ASS finally read DH's email and......
Yesterday, DH finally got the read receipt on the email that he sent to ASS.
To recap, said email told ASS that in an effort to help his job search/launch plan, we were considering returning the phone and computer. DH had a few conditions in order for ASS to get them back.
DH sent this email to ASS on Sunday. ASS did not read it until last night. When ASS came home from the library, DH slipped into his room to discuss the return of his phone and computer.
When DH came out of ASS'S room, I asked him how it went. Apparently, DH told ASS that we were thinking about how helpful it would be for him to have a phone so that potential employers could call him back. ASS agreed.
DH went on to say that there were a few things that he wanted in exchange for the return of the phone and the computer. ASS volunteered, "well, I could keep my room clean."
DH told him that keeping his room clean would be one of the concessions he would have to make. ASS went on to say that he could also change his sheets-and then told DH that keeping the room clean and changing the sheets were probably a good idea because "it really stinks" in his room. He even told DH, "it's really bad in here, dad." DH then asked ASS if they had a deal. ASS said, "I don't think I can do that, dad. I cannot submit to your authority."
I rolled my eyes, told DH that I was not surprised but appreciated his efforts. I also told him that on Sunday he and I are going to ASS'S room and everything that is not where it belongs will end up in a large black garbage bag. DH told me that he would "handle it."
So, knowing DH, he will go into ASS'S room, pick everything up, organize it and make it look nice and pretty. I, on the other hand want to remove everything that isn't in its proper place under the theory of "if you can't take care of it, you don't get to have it."
Do I put my foot down? Do I let DH clean the room and stay the hell out of it?
- WalkOnBy's blog
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Wait a minute, keeping his
Wait a minute, keeping his room clean and changing his sheets were ASS's ideas but he won't do it because he "cannot submit to your authority"?
Yeah, I would be trash bagging this weekend.
yep - apparently, his
yep - apparently, his philosophical differences are keeping him from complying.
Is it September 1 yet??
Yes, Lady, this kid is SUCH a
Yes, Lady, this kid is SUCH a dick!
DH's plan is to go in there on Sunday when ASS is at the library.
Wow...your Skid is something
Wow...your Skid is something else. "I cannot submit to your authority." He's lucky he doesn't live in my house. DH's response would have been "I'm sorry then but I cannot let you live here any longer."
I agree that I would bag everything up if it is not its proper place. I would be counting down the days until this kid is gone.
LMFAO. what an A$$. "i
LMFAO. what an A$$. "i cannot submit to your authority" - that just made my day!!!!!!
if i were you, i'd stay out of it. you're only looking at another few months, just close the door and WOB
leave it to dh to either handle or not and just bide your time until he hits the road.
i'm seriously still chuckling over here about his response - priceless.
Yup grab a couple beers (or
Yup grab a couple beers (or your drink of choice) for you and DH and cheerfully keep him company while he cleans.
Hmmm, I see a trend here I
Hmmm, I see a trend here
I am thinking that I should stay out of it and just be glad that the room will be cleaned.
I WILL, however, inspect the room when DH is done to ensure that it's done to my standards }:)
I am dying over the addition
I am dying over the addition to your tag line!!!
awesome, fruit! i love it.
awesome, fruit! i love it.
I'd let DH have the pleasure.
I'd let DH have the pleasure. It might help later alleviate some of his guilt.
Sigh. You could be right.
Sigh. You could be right. Hopefully, the comment about submitting to DH'S authority provides some clarity (for DH) that ASS knows he should clean his room but refuses out of spite.
this is exactly what I am
this is exactly what I am afraid of, too. That DH will have another "woe is me, where did I go wrong" moment.
As opposed to me, who would thoroughly enjoy throwing all of ASS'S crap away
I'd leave the kid a little
I'd leave the kid a little mint chocolate on his pillow, like you get in hotels, laced with laxatives.
