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New To StepTalk

xeromatisaurus's picture

Hey everyone! I'm just posting a grand intro for myself to practice posting here and getting acquainted with the Step Talk community.
I'm 29 and engaged to my love and life partner who has two boys 10 and 14. As someone who has no kids and doesn't have a tremendously high interest in kids, things can get interesting around here with the SS's lol. All in all they're pretty good kids, but like all families we have our issues. I'm really more in this for her, and as the custodial parent, she's a package deal.
Anyway, I'm a pretty private person but this seems like a good place to get advice. I'd like to avoid using names of me or my family so commenters can just refer to me as Xero or Mati.
Dumb newbie question: Is there a place for newbies, like an actual forum or discussion or place to introduce yourself?



justanothergurlNJ's picture

Welcome, we never use real names. Screen names and the ladies here are pretty creative when it comes to making up nicknames or aliases for their skids and SO. Nice to have a guys opinion around!

DaizyDuke's picture

Welcome! And have fun!! some of us like to cuss and call our skids some creative names... as we all don't have even remotely "normal" skids and let's not even get started on the whack a doodle Bio Mothers (BMs) around thicken your skin and dive in.

xeromatisaurus's picture

Thanks all for the comments. I feel welcome already! And don't you worry, I'm sure there will be plenty of times for me to have technicolor language about these kiddos and our collective insanity. Biggrin