Struggling with teanage step daughters - HELP
So glad I found this site. I am a new step mother going on 2 years of marriage. Girls are 14 and 18. I moved into their home once we got married. I hope to get some advice on one big issue I am experiencing. Here is a brief background. Girls bio mother is deceased, my mother died when I was a baby so I thought I would at least be able to relate to this. I also had a step mother growing up, so I kinda thought I knew my boundaries. I leave it to Dad to do the correcting. I also have a biological daughter who is now an adult. Here is my biggest struggle. The girls have never been taught to clean anything! They eat and leave their plate wherever they ate, whether it be in kitchen, their room or downstairs TV area. I have asked BIO dad to please teach them to clean up after themselves but he continues to do it. Yesterday the 18 (almost 19 year old) had breakfast and left her bowl with milk in it and the box of cereal still open and not sealed to get stale, on the counter and left. I was working from home and refuse to clean up after her. She came home at 4pm with a pizza, pushed the spoiled milk bowl from breakfast over and ate her dinner, left the pizza box, plate, fork and glass on counter. I almost lost it!!! Dad came home and cleaned it up, or I should say put it away. He rarely cleans the counter, just brushes crumbs into the sink. This happens daily but he tries to clean it up before I see it. Their grandma has been cleaning their room for years, she comes every two weeks to clean their room and they've never cleaned a sink, toilet or folded a towel in their life. I don't think they even know how to fold a towel, seriously. Dad will not help me on this and it is driving me crazy. They don't dust or do anything to help in the areas of the house that everyone uses. Never used a vacuum cleaner. I am thankful that I don't have to clean their rooms but I work full time and would welcome help with keeping house clean. They have 3 dogs as well, so dog hair and dander is a problem. Dad does pick up all dog waste in back yard. My bio daughter was not raised this way, she was taught how to do these things in grade school starting with her room and maybe folding towels and it evolved as she got older. I am not used to this and dad refuses to ask the 18 year old to do anything because he says she is too fragile. :? (She will go cry in her room and pout if she doesn't get her way). He said if he asked her to do something she won't do it and he can't ground her because she doesn't have any friends and just plays video games. He said how do you ground someone that doesn't go out? I think he feels sorry for her, as a matter of face he told me he did. He is trying more with the 14 year old as she will do it if you ask. Not the older one and she should know better. we were married for only 6 months when 17 (at the time) year old asked to move in with her Aunt, her Aunt agreed so her dad let her. I had no comment. It only lasted 30 days because Aunt couldn't deal with the messes she would leave. She leaves drawers open, cabinets open. When 18 she moved into an apartment near where she was going to college, roommate moved out after 5 months. Now she is home and we are paying for apartment until July. The 14 year old cut tags off her new clothes and left them on the floor when they fell. OMG...I can go on and on, this is just recent stuff. HELP I appreciate any advise. I think I came into this knowing Dad should do the correcting but now I am just being walked on by everyone, sometimes I even feel like from my husband since he isn't helping me. I just stay in my room a lot and had husband add TiVo so I can stay in a clean quiet environment. I know this can't be good but I refuse to clean up after them at their ages.
- Sabina's blog
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OMG - you're me...... Before
OMG - you're me...... Before I told my DH to leave.
He has 2 girls 18 & 20. When he moved in he told me he didn't think kids should have chores until they are 18 because they are kids until then. Now at 18 & 20, they have no clue how to clean up after themselves. He moved in with his parents after his divorce (before we met) and his mother asked him to leave because she couldn't take the mess. He didn't want to ask them to clean up after themselves because 1) their mom didn't, 2) he didn't want to lose them 3) I'm taking things personally... I can go on and on. Thing is - they moved into my house - my house where I pay the mortgage so after 3+ years of having the same argument (amongst other ones), I had had enough. Your DH should consider your feelings and, like mine, it doesn't seem like he does. This is your home now - your sanctuary. It is not ok for you to be isolated and remanded to your bedroom. I'm sorry - I completely understand how you feel but for me, it was a symptom of other issues in my marriage. I will not be disrespected by anyone - especially not the man who is supposed to love, respect and honor me. Your DH has set the tone. Where you go from here is on you. Good luck - let me know if I can help.
Wow. No chores until age 18?
Wow. No chores until age 18? That's insanity. Who would want their kids to grow up to be that useless?
I agree, thank you.
I agree, thank you.
I agree, thank you.
I agree, thank you.
Thank you for responding, it
Thank you for responding, it is very very hard. I appreciate your comments.
Thank you, I have thought
Thank you, I have thought this many times. I would not be rude and agree that I should no longer wait for dad to do it. I appreciate your honesty and suggestion. Truthfully, I think I am worried as to how she may respond. Guess I'll find out soon enough. Won't know till I try and no one is going to do it for me.
