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What's the point?

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I finally had to ask DH when he was leaving next weekend to go see Puke and when he'd be back. He's leaving early Saturday morning which will get him there mid morning and start back Sunday around noon.

He doesn't know if Puke will stay overnight with him at the hotel or not. I doubt she will. Curious if she'll ask if a friend/BF can hang with them too as she has in the past.

I don't see the point of an 8 hour round trip drive for just a few hours with her. I was thinking he'd leaving Friday and come back Sunday night.

Now I'm not holding my breath that this trip will happen because Puke may end up "sick" or something may come up she'll want to go to as happened in the past.


over step's picture

Some of the things he does makes me shake my head in disbelief.

I'm sure she'll do something to upset him. Like not wanting to spend much time with him. All the while I'll be home having a grand ole time.

over step's picture

I have no issues with him going. I would think if it's been a month since he's seen her and he has no idea the next time he'll see her he'd stay out there longer than that.

But then again I wouldn't be surprised if this was all the time Puke is willing to give her dad.

over step's picture

He can't get her out of her room when she is here. Unless it's to take her shopping. They spend more time together in the car after picking her and on the way to drop her off.

over step's picture

I'm sure he'll be happy just being in her presence. He's always saying he's just happy having her in the house.

I don't get it but I don't have to. Makes no difference to me.

over step's picture

Puke is filling DH's head with how she wants to come but BM won't bring her. If Puke really did, she could talk BM into bringing her. I've seen it before.

DH believes Puke is a victim and feels sorry for her. Then why when HE calls her she's too busy or distracted to talk to him for more than 5-10 minutes.

over step's picture

Hey! I'm not against him going. More power to him. I'm just saying Puke won't give him much and he'll come back a little more broken.

over step's picture

I get why he's going. I just don't understand why he wouldn't plan to be there longer to spend more time with her.

over step's picture

I think he knows but doesn't want to accept it. Maybe feeling like he's being tossed aside and is doing what he can to not feel that. He knows he's pretty much the only one really trying to have some sort of contact.

He told me that he'll make it known to Puke that BGM paid for this trip and he can't afford doing this regularly. I think unless he makes the trips she won't see him until she wants to. That won't be often.