It's all about ME!
SD12 is 13 today.
She was ALLLLLLL up in everyone's rear about it yesterday.
First thing she said when I walked into the house (late getting home) was, "Cover! You're home! It's my birthday tomorrow!" I had to literally turn away as I shut the front door (nope, she didn't even wait for that to happen...) to refrain from unleashing expletives. And said, dripping with sarcasm, "Yeah, SD....I KNOW."
And on and on. Then after dinner, during which she continued to discuss b-day and I ignored, she says, "This weekend is ALL ABOUT MEEEEEE!" Thankfully NO ONE answered her. I told DH later that bugged me and he laughed. I said, "Yeah, you think it's cute but it's really not."
At least DH didn't get her a computer she wanted (I had no idea she asked for one) thank goodness. I have no idea what he's going to get her so that'll be interesting to watch.
She was telling me that she needs a bunch of stuff from the store for her party. I re-directed her to DH for ALL of it (snacks, dinner, decorations). Reminded her I was going to make the cocoa and help her make the cake but that was it. And if she wants help with the cake that I need a full list, written on paper, of what ingredients she needs by tonight. And they have to be within reason, i.e. no 'edible glitter.' And I will not be running back to the grocery store last minute (a 40 minute total drive) to get stuff. She bakes so can do this.
She hasn't decided what to do for dinner - told her talk to DH.
I got her a nice set of new PJs she wanted and that's it. Done deal. I need to remember to pick up some wine too, because I am not setting foot out there once her friends and her start in on the insanity and I am NOT cleaning up. That should be interesting b/c she's due to go back to BMs, with a couple friends, on Sunday late morning. I will watch the fit unfold....
- Cover1W's blog
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Oh do I feel your pain.
Oh do I feel your pain. It's hard not to let them drive you crazy with that bday stuff.
My SD is 14 in 2 weeks

This is ALL she talks about, to DH of course, in hushed tones, so I don't hear, because I am tired of her rowdy group of girls every damn year with their sleepovers. Yeah, I have the nerve to tell them to be quiet, go to sleep, etc. :jawdrop:
This year it falls on a Wednesday, and DH and I both work. I told DH there better not be a sleepover this year, or heads will roll. They are old enough to stop that, they can go be loud at dinner or a movie or wherever they decide to torment other people, but no more gang of gals running through the house and screaming all damn night. Sorry, I ranted on your post
Anyway, I totally feel for you and wish you the best with this and with her.
At least her parties are
At least her parties are always on a weekend. No way would a weekday party be allowed.
...And BM is coming over for a while too. Told DH that should be the last year that happens (we stopped by SD's party last year at BMs, to simply drop off a gift, sing happy b-day and get out of there maybe 15 min total). SD13 doesn't even know why she's coming.
I have no personal issue with BM other than her complaining about money (yeah, me too BM, because of YOUR kids!)
I stopped having sleepover parties around age 14/15 too, so hopefully that'll happen.
SD10 doesn't like them so at least we don't have to do those with her.
See what's wrong with today's
See what's wrong with today's parents? Your DH laughs at his daughter's bratty, immodest, self-absorbed antics. My Irish mother would have said, Go on with you now, the world doesnt revolve around you. And it didn't.
so proud of you for keeping
so proud of you for keeping up with the disengagement !!!!
and remember the wine..... enjoy your week-end lol
...and he bought her the
...and he bought her the computer.
I don't really care he bought it, but he was complaining about the expense - so now he can't complain to me about it or about her losing her charge cords or about her needed a new phone soon (a real need, not a 'want')...
She got me her list so we are good to go on cake making (scaled back a bit from her original idea which was basically a wedding cake LOL. Um, no.) and the cocoa mixture.
She was pretty good yesterday, not over the top like the day before. She appreciated dinner, her new PJs and help getting ready for the party. So good on her.