Thank you, I have thought
Thank you, I have thought this many times. I would not be rude and agree that I should no longer wait for dad to do it. I appreciate your honesty and suggestion. Truthfully, I think I am worried as to how she may respond. Guess I'll find out soon enough. Won't know till I try and no one is going to do it for me.
Honestly, if Dad does it then
Honestly, if Dad does it then I'm not sure what the big deal is. I thought you were going to say that he doesn't help, but if he cleans up their messes then is the issue that you need to wait for him to come home to do that?
I completely agree that any kid should learn how to clean up after themselves, and I'm sure you raised your kid differently, but on here we often have skids that don't - and the usual advice is to disengage and let the bioparent clean up after them. It also sounds like their grandmother is cleaning their room.
I guess what I'm getting at is, is the issue that you have to live with the mess in the day until Dad gets home? Or is that you think they should be cleaning up after themselves, and don't like that Dad/grandma do it?
It's really hard to fix other people's parenting, especially now that the kids are so old. If Dad's fine just cleaning up their messes, I'm not sure you're going to get very far.
I guess a little of both. I
I guess a little of both. I think they should be doing it. But I am thankful Grandma comes and cleans. Dad picks up only the kitchen mess, he doesn't clean anything else. He doesn't scrub the kitchen sink when food is left in it to dry, he doesn't clean cabinets when food is splattered, he doesn't wipe the stove mess, he simple puts their dishes and food away. he doesn't scrub toilets or clean any bathrooms.
Yes, it is hard to change someone's parenting and I rarely say anything, but it is getting ridiculous. I never knew of any family that didn't expect their kids to pick up after themselves. She doesn't know how. Her dad said her apartment looks like someone broke in and ravaged through everything. I have never been there and that is her place, she can live how she wants. But at our house, I believe she should be given some guidelines.
He may not be able to ground
He may not be able to ground her but he can take away her electronics.
Agreed. I don't want to see
Agreed. I don't want to see it even come to that. Just give her guidelines of what we expect. He doesn't even ask her. She may say ok. We will never know until asked. Maybe I will just ask her since dad won't.
Kinda afraid, never argued with these girls and I don't want to start.
I thought of that too. But
I thought of that too. But Grandma cleans their bedrooms, so I thought hire just to clean main areas of the house. Besides maids only clean, they do not pick clothes and trash up off of the floor in their bedrooms to my knowledge. Thank, may consider this.
Depends on the maid and what
Depends on the maid and what you are willing to pay.
I hate house work, absolutely hate it but I love a clean house. Once the floors and bathrooms and everything are clean I can keep things tidy but when my boys were home it was horrible.
The girl who cleans my house would put things away and keep things tidy. She came once a week and wasn't to expensive. Now that we have no kids at home she only comes twice a month.
Ok, I have been through this
Ok, I have been through this and still going through this, even though the SDs are a little younger.
When I met DP, SDs were 7 & 9. They are now 10 & 12.
* No chores
* No clean up required
* DP did everything, or didn't do it.
I installed BASIC rules before I moved in.
* If kitchen is not clean before I cook, I do not cook.
* If I cook, I do not do dishes unless I WANT to (and I often want to because DP can make more of a mess cleaning up and/or break things).
* Personal stuff in living areas/shared areas must be cleaned up by next day.
* No food in bedrooms.
I went through about a year of getting DP to get them doing BASIC chores, but he thought that SDs "needed to be kids." Or that it was too "dirty" for girls to do (like take out the trash...REALLY? WHO cleans YOUR toilet, DP? ME? A GIRL?), and lord forbid I even mention the word "ramifications"...because older SD is too fragile and needs special treatment because she experienced a lot during the divorce. Etc., etc., etc.
So this is how it works for me now:
* your stuff left in shared areas for over a day? It's thrown away, thrown off the deck, or given to Goodwill. Period.
* I still don't cook if kitchen isn't clean. DP knows this and has learned to clean up better. I still sometimes prefer to do it but it's on him. I do not clean up SDs stuff. I leave it. Or I ask HIM to clean it.
* I don't try to teach SDs anything any longer, unless they ask. Both SDs know how to do their own laundry now but do they? No. So that's on DP. They don't change their bed linens? On DP. They don't clean their rooms (not an issue with SD10 but a BIG one for SD12)? On DP (unless moldy dishes are involved then I get involved. No rot in my home.).
* They are responsible for cleaning their own bathroom. I don't ever go in there unless we have guests. No TP? Get some. No soap? Get some. It's really gross sometimes, and I will check for mold now and then and DP ultimately has to clean it. Because the poor SDs simply wouldn't be able to would they now?
