OT - Random Facts
2018 Random Facts...why not!
Fifteen random FACTS about yourself that may surprise people. (I can't wait to read yours!)
1. Do you make your bed every day? NO!! It's bad to do that...heat gets trapped and cooties manifest...
2. What’s your favorite number? 13
3. What is your dream job? own a B&B
4. If you could, would you go back to school? If I could go back in time. Too old now.
5. Can you parallel park? With one eye closed after drinking Nyquil
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Bartender at a Gentlemen's Club (yes, it's a strip club)
7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Like a champ
9. Guilty pleasure? Unless we're talking food or drink, I don't really have one
10. Favorite childhood game? Life and Go To The Head Of The Class
11. Do you talk to yourself? All.The.Damn.Time.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? YES. Jigsaw, Sudoku, and Places Please
13. Favorite music? 70s/80s Rock
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee. I'm a Finn!!
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Archaeologist
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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Haha! I answered the same as
Haha! I answered the same as you for all except 3,6,10,14 and 15.
Willow, what are your answers
Willow, what are your answers for 3,6,10,14 and 15??
3. What is your dream job? I
3. What is your dream job? I don’t really have a dream job but I would like to work from home someday.
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? I was a meat wrapper for a few years. Lol
10. Favorite childhood game? Hide and seek.
14. Coffee or tea? Tea. Sweet tea!!
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up. A forest ranger. lol
Meat wrapper in a butcher's
Meat wrapper in a butcher's shop? Or .... }:)
Yea yea yea...and why I don't
Yea yea yea...and why I don't tell people that I ever worked there. lol (butcher shop)
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? no husband gets to sleep in so would be awkward
2. What’s your favorite number? 27
3. What is your dream job? Full time ghost hunter
4. If you could, would you go back to school? No
5. Can you parallel park? At one point in time
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? ???
7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes
8. Can you drive a stick shift? somewhat
9. Guilty pleasure? Trash TV
10. Favorite childhood game? CLUE
11. Do you talk to yourself? all the best people do
12. Do you like doing puzzles? sometimes
13. Favorite music? It's a large and vast mix
14. Coffee or tea? Both
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: writer, yet I have zero grammatical talent
Advice, I'd love to join you
Advice, I'd love to join you on a ghost hunt! I wonder if my great-grandma would "show herself" to you.
Oh it would be fun you could
Oh it would be fun you could pack the drinks and snacks. My next adventure is in April at the Glen Tavern Inn.
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? YES! I have a pretty comforter and I like to pretend I'm good at Pinterest.
2. What’s your favorite number? 7
3. What is your dream job? Errrr....uhhh...Cupcake taste tester?
4. If you could, would you go back to school? I plan to in the future. After BD is old enough to wipe herself.
5. Can you parallel park? Like a boss!
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? I don't know that being a Mental Health Worker would shock people, but the stories, OH the stories always do it in. The way my former coworkers and I talk about it you would swear we did a stint in Vietnam.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Errrr...Jury is out on that one.
8. Can you drive a stick shift? I could, until I had my 3rd concussion. Now, I could teach you how to do it but for some reason I can't physically do it anymore. I also can't tell time on analog clocks.
9. Guilty pleasure? Inappropriate.
10. Favorite childhood game? Cops and Robbers
11. Do you talk to yourself? So much that other people point it out....
12. Do you like doing puzzles? No I freaking hate puzzles. I like doing logic puzzles but not little kitty-cat where does this like odd shaped piece go puzzles.
13. Favorite music? 80's Rock, some punk
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee.
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: A pilot.
Inappropriate?? Aw, how about
Inappropriate?? Aw, how about a hint??
Any punk band faves? I heart the Violent Femmes!
Well this weekend it involved
Well this weekend it involved scratch offs which I thought would be horribly cheesy but actually ended up being surprisingly.....climactic. There that's all you're getting
Ooooh gosh. The Dead Kennedy's, the Misfits (I actually Jerry Only once, my ex was OBSESSED with them. Funny story Jerry couldn't care less about my boyfriend and was all up in my grill), Catch 22, Sex Pistols...I could go on all day. I'm also a huge EARLY Black Sabbath fan but they're not punk. Their story though, is really something. My favorite thing about punk is how often times these artists come up and almost document for you the feelings of their audience at the time through their music. Much of it can be so relevant to what was going on in the world around them at the time, and I just honestly find if fascinating. It's like palpable history, but for your ears.
