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Back in the stepdrama full force this AM - my email

AJanie's picture

I know I was doing alright being semi-disengaged but I entered back in the ring this morning for another round. I can't watch DH get beaten down like this any longer!!! Below is the email I sent the attorney (names left out to maintain some sort of anonymity:

Dear ________,

I know I said I didn’t want to be CC’d on any emails (my apologies, I was in the throes of a breakdown after a horrible few weeks financially and otherwise.) I just can’t keep silent about some of the things I am seeing!

I know DH hasn’t been able to keep up with your legal fees, or any bills for that matter. When he settles the (workers compensation) case your fees are a priority. He would be willing to sign a note or affidavit if you would like, putting a hold on the funds.

With that said, we really need to do something about BM because it gets worse each week. I understand if you don’t want to take this on having all of those outstanding invoices, but even if you could point us in the right direction for him to file a motion pro se I would appreciate it. It was easy to keep my mouth shut until I saw the impact her antics are having on SS (and our life, every week).

SS is afraid of her boyfriend and is very vocal about that. He was screamed at for walking inside at drop off with a $25 scooter from DH. The kids tell us “boyfriend makes mom cry” and “flips out on us.” BM and the boyfriend talk very openly in front of the kids about child support, their dislike for DH and other adult issues. Keep in mind, this is the same man that stormed outside and beat on DH until he collapsed onto the pavement a year ago, with the kids home. SS is petrified to contact DH or me (he thinks he will be punished) and he has begged us not to tell his mother because “he will be forced to go to therapy.” I also noticed the kids are very preoccupied about money and know way too much about child support and court.

The last Friday the kids were supposed to be dropped off she literally called and said she was on her way to us and then shut off her phone. For all DH knew, they were in an accident. He was pacing around calling until 10:30 when he finally got a hold of SS. The next morning she just drops them off at her convenience, as if nothing ever happened.

Another incident that shocked me was Halloween. She fought with him about 5 or 6 days before regarding costumes. She even texted “I don’t want to take your Halloween.” He called for 2 days and left messages and she was well aware it was his night. She intentionally took off with the kids and then today she calls him and pretends she had no idea it was his Halloween – and told him she was home until 7:00 (when he was sitting outside for 20 minutes at 6:00 PM and the house was empty with no cars there.) She calls him “crazy” and hangs up. I know as a mother she wants control but she takes it to an extreme that you would have to see to believe.

I read about parental alienation and that is exactly what she is doing. This is the second man she has acting as her kids’ father (the only time she allows DH to be with the kids is when she is going through a break up) and she continues to use the kids as pawns when it comes to DH -- and she decides whether she “feels like” abiding by the court order. It is awful, and although DH is far from perfect and struggles financially, he tries to do everything he can for them. He is constantly devastated about the loss of those kids. She told him today before she hung up that she wanted to keep SD this Saturday and take her to a baby shower. He is a glorified babysitter at best.

SD has been begging to take gymnastics and it has been almost 2 years – BM refuses to allow DH to take her but won’t sign her up. The ONLY thing she will discuss with DH is money.

She has destroyed his relationship with the kids (ripping them from him at her convenience) and now they are getting older and are questioning everything, asking why they don’t see him, why he doesn’t “show up” and more. The holidays are coming and after Halloween we are afraid to make any plans because we anticipate they will be ruined with her indirect answers, ignoring, game playing, etc.

I don’t know what the court can do in these situations but I feel like DH needs to go forward and do something. How much does it cost to file a motion and is that the next best thing to do? Help!

Thank you!!! Without you he would have been completely forced out of the picture right now. I really am sorry for the nonstop drama.


Stalkers -- let me know your thoughts? Did I sound like a nutbag stepmom? Thanks!


AJanie's picture

I appreciate your honesty! I used to work for this attorney as her assistant about 6 years back (left on good terms, obviously) and I referred my aunt to her - my aunt has been a paying client for a few years now. She offered to do this for us at a reduced rate and unfortunately due to DH's injury we have not been able to keep up with her fees. Not that it necessarily will change your opinion - just so you get the full scope.

AJanie's picture

Appreciate the insight. He does need to make a good faith effort if he has any chance at continuing this legal battle with an attorney.

AJanie's picture

Thank you. He has a few conversations that are saved. I will make sure he forwards them on.

AJanie's picture

I just want him to finally see some sort of results. It seems as though she gets away with murder.

Major Blunder's picture

You're not a NutBag, at least in this particular case, not sure otherwise. You love your DH and can't stand to see injustice and pain, sounds like you might just be a sane human being with a heart.

BethAnne's picture

I think that asking the lawyer to do extra work when the bills are not getting paid and they already did you huge favor by offering a reduced rate is asking too much.

It does seem like your husbands ex is a pita but it does not seem like anything you mentioned is easpecially urgent. If I were you I would encourage your husband to find some more income so he can pay off his bills (try to not rely on the pay out as that may never happen). Then I would take all emotion out of the situation. Look at each point that you wrote above and find exactly which part of the court order it violates and then get documentation that proves that it was violated. The more official the better. Keep all of this information together with a diary of events linking what happened in each day/time/place. In the mean time also make sure your husband sticks to his side of the court orders I the letter. He shows up when it is his visitation time, documents him sending reminder messages to BM and has proof he was where he was there, he pays any cs in full and in time, he is involved as much as possible in the kids schooling, any health issues and other aspects of their lives. Then when he was paid off his legal bills and saved up so he can afford to pay the lawyer again he can go back in with a lot of evidence and ask for help finding a path forwards.

AJanie's picture

Thanks. I have a really hard time with this. I can somewhat disengage from it for a little while and then something happens that effects him so much it is hard to look away.

I feel like it bleeds into everything and makes life impossible (financially, with plans and organizing our schedule.)

I am always fighting a war with my mind over it and it has brought me down so much. I keep going back to smoking, I am always irritable. Somehow I continue to hold out hope that "justice" is right around the corner.

It feels like my life is on hold until it gets sorted out. I always wanted a family but I feel like I can't have one because of the financial strain! I don't know how anyone does it unless they are extremely wealthy.

AJanie's picture

My SIL (also deals with step drama) thinks our attorney puts a heavy emphasis on CS (which has been good - to an extent. He is much more understanding of the process, especially being injured and out of work for awhile) but ignores DH or minimizes the visitation issues. She thinks we are being screwed over and overcharged. I am not sure if it is time to find someone else. It was enough of a struggle to get the ball rolling with this attorney I can't imagine now shopping for another.

AJanie's picture

I just don't understand why our attorney kept saying her hands were tied until he was caught up on the $1,300 (just found out the number today) he owes. I understand it reflects poorly to fall behind - I do. But if it is separate, and DH is catching up each week and doing his best, why she makes that the focal point of every conversation.

AJanie's picture

When this is all said and done we will owe her at least $8,000 or more. I know she has attended 2 or 3 court hearings and has helped modify the entire visitation order. It just seems way expensive.

WalkOnBy's picture

they are separate in that you can't complain about one while seeking the other - or in that you can't stop paying support if you are denied access to your children.

AJanie's picture

SIL has an ex that fell on hard times and as long as he sends something until he gets back on track he has always been in the clear. I think for awhile her order was for $100 per week and he was sending $30 to $50 for a few months. Never an issue but maybe thats because SIL chose to be understanding. Of course it becomes arrears but it wasn't this immediate crisis that I feel our situation is being made out to be.

I say this because I truly don't understand it. It seems like putting a price on the children.