You need a hard line for what you can/can't deal with. It's the only way you can not go nutso. I am much, much better now dealing with the stuff. SD10 picks up on it very quickly and she rarely leaves her stuff out any longer. She's even helping me prep dinner these days and loves cleaning & yard work. SD12 will continue to be lazy and not do anything for as long as I can see because both BM and DP are so scared to challenge her. Not my issue (oh, we'll talk about getting her out at 18 later...that's come up between DP & I already).
If you need a cleaning person, because of SDs, then your DH needs to pay for it. I've broached this with DP before and it always motivates him to clean up. I have hired a yard-maintenance person though!
I wouldn't say anything about Gma coming in...if you like her then keep letting her. Whatever. Both your DH and Gma make those kids what they are. Ignore bedrooms unless they effect other areas of the house.
You were very smart to set
You were very smart to set basic rules before moving in!!! I thought I would ease into it, but then it seemed as though they was never a good time. So many people have been helpful and I've really been thinking of how I'm going to approach this. I do leave the rooms alone. Bathrooms get real gross until grandma comes. Oh well! The kitchen is my biggest concern since everyone uses it.
This was my problem when I
This was my problem when I first met HD. He grew up in a hoarding house so messes weren't that big of a deal to him. His ex was a drunk, so cleaning was the last thing on her mind. When I met the skids,SD 12 and SS 10, their rooms were so gross, I seriously considered a mask to walk in. All you could do was open the door and jump onto a bed immediately to your right. Everything was piled up on the floor and just stacked everywhere. There was old food rotting somewhere in the pile and everything smelt like rotting trash.
Once I brought the kids to my apartment, my SD12 was astonished at how clean it was, she loved it and didn't know anything like that was possible. We all cleaned out their room as a family and they were shocked at how clean it was. My SS 10 didn't care as much and was way more concerned with what got thrown away (hoarders just need to know they own their things, they don't need to actually see them ever again). They were exactly like your girls, dishes just stay on the table, trash gets thrown on the living room floor, old,broken things just get piled in a corner because they'll "fix them later" (another hoarding trait). When we cleaned out their condo so they could move into my house, the kids were depressed at how pretty it looked and said they wanted to stay now.
I was lucky because my HD was very receptive to someone showing him how you can live in a nice house. He is very supportive about the concept of keeping things clean but not the best at actually keeping things clean. Still, he tries really hard.
When we all moved in, I explained to the kids that we don't live that way anymore and that it is really hard work to keep a clean house but it is required. I had to take control from my HD and do the correcting. Dishes always go in the dishwasher, if it's clean, it gets emptied. Clothes go in the hamper, beds get made daily etc. It is a daily fight even after 2 years but there is definitely progress.
The big change that made a huge difference was having chore Saturday where the kids could earn an allowance. They really look forward to that and it really has helped them accept that they are doing chores one way or another. I always remind them that they are going to end up like there grandma, living in a hoarding house and it kind of scares them straight. The show "Hoarders" made a difference as well. Not to mention, their mother was evicted for having a disgusting house, complete with rat shit in her cabinets and drawers.
You really are going to have to take control. Speak to the girls about how no one will ever want to live with them and hey will be the embarrassing roommates that no one likes. Tell them how boyfriends are going to be grossed out with how they live. They are at the right age where that could make a difference. The allowance thing could work too. But you are going to have to be a nag unfortunately. I agree, take away the electronics, take away the phone. Explain to HD that you are not living this way.
Just out of curiosity, were you not aware of how they lived before the marriage?
You are lucky that your HD
You are lucky that your HD helped - without that prime parent's backing, it's an uphill and sometimes unwinnable battle.
I think a SM can make some advances, but completely taking over can backfire in a big way (it did for me, and ultimately caused my disengagement), especially if the parent is not 100% in agreement.
Note: for us allowances did not work, at all! It was shocking. But then again, when BM and DP pay for everything all the time, why do they need to learn the value of money. So there's another thing that needs to be considered...
Oh yes, they like when it's
Oh yes, they like when it's clean, they just expect someone else to do it. I'm working on a plan with everyone's help, especially now that school will be out soon. Good time to set rules.
To answer your question on was I aware of how they lived before we married - I never not in girls room. I saw him on weekends usually and we dated 6 years. Main house area always looked clean. Kitchen could have been cleaner, noticed sticky counters. Found out after we got married that grandma used to come daily! No wonder house was clean!
Not too long after college my
Not too long after college my roommate and I got a 3rd roommate who was like that. She'd leave for work and just leave the milk out, dishes out, etc. She left town for a trip and we moved out (put her stuff in storage). She was LIVID. We so didn't care.
I don't blame you. Not easy
I don't blame you. Not easy living with lazy people that are slobs.
I would go absolutely
I would go absolutely ballistic, and believe me, my DH wouldn't want that!
