How would YOU feel???
So - I'm going to detail a situation and I want you all to tell me how you would have felt...
Background - DH left last night for a business trip. He won't be home until Friday night. Last week, he worked from home every day but Monday. Skids get home from school at 3pm. KarateKid is 16.5 years old.
Saturday late morning, DH and I met DD25 and her husband at a house they are thinking about buying. It's a total bargain, but it's a fixer-upper for sure and DD25 wanted DH's electrical expertise and general "he can do anything" advice - my son-in-law is NOT handy and is NOT interested in becoming so.
We look at the house. As DH and I are walking out to his car, he gets a text from KarateKid, "dad, I need to talk to you. Can we go to lunch when you get home?" I ask DH what's up with KK, was there anything going and DH said he had no idea why KK sent the text, but that he would drop me off at home, grab KK and go to lunch.
I was thinking something girl related, or something he simply wanted to speak to DH about privately.
We get back to the house and I begin to busy myself back in the kitchen, and I don't see DH and KK leave because I was in the laundry room when they left.
Time goes by and I am still in the kitchen (lol) when I see DH walk in the front door. Behind him is KK and also BabyVoice. He comes into the kitchen and I said, "so, what was it?" DH said, "don't know, he never brought anything up. Weird, right?" I said, "maybe he didn't wanna bring it up with BV there and by the way, why was she there?" "KK asked her to come along."
I sent DH a text about this later, but for now, tell me your thoughts...
- WalkOnBy's blog
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He probably doesn't want to
He probably doesn't want to tell you what was said because he knows how you feel about his kids. Maybe SS asked for privacy and didn't want it shared with you.
Is your DH the type of person to just act like nothing was said instead of saying to you "It's private between SS and I?"
If it was something truly important, do you trust that your DH would inform you? Maybe you are on the need to know basis, especially if you are disengaged.
If you are disengaged why did you even ask? Do you really care what SS wanted to talk to DH about or is it more because you are nosey (this would be me, so I'm not saying it to be rude).
nope, SS didn't ask for
nope, SS didn't ask for privacy because nothing was said at lunch.
my DH would say something like "he asked me to keep it private" and I am totally cool with that.
Yes, I know that my DH would tell me if it was something important.
I wouldn't say that I was nosey, I was genuinely concerned (as was DH) by the tone of the text from KK and the words that he used. DH was as perplexed about the event and the way that it unfolded as I was.
ETA - and I like KK
It's ASS and BV that make me crazy - lol!
Well then guess they just
Well then guess they just didn't want to lunch with you and thought the only way to get dad to lunch with them was to come up with a lie to get him there.
so far I have three similar
so far I have three similar opinions...interesting.
Sounds like manipulation to
Sounds like manipulation to oust you from the equation.. but have they done this before? Seems kind of odd that all of the sudden they would do something like this? Maybe skid chickened out from telling dad whatever he wanted to tell him??
if they have done this
if they have done this before, I am not aware of it
DH said that when BV went to the bathroom, he asked KK what he wanted to talk about and KK said "nothing" with a totally straight face...
I don't get why your DH
I don't get why your DH didn't call him out on this though??
DH: So what did you want to talk about?
KK: Nothing
DH: Then why the hell did you summons me to this lunch to talk about something?
I don't get it, either. When
I don't get it, either. When DH gets back, we will definitely talk about it.
My guess is he had something
My guess is he had something he wanted to talk about but lost his nerve. Maybe he was waiting for an opening from dad like "so what did you want to talk about, son?" I know I'm like that, it's so much easier to bring up something uncomfortable if someone else gets the ball rolling.
when BV went to the bathroom,
when BV went to the bathroom, DH did just that.
KK said "nothing" and according to DH, was acting totally normal, not like a kid who had something to say. KK is not a shy kid. At all.
Well then I think he just
Well then I think he just wanted to go out to eat and thought he'd have better luck if he came up with a specific reason. I think you have to let this one go, it's not like SS specifically requested a private meeting, that was just the assumption your DH made. The good news is that your SS can't really pull this again. If he tries to in the future your DH can reply back "is this something we need to talk about in private?" That'll set the expectation that SS better have something to say.
KK DID request a private
KK DID request a private meeting. "Dad, I need to talk to you" is very different from "hey, let's go grab some lunch,"
I am disengaged. The reason
I am disengaged. The reason I said that DH was working from home most of the week and they get home at 3 is to say that they have had plenty of time to "hang" with dad this week, far more than they typically have.
he knew that we were going to
he knew that we were going to go look at a house with my DD25 and my son-in-law. We were gone for about an hour.
Sounds like they didn't want
Sounds like they didn't want you around, either because they DID discuss something you aren't being told about, or they wanted alone time with their father. Either way, I doubt it's anything important.
I would keep my ears open and see what happens. Asking your DH and/or the skids probably will not get you any answers.
