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All I can say after one year of this is .... "Un-real"

CompromisingPrinciples's picture

I married a man whose long term girlfriend (who is not the kid's biological mother)was on her way out. He was unhappy with his relationship with her, he asked her to leave and she just wouldn't leave making excuses, then using money to buy his 2 kids and talk badly about him to them. I walked in after several years of this and found 2 teenage kids who absolutely hated me as their "happy" home was now wrecked - and have done everything in their power to break us up. The Ex in their mind, was their mom. Whether their dad was happy or not. This is the attitude and the game and the bullying they all played on him. I had endured so much bad behavior from the older kid, my husband asked him to leave to live with a family member. Now the younger one blames me and barely breathes in my direction.

The negativity that everyone talks about and the ugliness still coming at me and my husband from both of his kids and the ex girlfriend is nothing short of disgusting. He also was a man who didn't clearly see what was happening right in front of his face, too busy with work and other areas of concern in his life. I had to point it out. I have wanted to leave so many times. I now have dis-engaged, leave me out and have your life with them is all I can do. The younger still lives here until out of high school but shows no sign of wanting to do anything but live on his dads dollar. I have felt so alone, read so many articles about this problem. We even went as far as to take the younger kids phone away and we were shocked at the hatred and sick conversations we found. About US.

I think I am now beyond doing anything other than riding this out. But the horrible way it has gone down is so hard to get over. I may never. I use the name "CompromisingPrinciples" because I swore I would never get involved with a man with kids and I think it's a rare person who finds this type of process or experience a good one. Sorry so negative, but I remember my life before this, although without the man I love (waited and looked hard until I was 50) As at least choosing to be respected by realistic human beings and having the choice to boot the disrespectful. I would never do this again and I only hope to make it until the youngest is out on his own. Ridiculous.


loveandfitness's picture

Have you spoken with SO about everything? What's his response? Hang in there. After everyones out of the house it will be better.

CompromisingPrinciples's picture

Thank you. We talk about everything, my husband is working hard on the kids but it was all here before me. I appreciate your supportive understanding comment. I am thankful to have reached out and said how I really feel.

CompromisingPrinciples's picture

No, he met her online, she forced her own kids away and moved to another state to be with him and tried to take over his kids, successfully turning them against him. Now she is suing him for $$ and anything she can get her hands on because he doesn't want to be with her.

CompromisingPrinciples's picture

A lot of truth to what you have to say and besides being married, I am not mixing our finances. Will not lift a finger at this point for anyone. Just hurting that this will have to end and the ugliness of it all. I have never known anything like this.

Thank you for your response.

CompromisingPrinciples's picture

You are right. Your comment has helped me the most. I don't want to believe it but it's true. I thought I could stick through this time, until the youngest is out of the house but this is killing me.

CompromisingPrinciples's picture

Believe me, both of us being happier with someone else has crossed my mind, but the kids don't give a damn about their dads happiness, it is so obvious. I appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Thank YOU.

a better life's picture

If they felt the old girlfriend was their mom it is because he allowed this and if the 2 of you got together when they were still together of course they see you as breaking up to them what probably was a happy home and resent the heck out of you. It is unlikely they will ever come to a point of not resenting you so make your decisions based on that and good luck either way

CompromisingPrinciples's picture

Thank you.
They were not still together, but that is the way she spins it to his kids.