Mommadukes, I like your taste
Mommadukes, I like your taste in music!!
Thank you! We could totally
Thank you! We could totally rock the socks off warped tour if it didn't end last year.
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Yes
2. What’s your favorite number? 54
3. What is your dream job? operating an animal rescue
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Maybe....
5. Can you parallel park? Like a champ!
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Wedding singer
7. Do you think aliens are real? No
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Like a champ!
9. Guilty pleasure? The Real Housewives of Orange County
10. Favorite childhood game? Life
11. Do you talk to yourself? Oh, yes! All day long
12. Do you like doing puzzles? I like crosswords
13. Favorite music? hmmm, hard to say, I like just about everything.
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee, duh!
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Skater in the Ice Capades
I had to bail on the OC, I
I had to bail on the OC, I can't take the screeching anymore. I loved Dallas tho because of LeeAnn's crazy.
But Vicki and Tamara and
But Vicki and Tamara and Shannon made up!!!
I watched Dallas but more because of the Carney LeeAnn (smells like cabbage by the way). I also like Jersey and NY, but Atlanta you can't understand because they all talk at once and Beverly Hills I can't relate to I mean boo-hoo I had my millions of dollars worth of jewels stolen while hobnobbing in Aspen!
WOB, why do I picture you as
WOB, why do I picture you as Alice (Wonderland/Looking Glass) in the Ice Capades??
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? I try to but I'm not OCD if I don't
2. What’s your favorite number? A million, as in I wish someone would give me a million dollars..lol
3. What is your dream job? I love the job I have even if not every day is wonderful. I would have loved to do something more artistic for a living or fishing or cooking but I realize that those jobs have their own drawbacks.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? No. I have a Masters degree and don't feel the need for any more formal structured learning But, I like to learn new stuff all the time, so I'm not opposed to THAT.
5. Can you parallel park? I used to be able to when I lived downtown. Now I am lucky if I can get myself into a straight in spot. I have horrible depth perception that makes it tough to park.
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? I taught riding, I sold skis, I cashiered, waited tables, call center work, audit and accounting and finance and now I buy nuclear fuel...
7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes
8. Can you drive a stick shift? I learned on one and could probably do it, but prefer not to
9. Guilty pleasure? Having a husband that will wait on me and do whatever I want...lol.
10. Favorite childhood game? Hide and go Seek
11. Do you talk to yourself? Not much...but talk to other people that can't here me. like in the car I will say things like . "oh.. you are turning, nice turn signal lady, ya know I am pretty sure those were standard equipment in that model year".
12. Do you like doing puzzles? YES. One of my favorite things when I did accounting work was account reconcilement..just like a puzzle.
13. Favorite music? Mostly country and classic rock, but like top 40 stuff too. no classical for me.
14. Coffee or tea? Neither
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: No recollection.. just wanted a pony.
ESMOD, a PRINCESS with a pony?
Yes.. a princess. and I have
Yes.. a princess. and I have had ponies too (as an adult).
I sometimes feel a little guilty when I push the princess limits..but it is also nice knowing someone will go out of their way for you too:)
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Yes
2. What’s your favorite number? 5
3. What is your dream job? Usher at a Broadway theater
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Not at my age, though I might like to take a few classes
5. Can you parallel park? If I have to
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Salesperson (I sucked at it. I'm very much an introvert)
7. Do you think aliens are real? I certainly think they could be
8. Can you drive a stick shift? No
9. Guilty pleasure? Right now it's The Great British Baking Show
10. Favorite childhood game? The games my cousins, siblings and I made up
11. Do you talk to yourself? Yes
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Yes, but I like Trivia games better
13. Favorite music? Celtic and 70's
14. Coffee or tea? Both
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: a Rockette
And, Aniki, I think you'd operate a top-notch B&B. Your recipes always sound great!
Thanks, Steppedonnomore! I
Thanks, Steppedonnomore! I love to cook.
If I had a B&B, I would also offer:
* picnic lunches on Sat/Sun (ordered in advance)
* private dinners for 2-6 on Fri/Sat (ordered in advance)
* wine bar on Fri/Sat nights
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Only when its this cold to keep it warm.
