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Bf got served..

jmh302's picture

So we have been waiting since bm said she filed. And today it happened.

Bm alleges that sd has lived with bm in her current place since last august (thats when bm moved and left her with bf, except for her weekend visits)

The reason for her wanting to change: sd7 has expressed that she wants to live primarily with the mother for school..permenantly.



Thumper's picture

Oh boy, and so it begins.

What part of her reason for modification is true?

jmh302's picture

I am guessing sd really does want to be with herm we had sd all school year and bm got weekends so bm was the "fun" parent.

We do not eat out and bm almost every weekend posted a pic of sd ay a fast food place. Her house is a free for all. 0 rules. Kid is 7 with total unrestricted acess to a tablet. And a tv in her room and a cd player with nikki ?menige? Cd Lol

What kid wouldnt choose that.

The kid has lived with us 50/50 for most of thebpast 4 yearsof course bm wrote on the paper that sd has only ever lived with her.

Why bm reallllly wants sd? Shes knocked up and doesnt want to work or drive sd the 2 hrs to sds school. She wants us to do the driving and wants CS.

Bitch also filed close to her house instead of near sds gma where bm picks her up 2 times a week, so bf has to drive to the other side of the state to answer.

jmh302's picture

I am insanely excited for a c/o. Ive beenntrying to push bf to do one for years.

I know its about money for bm. These past 4 years she has been so quick to pawn sd off on whoever will take her. Hell right after we moved in together bm didnt take sd but 1 night in an entire month.

I am a fighter, so everything in ME says fight this, bf would win. She has only had weekend visits for a year. Sd was signed up to school here. He would win.

But bf wants to let her go, and i really do too. Her behaviour has been terrible this year and i wont have to do the school run, running out the door at 7am and then working until 9pm.

So now, i just want him to do damage control. Offer child support with the stipulation he claims sd every other year, and then when she doesnt go for that because in her words every year its HER money. Say she can claim sd every year and bf provides school supplies/clothing for school. Given that she will get 5gs back per kid, its like 400+ a month spread out.

The whole thing makes men insane since bf and i have troubles as is. I handle all money , his paycheck goes into my account, so its really going to just make me a huge bitch having to write a check for that.

We will need to keep the c/o handy at all times because i highly doubt bm will want to stick to it. She has never taken care of sds school stuff and throw in a new baby and shes going to meltdown.