does seem odd to me that you seem to have seized a parental role when you're still just dating his father with "plans" to move in together. You sound as though there's been a decision that you are adopting the boy and going to become his legal mother the moment you move in with his dad. While you are portraying the aunt as insecure (and I have no doubt, she is, and I can see why, given the way you talk about what will happen) you also sound very threatened and somewhat immature with the way you're handling this. Those of us who have been at it a while know it takes a LONG TIME to establish step-family bonds, and it does NOT happen overnight with the child. While you hopefully will develop your own relationship with him over time, you will never have the same HISTORY that his aunt has had with him for the first 8 years of his life, and you cannot change that. The fact that you think you can basically "snap your fingers" and erase all those years he had with his aunt and replace her with yourself as the female who takes care of him and is there for him is naïve at best. While I think it's fantastic that you WANT to have a mother role with the boy (I assume it's that and not just that you want to be able to tell him what to do) that is something that should happen gradually over many months and years. You would be well-advised to tread lightly or else this could backfire in ways you cannot imagine, with your SO, with the SS, with the ILs, etc., etc., as blood is thicker than water and it always will be.

While I don't condone getting drunk and crying in front of the kids constantly, it reads like you're looking for ways to criticize the aunt to justify your desire to shove her out of the picture. Perhaps if there were not so many statements to her about how things are going change dramatically when you and your SO move in together, the aunt wouldn't be acting the way she is. Looking at it from her viewpoint, I would be freaked out, too, not just with the thought of being "replaced," but out of concern with how things will work out with the boy, who just might not find it all hunky dorey when the dust settles and you're barking orders at him and he's stuck with you for weeks while his dad is out of town.

I agree with the poster who said you could play this right and have the aunt as a great back-up. (My 9 year-old is spending the next 2 nights with my DH's sister, and we're ecstatic to have the free babysitting!) Even if she really is a drunk and a danger to the boy as the conversation seems to be heading as people are trying to give you well-meaning comments, then that is for your SO to address and not you. There is obviously a LOT going on here. I think there's a great opportunity for you to have a great relationship with your SO, his son and his sister if you just take things very slowly and don't try to force things to happen overnight. Best of luck!

AshMar654's picture

I agree I can in now way answer those questions. I am not threatened by that at all. It is the reality.

uofarkchick's picture

I agree with you. One year is just a start.
It also might be possible that Aunt Emo sees the writing on the wall and is concerned about her nephew getting too attached to someone that may or may not be around in 6 months. She probably knows her brother pretty well and maybe she has some serious doubts about his ability to be a decent parent or partner.
Total speculation on my part, of course.

Jlbfinch's picture

Lol @ Aunt Emo. For all the OP knows, her SO drops the super dad routine as soon as she walks out the door and goes to hide in his room while grandma tends to the kid. At the one year mark and without living together I think most couples are still in the phase of trying to impress each other.

uofarkchick's picture

I know I was at one year in.
I believe in the old saying that you never really know someone until you start paying bills with them.

Jlbfinch's picture

I was doing both, playing up how great of a mom I was to my then boyfriend while in reality letting my mom do all the heavy lifting. In my defense I did work and go to school full time and my mom is so nice and motherly she made it way too easy for me to let her run the show while I was just sort of there on my off days. I lived with my parents for a year and then moved the kids and I out and into our own place when I realized that I was allowing myself to become a secondary parent to my mother. I can't imagine how hard getting back into managing my own household would have been had that went on for 8 years.

MollyBrown's picture

Can you really not see a day in your future when you realize you will never get a break from the child and the parents live far away and The aunt stays away from you? You need a better long term plan. The preteen years are coming fast.

uofarkchick's picture

Same here. Going to work is my only break. I literally have no one that can watch the kids. I love them more than life itself but they can seriously push a person to the edge of sanity.

AshMar654's picture

I see it I am not blind to all this. I do not have the full realization cause I have yet to live it but I see it coming. She will not stay away, I know that will not happen. I also know a teenage boy is not going to want to hang out with any adults period and only want to be with his friends or in his room. We will see we can make a long term plan but hey things change all the time. My parents will only be 30 minutes away if we need help.

AshMar654's picture

She made a face towards me one time and does not judge at all. She feels bad for the aunt and calms me down when I talk to her about stuff. My mother is my outlet besides here and a very good voice of reason.

still learning's picture

OP, these kind of arrangements where female relatives step in and parent are common in many cultures all over the world. In many cases the children stay with the relatives rather than moving in with the father and his new wife. MIL and SIL should stay active and connected in ss's life, it would be disruptive and unhealthy to cut them off. They have been his *mothers* for several years, you're new on the scene, not even married and already marking your territory with this kid. SO has been ok with the arrangement for years and he'll probably be ok with it again if the two of you part ways.

Back down and let the situation be.

AshMar654's picture

I hole heartedly agree with you. There has been some really great advice on here. I am taking as much in as I can. I want to say thank you to all sides it has been insightful. I know at this point my SO is not trying to push anyone aside he is struggling to with not wanting to ups3t anyone too much. His main concern at this point and he had kind of mentioned it before but made it more clear to me. He is worried about her drinking getting worse lately and with the way she has been acting just these days when she gets drunk. He is worried about his son when he is in her care right now. Not before because she wasn't acting like this or drinking this much. I told him it is his decision on what he wants to do about that and I suggested he talk to her a little more. We will see what happens. He is concerned mostly about his son in all this.

Again thank you to everyone.