2. What’s your favorite number? Don't have one
3. What is your dream job? Forest Ranger in the Rockies
4. If you could, would you go back to school? No
5. Can you parallel park? If I have to
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Worked in my parents bar
7. Do you think aliens are real? No
8. Can you drive a stick shift? I'm rusty but I could do it if I have to
9. Guilty pleasure? Real Housewives shows
10. Favorite childhood game? Baseball
11. Do you talk to yourself? Yes
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Yes
13. Favorite music? Classic rock/heavy metal
14. Coffee or tea? Neither
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Forest Ranger in the Rockies.
Forest Ranger sounds cool!
Forest Ranger sounds cool!
Here’s my fun facts. I can’t
Here’s my fun facts.
I can’t wait for SD to move out. I wish my cervical spine issue could be fixed. I wish I could surf all the damn time pain-free. I wish I could eat cheese and chocolate and wine and bread and pasta and never have a gallbladder attack from doing so.
Sorry Ani, I know, I broke the rules. And by the way, I suck at parallel parking.
WTF, I still love you. I wish
WTF, I still love you.
I wish I could eat cheese and chocolate and wine and bread and pasta and never gain an ounce... xoxoxo
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Yup... I have to... Air mattress in the family room life. LOL. It gets TOTALLY taken down daily. Thankfully DH has been doing this

2. What’s your favorite number? 8
3. What is your dream job? Absolute one would be to run a humane society or rescue... my realistic one is a secret. LOL
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Yes! I loved school!
5. Can you parallel park? Yup! Though not as well as Aniki! LOL
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? I was a carpenter/welder for three years. LOL
7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Sadly no
9. Guilty pleasure? Chocolate? maybe??? I don't even eat that a lot...
10. Favorite childhood game? Sharks and Minnows!
11. Do you talk to yourself? I basically give myself speeches.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Love them. Especially the brain ones
13. Favorite music? I like Fort Minor... But I also like Five finger death punch... And Ingrid Michaelson... I'm all over the place
14. Coffee or tea? Energy shots...
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Veterinarian
PA, it was THE best parallel
PA, it was THE best parallel park job I ever did!! lol
That was THE ONLY thing I
That was THE ONLY thing I lost points for on my driving test... Because I "parked too far from the curb." I was in the spot! I honestly feel like the fact I was only 2 feet away should have been commended. LMAO
HA! I still get PO'd when I
HA! I still get PO'd when I think about the driving "tester" when I took my driving test. Note that I'd been driving since around age 12/13 with trucks on the farm...so the guy tells me to "back around the curb" (i.e. back around a 90 degree turn on a street). There's no "curb" - there's just a big empty, pothole filled "bend" in the road. So I backed around it, staying as close to the "grass" as I could while remaining in the gravel. He failed me on it! I'm like, WTH? What was that?
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Id say 5 out of 7 days.
2. What’s your favorite number? 8.
3. What is your dream job? Writer, with my novels being turned into movies for which I approve the screenplay and choose all the actors.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? No. Already did my late 30s. I'm good! Love to learn new things on my own, though.
5. Can you parallel park? Not to save my life!
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? I was a ticket-sweeper at a local horse racing track one summer when I was in college.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Hell yes, and they've been on earth a long time. (No, I'm not insane!)
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Never learned, but I'm sure I could learn easily enough.
9. Guilty pleasure? Binge watching Netflix in my pajamas. It's rare that I get to be lazy these days!
10. Favorite childhood game? Capture the Flag. With the big kids. As it was getting dark outside. It was a rare treat!
11. Do you talk to yourself? Constantly! After all, I do need expert advice!
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Crosswords mostly.
13. Favorite music? Celtic music.
14. Coffee or tea? COFFEE please!
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Actress or private detective.
Ghost, please let me be in
Ghost, please let me be in one of your movies!!!
BTW, we need an Ann update. It's been over a month!
LOL! Lead role or supporting?
LOL! Lead role or supporting? I'm guessing you'd make a good leading lady!
Everything's been pretty quiet on the Ann front, no changes. But I'll be sure to post when something new comes up, as it always does!
Lead role, please! I had the
Lead role, please! I had the starring role in a few productions. I think I can still hold my own.
I typically write
I typically write horror/thrillers, if that's OK with you. My heroines are intelligent and badass, though, not the whiny/screamer types.
You've got this.
Ghost, I am In like Flynn!
Ghost, I am In like Flynn! I'd absolutely LOVE to be a smartass, badass asskicker!!!
Hmm, first thing I remember
Hmm, first thing I remember wanting to be when I grew up: POTUS. But, that job has been so dumbed-down lately that now I'd rather be a bartender--a better way to help people out, and more fun too!