Ok - here is the text that I
Ok - here is the text that I sent to DH much later in the day..
Me - for what it's worth, I think what KK did was very rude. Intentionally excluding me. Good to know.
DH - I knew you would feel that way.
and then much later again:
me - so, when you say that, do you mean that you understand why I might feel that way or do you mean something else?
DH - After there was no story that he told me, and the fact that he asked BV to come along at the last minute, I knew you would think it was a deliberate exclusion. But, it's just as much on me for not bringing you.
me - why would you have thought to do that? As far as you knew, KK had something he had to talk to you about. He's not usually a sneaky kid, but I guess those days are over now. Again, good to know.
DH - true
Me - for what it's worth, I
Me - for what it's worth, I think what KK did was very rude. Intentionally excluding me. Good to know.
DH - I knew you would feel that way.
You don't like the skids, they don't like you. So what was rude about it? Sure they shouldn't have lied but obviously they wanted to lunch with dad and didn't want you around. Sad that they have to lie to their dad to get him to go to lunch with them, without you.
Thanks for your input Have a
Thanks for your input
Have a great day.
here's what's rude about it.
here's what's rude about it. It was rude.
There are lots of people that I don't like. I am NOT rude to them.
not worried. Not even a
not worried. Not even a little bit.
KK has always been such a normal kid and DH and I have often joked amongst ourselves that he must not have gotten the Medusa gene. Guess we were wrong - lol!!
thanks for giving me
thanks for giving me permission - lol!
As always, there is method to my madness. DH maintains that KK is so nice to me and so thoughtful. I have been pointing out instances where this is not true.
Could it be that whatever he
Could it be that whatever he wanted to talk to Dad about got resolved by the time you got home?
KK and BV had some discussion and KK said I'm going to ask Dad about it. Then BV said no, don't I don't want Dad and WOB to know it and BV went with them to make sure KK didn't talk about it?
Or they worked it out themselves and so it was a non issue by lunchtime?
I suppose that is possible,
I suppose that is possible, but I don't think it's probable.
DH had no idea that BV was going until she hopped in the car.
Maybe BV used KK's phone to
Maybe BV used KK's phone to send the text?
I'm thinking this was BV's idea for some reason.
perhaps, but BV isn't that
perhaps, but BV isn't that creative, to be honest.
I don't think it was her request.
He shouldn't have been sneaky
He shouldn't have been sneaky about it but would you have been okay with it if the kids wanted to have lunch with just their dad and said so?
I know some SMs get really upset about it, and when constantly excluded, I get it, but I really never cared if SD wanted one on one time with her dad, as long as there was not an ulterior motive, like trying to manipulate him.
I absolutely would've had
I absolutely would've had zero problems.
In fact, they often do things by themselves because I think it's important that they have time alone with her dad. It's not the going to lunch that set me off, it was the sneaky and manipulative way it took place
That's what I figured and
That's what I figured and that would have pissed me off, too.
And now, he thinks he got away with something because it worked and he wasn't called out on it.
"And now, he thinks he got
"And now, he thinks he got away with something because it worked and he wasn't called out on it."
this is how ASS started out - and why I am hellbent on not letting that happen again.
Sounds like the kid
Sounds like the kid manipulated the situation to exclude you.
That would be my guess. But what is more disturbing is that DH knows that is what happened and he is semi, turning it around on you. So when KK said he did not want to talk about anything, DH just dropped it and did not ask…”why did you tell me that then?” I call fowl.
But not much to do about it especially since DH is trying to make it look like you are being too sensitive .
Yeah, I agree. DH needs to
Yeah, I agree. DH needs to let KK know it's not cool to manipulate him like this.
"So when KK said he did not
"So when KK said he did not want to talk about anything, DH just dropped it and did not ask…”why did you tell me that then?” I call fowl."
We have a winner!!!
And this is the direction that I am slowly pushing my husband in to
And, that is exactly what I
And, that is exactly what I did. After DH left for the airport, I popped over to see a friend and she and I went out to dinner.
BV texted me and asked about dinner. I simply told her that I was having dinner with a friend and that she was on her own, as was KK.
KK wanted BV to go along, and
KK wanted BV to go along, and did not tell DH that.
We have monitoring software on their phones and computers. We see everything
Umm, okay. Thanks for your
Umm, okay. Thanks for your input-lol
"What if it was his dad that called and wanted to do lunch? Or golfing buddies? Attached at the hip is what I expect from high school kids, not grown adults."
Except that it wasn't any of these things. It was KK telling DH that he "had to talk to him about something" and then doing nothing of the kind.
The skids do ALL kinds of things with DH alone. DH and I are anything but joined at the hip.
Nothing could be further from
Nothing could be further from the truth.