I don't know what to tell you, I couldn't live in the same house as them. My sisters and I learned how to cook and clean at a very young age and were completely taking care of the household (as far as cooking, cleaning, and laundry) way before we were your step daughters' ages. I hate messes and clutter.
This is on your husband. He is an ENABLER. If you don't get this under control and get him to do something about it, one or both of your SDs, will be living with you FOREVER (unless you scour Craigslist ads and find them each a husband). In fact, it is your house now, too, so you DO have a say.
You are going to have to put your foot down and/or move out.
Hiring a maid is not going to solve the underlying problem; that your husband coddles these girls (which goes deeper than not cleaning up after themselves). And that is what will kill your relationship.
A maid is not the solution.
A maid is not the solution. In today's world a maid comes once a week at most - most often every other week. The Brady Bunch was total fiction and so was "Alice". A live in maid who picks up and cleans 24/7? Not happening.
If you are a person who does not want to live in lower slobovia with rotting food and crap all over the place it is absolutely essential that the people you live with at the bare minimum pick up their crap.
I may not scrub every toilet and steam mop every single day - but I do not leave dirty dishes and food sitting around. It's okay not to dust for a few days. It is not acceptable to leave your cereal bowl with milk in it on the counter for a week until the maid comes.
In an unusual situation
It has been a very long time since I have been on here. A lot has happened. I really don't have anyone to talk to about this. To give some history, I have two SD's, one 17 that still lives at home. One that is 22 and lives nearby going to college, works maybe 8 hours a week. Her dad pays for everything. DH and I married 5 years ago and have had many struggles around the girls, to make a long story very short. They never had house cleaning rules, grandma used to clean their rooms until a short time after we were married and I suggested it was time they do it. That put tension between us all and never happened with the now 22 year old. When she was 19, things go bad and I moved out told husband I wanted a divorce. We had lawyers and everything, lived seperated for 1 year, he contacted me before divorce was final and somehow talked me into counseling. We went through Retrovaille, which is a catholic class on marriage and it is supposed to help you become closer. He said it helped him, I was sceptical but willing to see if it woud help. We also went through marriage counseling. I moved back in with him and the girls. One month after I moved in, counselor suggested we have a cleaning day so girls would understand what we expected of them. We were all cleaning kitchen. Older SD kept dissapearing which dad noticed and called her out, this caused an argument and she left. Came back after a couple hours and said she was moving in with grandma (his mom). OKAY. She lived with her for 7months then got an apartment with a friend. All expenses paid by dad of course. When she moved out she told her dad she hated me. Now I am a very patient person and always let dad do the disciplining. So, now for the weird things I have been putting up with that I am having a very hard time with. DH will text me at 3pm while I am at work that he is meeting his girls for dinner and do I want anything, he will do this like once or twice a week. No advance warning but almost always by text. He secretly planned a vacation with his girls for months behind my back, finally I asked him what was going on and he denied it but said he did want to take them somewhere. Reason I found out is yourner SD kept coming in room and saying how about Figi or how about Paris. I let it go on for a while to see if he would tell me and he never did, I had to ask what was going on. Anyway, he told me one day, do you mind if I take the girls to Maui, of course I wasn't going to tell him he couldn't. He went in the other room and said, Oh, did you want to go? I was so upset, I said "No, I think it is best if you take them yourself". So they went for 11 days. When they got back I asked how there trip was and younger SD looked at him, then me, said had a great time and went in her room. I have not seen one picture or heard one story.
Everything is a secret with this man!!! We are on seperate checking, credit card. He makes 7 times what I make. I pay my own medical bills and he never asks to help. He pays for expensive stuff for his girls, while I am on a budget. This is becoming very hard for me. I am very independent but watching this is hard because the 22 year old is not a worker. She is very lucky that her dad is paying for all of her college and boarding plus all of her spending which when she lived here, she had amazon packages arriving all the time and new her dads cc number by heart. Now he keeps everything a secret since I mentioned all of this in counseling. She will NOT come by the house when I am here, only when I am at work and DH works from home then she will come by to see him. They will all go to lunch or dinner together and I am on my own for dinner. This happens every week, I don't mind him having dinner with his daughter but wouldn't you think he would try to get her to be more adult like and come over to have dinner with the family instead of what I feel sneaking around me. I asked DH to go back to counseling several months ago and he said he will not go back that she made things worse, maybe for him because she had him on the right track with teaching his girls responsibility. Now, I feel he is going back to all his normal bad habits if giving his girls everything they want behind my back. I have no idea because I do not see cc or bank statements. Everything is a secret, even the vacation. It is very weird! Sometimes you just need someone from the outside looking in to tell you what you are thinking and feeling is very weird and you are not just imagining it. :) I am sure there are many other things that I can go on about. Oh, in counseling he told me he didn't need a mom for his kids, he has his mom and his sister already. So, his girls know this and I am just a person living in this house to them.