I love bartending!
I love bartending!
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Yes, but only so I won't crawl back in.
2. What’s your favorite number? Don't have one.
3. What is your dream job? I don't have one.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? No. Just finished a bachelor's degree. I'm done.
5. Can you parallel park? Nope. I just circle until I find someplace that's not parallel.
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? I've only had 5 jobs but the most interesting was working at a custom car shop that cost $150,000 to restore muscle cars from late 60s and early 70s.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes
8. Can you drive a stick shift? I learned when I was 21 and never have since so I really don't know.
9. Guilty pleasure? Laying on the couch when there is so much to do.
10. Favorite childhood game? "House." My dad owned a construction company so he would bring him spare lumber and we would build houses with it.
11. Do you talk to yourself? Occasionally.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? No
13. Favorite music? Alternative
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee, decaf unfortunately.
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Architect
Architecture is art we live
Architecture is art we live in!!!
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? No
2. What’s your favorite number? I don't really have one.
3. What is your dream job? No JOB
4. If you could, would you go back to school? no
5. Can you parallel park? Yep
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Nurses Aide
7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes
8. Can you drive a stick shift? you bet
9. Guilty pleasure? Chips
10. Favorite childhood game? Ding Dong ditch em
11. Do you talk to yourself? All the time. I even answer my self back. But I never ask myself HUH?
12. Do you like doing puzzles? yes
13. Favorite music? country
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: A Mommy.
What kind of chips?
What kind of chips?
Chips on good right now.
Chips on good right now.
any kind..potatoes, Corn,
any kind..potatoes, Corn, Popcorn.. chips n dip
Potatoes.... me likey!!
Potatoes.... me likey!! They're such a tasty cold weather treat. Baked with butter, or butter and sour cream, or butter and sour cream and bacon, or butter and sour cream and bacon and cheddar cheese. Mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and butter. Boiled potatoes (skin ON).....
Aniki wants taters!!
Do you make your bed every
Do you make your bed every day? Yup
2. What’s your favorite number? None
3. What is your dream job? Pretty much my job:teacher
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Not really, i have two bachelors and masters plus ton of extra grad credits, I have to take classes for renewing my certificate and that’s enough
5. Can you parallel park? Really poorly, I avoid it
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? I did translations for FBI but I
signed a paper that I won’t talk about it. It’s pretty shocking. It was something to do with organized crime. Can’t share much. It paid decent
7. Do you think aliens are real? Nope
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Nope
9. Guilty pleasure? Chocolate ice cream and purses
10. Favorite childhood game? Chess. Yeah I am that boring
11. Do you talk to yourself? Yup.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Sure
13. Favorite music? Variety of ethic/folk music of few different cultures
14. Coffee or tea? Drink both
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: teacher, and that’s what I do
Purses, huh? You and my
Purses, huh? You and my sister could go purse shopping together. I hate shopping for a new purse and she loves it!
I have a lot. I buy mostly
I have a lot. I buy mostly online though
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Nope. I'm just going to get back in later in the day.
2. What’s your favorite number? 7
3. What is your dream job? Equine assisted therapy. I want to get my certification.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? College in an instant. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to high school.
5. Can you parallel park? Nope, not really a needed skill where I live either.
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Resident Assistant for an all female dorm in college. UGH.
7. Do you think aliens are real? They have to be. How self-centered do you have to be to think that out of the entire space we are the only thing.
8. Can you drive a stick shift? On a four-wheeler yes. A car no
9. Guilty pleasure? Ice Mochas while reading a book.
10. Favorite childhood game? Any of the more advance patty cake kind of games... Like the one where we'd all be in a circle singing a version of wheels on the bus and dancing. "Do your think, do your thing, switch."
11. Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes I even answer back.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Yes and I love when the kids help me with jigsaw puzzles even if I'm terrified they will lose the last piece.
13. Favorite music? Alternative rock, sort of, hard to explain.
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee. Either just not hot.
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Air Force Fighter Jet Pilot. Damn glasses stopped me.
DFTT, I am in 110% agreement
DFTT, I am in 110% agreement with you on #7!
That sucks about the glasses.
I have to go back and read
I have to go back and read the above!
1. Do you make your bed every day?
No way.
2. What’s your favorite number?
Haven't got one.
3. What is your dream job?
Volunteer at art museum because I'm fabulously wealthy and don't need a job.
4. If you could, would you go back to school?
Nope. Got my Master's and I was done.