But, thanks for your input
I can see both sides. I
I can see both sides. I think the skids just wanted alone time with dad but they way they went about it was rude. I am not sure how you could go about it with out seeming rude though. Like if my SD wanted to go out with just her dad, what do you say?? I want to go have lunch but just with you not Newstep, that seems rude to me but how else would you go about it?
Just thinking about made me wonder. SD has never done that as far as I know but I don't know what SO would tell her if she did. For the record I try to give them lots of alone time which suits me just fine }:)
I can see kids wanting one on
I can see kids wanting one on one with just their bio. Heck there are times when I want to do an activity with just BS and I and not my husband or sometimes my mom without my dad. When your blended there are a whole lot more possibilities to hurt someone's feelings.
Because I am disengaged, they
Because I am disengaged, they have more alone time with DH than the typical "blended" family.
Follow up questions: 1. Did
Follow up questions:
1. Did KK know where you and DH were when he called? If so, sounds like he just wanted to disrupt your outing akin to when a skid interrupts an adult conversation to say "I saw a squirrel once" (yes YSS really did say this; most of the time he was trying to find an excuse for interrupting because he just wanted his dad to stop interacting with me)
2. Has Medusa been in contact with KK or BV? If yes, then you have a partial explanation.
Hopefully KK will not start to play the ASS role.
Yes-KK knew exactly where we
Yes-KK knew exactly where we were and what we were doing when he sent the text.
No, Medusa has not made contact with any of them, and they have not made any contact with her.
WOB, I don't know you well
WOB, I don't know you well enough to know if those texts are how you usually speak to your DH or not. If not, I'd suggest being more aware of how polarizing you sound. What I 'felt' from the text exchange was that you were pointing out that KK was a jerk, that DH was a jerk to allow it, and that you were hurt and angry about what happened. But you don't talk about how you feel, you just push back with "Good to know." So now DH is pushed into a corner too.
Personally, I think DH should have a) not allowed BV to come, b) walked out when KK admitted there was 'nothing' to talk about, or c) called you, while they watched and learned, to come join them since there was 'nothing' to talk about.
Since he didn't do that, I think he should go talk to KK about 'nothing' and explain to KK exactly how much KK just screwed with the trust DH had in him.
And DH should be figuring out, with you, how you (collectively) will be handling this crap. Because ASS was enough, you do not need a repeat.
I WAS pointing out that KK
I WAS pointing out that KK was being a jerk.
I was also pointing out that DH was also being a jerk.
If you are well and truly
If you are well and truly disengaged AND if your finances are seperate (so YOU aren't paying for their lunch) I would completely let it go. Don't even give it a thought; it's not worth it.
I certainly wouldn't send a text to my SO that's going to start an argument, mainly because that's probably what the skids want.
You got some free time at home, and got to avoid an outing with skids? Score! Who gives a shit what they wanted. It's not your problem.
I would however be pissed if your DH hadn't offered to Pick you up some lunch. That makes it personal!
He did not offer to pick me
He did not offer to pick me up some lunch, nor did he bring home any lunch.
For me, that is exactly what made it personal.
That is exactly the type of
That is exactly the type of situation the creates resentment from the SM. Kids come off as manipulative and your DH comes across as a wuss for allowing it and NOT calling them out on it. I would of been annoyed at all of them!
Now IF the whole situation had been presented by DH as "Hey my kids want to hang out for a bit and grab a bite to eat , do you mind if we go without you". Maybe then you wouldn't of cared , unless you were hungry...because that would of just been rude lol.
Instead you get the " Skid wants to talk to me in private at lunch ". Which is understandable and would of been legit...until the other skid hops in the car crap. The second the other skid got in , your DH should of asks them whats up and had them go get you. Or at least asked them both if they needed to talk in private to verify the reason for not including SM.
The skids seem to have ample "alone" time with their Dad , so that doesn't seem to be an issue. And since nothing was even talked about , just seems fishy. He allowed those kids to win a small power play.
Overall it might be a minor thing , but since you have those kids dang near 100% of the time I would be really aggravated. I hope they didn't go somewhere you really like !
So now he is away for work and you are stuck home with them, lucky you!
Exactly-I had absolutely no
Exactly-I had absolutely no problem with KK needing to speak to him, I have raised teenage boys and I know how that goes.
When DH returns, we will be having a conversation about how I would have liked to have seen the situation handled. Just like you, I would have liked to have seen him put his foot down the second BV hopped in the car.
mY STEPkids are really,
mY STEPkids are really, really really into eating out. They will do anything to go to a restaurant. Mine like the food and will always order appetizers and really expensive entrees and their father is short on money and will say no if it isn't framed with guilt so they do the "I really miss you. " or "I really want to spend time with my father" but they can't spend time with him at his house or doing anything free... They can only spend time with him at a restaurant where he is paying or at the mall if he bring his credit card.
So that's my guess. They were hungry for some restaurant food
They went to subway-hardly a
They went to subway-hardly a restaurant.