Easy to make a laxative look
Easy to make a laxative look pretty. Melt ExLax with other chocolates and pour into a chocolate mold.
Evil Aniki once melted a LOT of ExLax, reformed it into a bar, then roughly chopped it and added it to a 9x13 pan of brownies. Gave them to a serial cheater at his wedding barbecue knowing he would hide them for himself and eat them all. }:)
I love evil Aniki. Another
I love evil Aniki. Another way to sneak in a little fun is to add Miralax to soda or any other beverage. You can't taste or smell it, but it really does work exceptionally well
Robin, I once made a
Robin, I once made a chocolate pizza. Used vanilla candy melts and food coloring to make black olives, pepperoni, shredded cheese, green pepper pieces... The entire base of the "pizza" was chocolate. And ExLax...
I would truly LOVE to make some special chocolates for PrincASS and PigPen, but since I've disengaged it might look suspicious...
I'm going to make this in
I'm going to make this in December for the skids. And being so kind, I'll let them take what's left home so they can share with BM.
Robin, tint the vanilla chips
Robin, tint the vanilla chips with a bit of yellow for cheese. Spread it thinly on wax paper to break into "shredded cheese" or in a thin block and use a vegetable peeler to peel cheese shreds.
This kid's ego is going to
This kid's ego is going to cause him a ton of trouble in the real world. How does he plan to deal with getting a job and "submitting" to a boss? Doesn't he yet realize he is indeed NOT at the top of the food chain, therefor he hasn't earned the right to be alpha?
Yes, his ego will do him no
Yes, his ego will do him no favors.
He plans to "start a business" so that he doesn't have to work for anyone.
No, he does not realize that there IS a food chain, let alone that he is not at the top of it.
He is just like his mother.
He is just like his mother. Egotistical (without reason), narcissistic and living like a pig.
I have wondered about ASS's
I have wondered about ASS's "authority issue". He seems to do well in school, he spends a lot of time at the library, is in band, so he obviously follows rules.
Just not yours and your DH's.
i think it goes back to mommy
i think it goes back to mommy issues. medusa dropped them like a bad habit and has been radio silent to the skids for four years. i think A$$ resents WOB's existence in his life, which totally highlights the utter lack of his own mother in his life. WOB is the one he sees, and not his mom. ever. and now dh is backing up his WIFE, so A$$ has included him now as a target.
i think a lot too is due to genetics. some people are just born world-class a$$holes.
Yup- that is precisely it.
Yup- that is precisely it. He CAN follow rules, he does it every day.
He just CHOOSES to not follow our rules.
Little effer.
I thought the deal was that
I thought the deal was that he submit so many resumes every week, not keeping his room clean (which should have been going on anyway)? If you leave it to dh you said he'd just clean it up himself. Sounds like dh isn't quite in the same page as you regarding agreements? If he's still wanting to protect ss I don't know how you can have much faith that he'll keep to the rest of your agreements? I think another discussion may be in order for further clarification with hubby. No way I'd stay out of this one
the resume stuff was part of
the resume stuff was part of the deal, and remember, it was ASS who mentioned keeping the room clean and changing the sheets.
DH doesn't want to protect ASS. He just doesn't want to parent him, either.
I don't think DH ever got to the resume part once he heard ASS's take on his inability to "submit" to authority.
ETA - remember, I told DH that he could do whatever he wanted, when it came to the agreement. I had no part of it
I would not take part in the
I would not take part in the Purge. In fact, I would tell my DH to not even DO the Purge right now. I would keep the door closed (I am sure ASS is compliant with THAT rule!) and duct tape 20 car air fresheners around the door.
What would happen if you DH was to make a rule that his room needed to be filthy? To strengthen ASS's immune system and such?
I JUST texted DH the
I JUST texted DH the following - how did you know, misSTEP?? LOL
"changed my mind. I think if ASS wants to live like a pig, he can continue to live in his own shit. No need for you to "handle it."