5. Can you parallel park?
Easy Peasy
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Worked on an assembly line in a plastics manufacturing plant - I was super good at handling hot plastic and got assigned that machine a lot.
7. Do you think aliens are real?
8. Can you drive a stick shift?
I learned on a tractor and still prefer them. But I've got an automatic now.
9. Guilty pleasure?
Cheesy popcorn.
10. Favorite childhood game?
11. Do you talk to yourself?
Only sometimes. Usually just muttering.
12. Do you like doing puzzles?
No, I don't. Maybe if there was not a book around.
13. Favorite music?
14. Coffee or tea?
Both, it depends on mood.
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up
School teacher (not)
Cheesy goodness!
Cheesy goodness!
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? No. I make my children’s every day, though.
2. What’s your favorite number? 7
3. What is your dream job? Traveling on-location photographer.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Yes.
5. Can you parallel park? Yes.
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Photo surveillance for a PI.
7. Do you think aliens are real? No.
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes - my mom insisted I learn to drive a car with one.
9. Guilty pleasure? I know self care isn’t supposed to be a guilty pleasure, but it is. Hair, skin, and nail care are my jam!
10. Favorite childhood game? Playing house.
11. Do you talk to yourself? No.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Meh.
13. Favorite music? Indie is my favorite genre. I love it all, aside from country western and bluegrass.
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee.
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Architect
Momjeans, are you a good
Momjeans, are you a good photographer?
I remember Chutes and
I remember Chutes and Ladders!!
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? Yes. My duvet covers are so pretty.
2. What’s your favorite number? 11
3. What is your dream job? Owning an animal sanctuary
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Trade school. Regular school of learning a bunch of stuff you'll never use has never kept my interest.
5. Can you parallel park? Maybe if one of those airport runway guys with the light up sticks that guide airplanes would help me...
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Nah just standard stuff of waitress, retail, insurance admin and now housekeeper. Yawn.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Well it's a vast galaxy...we can't be the only living beings in it.
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Not if my life depended on it.
9. Guilty pleasure? "Adult time" with DH. The man is delicious.
10. Favorite childhood game? Sorry!
11. Do you talk to yourself? ALL. THE. TIME.
12. Do you like doing puzzles? Word games more than actual puzzles
13. Favorite music? 90's
14. Coffee or tea? Coffee!!
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Hair stylist.
Cooooookies, what kind of
Cooooookies, what kind of word games?
My current addiction is Word
My current addiction is Word Chums. I have played probably 1,000 games and counting :O
Word games are fun!!
Word games are fun!!
1. Do you make your bed every
1. Do you make your bed every day? yes
2. What’s your favorite number? 37
3. What is your dream job? Martha Stewartesque Gardener/Landscaper
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Yes
5. Can you parallel park? yep
6. Name a job you had which people would be shocked? Hardly; mostly mundane--cleaned gigantic industrial laundry dryers
7. Do you think aliens are real? Possibly
8. Can you drive a stick shift? definitely--prefer it to automatic
9. Guilty pleasure? Politics wonk
10. Favorite childhood game? CLUE and Mousetrap
11. Do you talk to yourself? yes it helps me remember everything I have to do
12. Do you like doing puzzles? sometimes
13. Favorite music? Everything except what Chef likes (cry in your beer genre--Vern Gosdin, etc)
14. Coffee or tea? Either or
15. First thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up: Business CEO or cartoonist
Cry in your beer genre -
Cry in your beer genre - blech!
I absolutely DESPISE
I absolutely DESPISE "depressing" music. I can take old timey country music a long as it's lively. Chef? He loves the "I lost my wife, my dog, my house, my job" shit.
I have no idea why other than he was raised with a bunch of older people throwing booze parties and getting drunk, fighting and blasting this type of music. There's no accounting for taste.
I played violin for 12 years so I do like classical music quite a bit. Not liking the modern auto-tune stuff though. I'd rather hear the fake-o percussion of an eighties dance hit than that horrid auto tune. Why they destroyed a concept of Roger Troutman's I don't know. Modern country sounds like top 40 which gets Chef's goat.
I despise it, too. I have NO
I despise it, too. I have NO problem being depressed. WTH would I want to listen to music like that?? Sheesh! If I'm going to listen to country, make it John Denver, Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw, George Strait.
Classical music... first learned while watching Bugs Bunny...
"Classical music... first
"Classical music... first learned while watching Bugs Bunny"
Not a few did!!