KK eats at Subway several times a week with his buddies.
There was nothing special about going to Subway
This is probably far off, but
This is probably far off, but is there any reason he may have wanted to be alone with them and made up the story of KK needing to talk about something?
No, I saw the text that KK
No, I saw the text that KK sent.
As a first sign of potential
As a first sign of potential manipulation of the situation I would let it pass. If it were repeated then I would probably raise my concerns. It seems your husband picked up that something strange was going on so hopefully he should be more aware next time too.
DH showed me the text. Where
DH showed me the text. Where did I write that I insisted on seeing the texts??
And it wasn't as simple as a dad going through lunch with his kids.
KK sent a text telling him he needed to speak to DH about something.
I don't know about you, but when my kid sends me a text that he needs to speak to me about something it's usually something that he doesn't want other people to hear.
Then, BV hops in the car and off they go.
If KK just wanted to have lunch with his dad, he could simply have sent a text that said "hey dad let's go get some lunch."
Right? What was with all the secrecy ??
The issue is the underhanded
The issue is the underhanded way it was done, under the pretense of needing to speak to his dad about something. He could have simply asked his dad if he would take him and BV to lunch, instead of being sneaky about it.
EXACTLY!!!!! And, it's not
And, it's not like the three of them haven't ever gone to lunch or dinner without me, it happens a lot and I don't ever have a problem with it.
The underhandedness is what really bothered me. I am not a fan of false pretenses.
I'm going with manipulation
I'm going with manipulation to get DH away from you and DD.... jealousy in over drive...
KK and BV planned it this way, she was not invited last minute that's just a pot full of crock...
but I would not even bother asking DH about what lunch was... I would just go on and be happy I did not have to join them }:)
"KK and BV planned it this
"KK and BV planned it this way, she was not invited last minute that's just a pot full of crock..."
While neither of us thought of that at first, it turns out that's exactly what happened. When the text report came in that night to DH, he sent it to me and said, "hmmm."
I would never be unhappy about missing a meal at Subway - ha!!
the curse of being a
the curse of being a SM....
you got rid of ASS1 not you have ASS2 and ASS 3 at home
Apparently so...
Apparently so...
I did nothing shady when it
I did nothing shady when it came to ASS. I was open and honest and never went behind DH's back.
And, no, I don't constantly criticize the skids. I do come here to vent about it, though.
Trust me, I am the QUEEN of do you want to be right or happy...
I didn't get angry for not having lunch brought back. I simply agreed when another poster thought it was kind of rude. I haven't even mentioned it to DH.
I think you are reading things into my posts, monkey.
thanks for your input
My DH installed the
My DH installed the monitoring software back when Medusa was inappropriately emailing the skids. I didn't install it, I don't get the reports, DH does.
I don't monitor anything. Not my job.
I think you forgot the fact that DH showed me the text and sent me the report. HE gave them to me, I didn't go looking for them myself. In NO WAY did I even remotely indicate that I uncovered the texts and/or the report.
And yeah, we all know the rest of that saying.
because what you wrote was
because what you wrote was based on things that I didn't say in my post. You made assumptions that were incorrect. I never said your opinion was wrong or anything even remotely similar.
I monitor the cell phone bill only. I have never said that I monitor the computers and cell phones because I don't. I never have. DH has always done that.
I monitor the cell phone bill because it's in my name and two of my kids are still on it - and I need to shoot them "hey, get on the damn wifi and stop using all the shared data" texts from time to time.
You ASSume that I monitor the other things. I don't.
I have no problem with you, or anyone else, disagreeing with me as long as that opinion is based on what I actually said or wrote.
I am guilty of using the
I am guilty of using the royal we, I suppose. We see it, because DH sees it all and sometimes brings things to me or tells me about them.
You come across as a someone who reads into things what they want to believe. Ughhh...I give up, too
wrong - I answered just about
wrong - I answered just about every comment, despite its position.
5 hour member yet can tell from one post how my husband must feel?
Welcome back.
if I am giving you my honest
if I am giving you my honest gut reaction after reading this plus the text exchange, I feel like your DH does indeed know what KK wanted to talk about, and that they did indeed talk about something, and that he is hiding from you what they talked about, possibly to avoid hurting you or possibly because he knows already what the reaction would be, or possibly because he dealt with the issue and thought it isn't even worthy of mentioning. Since obviously I do not know your dh personally, there is no way to gauge his actions though
I don't want to beat a dead
I don't want to beat a dead horse and I know the last post to this thread was several days ago, but is it possible they wanted to speak to DH about being left home with you while he went on his business trip?
That's my two cents worth. I may be way off base though. That would have been my first thought.
I suppose, but then they
I suppose, but then they didn't speak to him about that, in fact, they didn't speak to him about anything. So, no, I don't think that was it.