ETA - yep, keeping the door closed seems to be the one rule he agrees with. Knowing that, if his room didn't smell like ASS, I would take it off. Just to piss him off.
Imma bitch like that
Could you please, please,
Could you please, please, please do something like this to him?
Dh and I LOVE this story
As you know SD12's bedroom
As you know SD12's bedroom was recently cleaned/purged.
BUT she's not ASS and her attitude has been pretty good lately.
I think you want to do this partly because of revenge, and think you've decided not to which is the right choice.
We had to clean because it was starting to effect others in the house and I also don't want to risk infestations. BUT I will go in there myself with no warning if it happens again. I also get to donate a bunch of stuff and take the tax credit next year!
DP told me last night her room really smells...yeah, because we disturbed all the rotten food! We'll make sure her window is opened for a while this evening and her door is also open to air it out. I may need some Febreeze too.
Not revenge, but certainly to
Not revenge, but certainly to show him that the folks who pay the mortgage get to control what their home looks like.
I, too, don't want to risk infestations. The smell IS affecting others in the house - mainly anyone who hangs a coat in the coat closet or walks by the damn room on the way to the kitchen - which is everyone and unavoidable.
We moved ASS out of the super sweet bedroom and into the small bedroom back in August when he pushed and hit me. I don't think he has changed his sheets since then.
My DH knows that if the
My DH knows that if the skids' room gets in a sorry state like before, I WILL go in there and toss every damn thing on the floor. And since I no longer do any of their laundry except for bath towels (watched separately from ours in hot water and with BLEACH), PigPen lost a pair of socks and a t-shirt. They have sitting in the bottom of the laundry basket in their room for over a month so he must not have been missing them too badly...
BTW, all I have to do is point out food on the floor or on the couch or loveseat and DH lets them have it the minute they walk in the door....
"One of you tell me WHY there is BACON underneath my GD COUCH!!"
He's such a stud. Sigh...
We have 2 ghosts in the house
We have 2 ghosts in the house "Idunno" and "Wudntme". One of them was responsible. The bacon was definitely a much bigger foul than the half piece of pizza. Occasionally, I put the cookie/candy bits I find in PigPen's bed or melt the chocolate onto PrincASS's pillow case. DH's response? "You two are damn messy and need to be more careful. PrincASS, try washing your face before bedtime and STOP EATING IN BED. Same for you, PigPen."
PrincASS thinks he's going
PrincASS thinks he's going into the military. No, this is NOT an April Fool's joke!! If he thinks the dog's tail "beating" him is horrific, wait until they get hold of him in basic training. He'll be crying in his pillow Every.Single.Night. }:)
PrincASS and his p!ssy
PrincASS and his p!ssy attitude will invite bar-of-soap-in-a-sock beatings. His smartass attitude will definitely get him in trouble with the entire unit. Boo-effin-hoo. He could use a few punches to deflate that craptastic superiority he thinks he has.
If my DP ever said this I'd
If my DP ever said this I'd be naked in the bedroom so fast...
...maybe I need to tell him this...
So it's settled. ASS will be
So it's settled. ASS will be voting for Bernie in November. LOL!
yeah, that's my line - if it
yeah, that's my line - if it effect other household members, no more "free will."
correct - no phone and/or
correct - no phone and/or computer.
Man oh man, I think Therapist will choke on her gum when she hears about this...
I know he won't but your DH
I know he won't but your DH should have shown him the door then and there. What does your DH say about the fact that he's teaching ass to use and disrespect others. He is doing this ADULT absolutely no favors. How do you still respect the man?
Disengagement keeps me out of
Disengagement keeps me out of most of this crap.....
It's quite nice, actually.
How does DH keep from not
How does DH keep from not throat punching him.
I know you have agreed that
I know you have agreed that to let him live there for a few more months, but when that is over I would NEVER allow his face to ever be in my presence again.
I've let my SS30 be homeless and jobless and quite frankly like Rhett Butler I didn't give a damn.