Partner wants s chance ...
So this interesting topic came up and I am in need of advice . Will give quick background and then to the main event!
Partner has two children ss who is nine and sd who is 7. Been in life for three and bit years now. About six months into the relationship partner decided he wanted to do a weekend away the four of us. He is forever bragging about how they are in a car so we went on a trip that was three hours away one way.
We got there okay enough, they were fairly okay in the car to be fair. But from the moment we arrived to the moment we left, it was non stop whinging. NON STOP
when we arrived they were thirsty so I gave them the last bottle of water in the picnic we had brought. Then when I wanted to go to the cafe to grab a drink before we went out, they weren't thirsty anymore nd moaned about it. So no drinks and to the beach.
At dinner, sd finish food then start asking to go and when I say others not finish her reply was ' but I have finished mine' I still remember all this time later. We eventually went back to hotel and partner suggests we sit down stairs for while. There is magic show in but they won't watch it and moan about wanting to go to room. I dig my heels in and eventually lost my temper. Partner did bavk me up but hadn't done anything till I lost my temper and was the bad guy. Such was my upset at losing it that I had to step outside and call my mom about it cause I felt so guilty and uncomfortable
When I get back in, partner is getting up from table - turns out while I was gone sd wet herself and they now have to go to room- I to this day believe it was done on purpose.
Up in the room, which was a family room, my partner went to look st his phone after turning out light and sd starting giving out cause she couldn't sleep with the light !!!
This was all one day of a two day trip.
When I went back to work Monday , extremely unrested, I actually had what I can describe as nearly a type of panic attack cause of this and I swore never again. Never ever again.
Fast forward to present and partner wants to go away for a week all of us- I am like hell no way we do adult holidays since that event. He is now asking for chance as kids are older to try a short family trip again building towards a larger trip. But we all know here how sd behaves still...
Currently I am resisting it- I spend enough time stuck with them, I don't want to spend precious vacation time from a very stressful job with his children.
he keeps begging for a chance - what do I do?
- Amcc13's blog
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Amcc, you need to give him a
Amcc, you need to give him a second chance. Not the children, your spouse.
Wow. I totally see both your
Wow. I totally see both your point of view and your partner's.
In your shoes, I'd start out being willing to start small. A long weekend, not an entire week. That way you lose only one day of vacation time plus your R&R for the weekend if it all goes south.
I'd also have a couple of long talks with partner about it beforehand.
* What will he do when the predictable annoying or disruptive behaviour from SS or SD happens?
* What will he do to prepare the skids for what is expected from them on vacation?
* What does he expect from the vacation?
* What does he expect you to do if you are unhappy with how things are going?
I can see where you both need
I can see where you both need a redo; you need to learn to not let that girl get the best of you and he needs to learn how to parent without having to be told when his kids need it. Let me start with your last vacation: you said the girl took the last water but when you wanted to go get something to drink she threw a fit so y'all went straight to the beach. You should have said, "no we need to get drinks for the beach" and continue doing as planned. When she got done eating she was ready to go and you correctly told her the rest of the table wasn't finished yet, unfortunately what you said was correct but the delivery was wrong DAD needs to tell her "we don't leave the table until everyone is done and we have paid." She got bored at the magic show and wanted to leave, your DH should have told her "no, we are all watching this show together". She probably still would have peed on herself but that's when your DH (see the common denominator) should have brought her and only her to the room and out her to bed immediately. You and the boy should have finished the show, maybe even got some ice cream. Lol. That little girl is running the show because she know her dad will let her until you make him stop. That will validate her feelings of competition for attention and placement and she will keep the cycle going to see how much she can control.
All that being said, I think you should give it another shot. This will be a learning experience for both you and your DH. If he acts the same or you end up feeling like dejavu then you know his parenting will never change no matter how much he promises how much better it will be next time. If he goes and parents his daughter and refuses to let her take control of the vacation then you can consider longer vacations. But don't be fooled, the longer the vacation the harder it will be for him to keep it up unless he's really trying hard. In addition to both of y'all learning, it will be an experience for the kids; the boy will either learn to act like his sister because she gets to control everything or the opposite because all it will take is her missing out on one or two things while her brother has a grand time before she cuts that out. And maybe, if your DH does it right and keeps his promise to be better at parenting then the girl might cut out the rest of her shenanigans.
I will say it occurred to me while typing this that your DH said "they" will be better this time because they are older...No, HE needs to be better. Don't blame his kids for his Disney Parenting (which is why she behaved the way she did) and don't let him blame the kids for their bad behavior. If they were "too young" last time then he should know it's his fault they misbehaved and they will keep misbehaving until HE behaves better (i.e. Parent them).
Nice post!
Nice post!
Did I miss something? Where
Did I miss something? Where did it say she was at a pub? And pray tell, how would YOUve handled the situation. Your criticisms would be more helpful if they came with suggestions for improvement.
Hanging at a pub over there
Hanging at a pub over there is completely different than being at bar.
Honestly, I don't know why
Honestly, I don't know why some posters have nothing to say except that the skids behave like monsters because divorce.
IMHO, SM is not out of line to expect Dad to parent. Nor is SM out of line expecting to have a life that doesn't revolve around someone else's poorly-raised children. That goes for every single SM situation in the whole wide world.
Well I went to Disney World
Well I went to Disney World with his kids and they were 12 and 13 and we broke up in the parking lot of the Caribbean Beach hotel resort. It was very dramatic and horrific. So my opinion on this is if you know how SD is and she hasn't changed, then you are going to get the same results as last time.
I agree with the others that
I agree with the others that it's worth giving a long weekend as a trial. Talk with your SO about it, but the kids are older so they may be marginally better.
From my own experience, I'm not sure I would ever go on vacation with SD24 ever again. My tolerance for her is much lower than for my own children. Even as an adult, she seems to expect to be catered to, and complains quite a bit. She's not completely horrible to spend that much time with, but it makes a vacation a bit more stressful with her there. Luckily she is an adult and chances are very slim that she would join us again.
Before I met DH, he was living with his ex-gf (the woman after he left/divorced BM). DH, his ex-gf, and SDthen13 went on a cruise together. DH said the ex-gf was furious about including SD, and hated the vacation because of it. (The only thing DH would admit to was that she wasn't happy about sharing their cabin with SD, but she knew about this when DH booked the cruise.) SD used to spend EOWe with them during the year, so the gf was used to SD, but she still didn't want to share her vacation with her. I think maybe vacationing with children who are not your own is not exactly a "vacation" and if you have limited time, it's better off waiting to use it alone.
We are going on vacation in
We are going on vacation in the summer. One of my absolutely non-negotiable stipulations is that a vacacion is exactly that, for all of us: this includes me!
Therefore we go all-inclusive with daily cleaning, and usually stay at an Aparthotel: so we have an apartment with amenities (a small kitchen if I want to heat some bedtime milk for DD2 - that kind of thing) but all cooking and cleaning is taken care of. I would not go anywhere where I was expected to cook and clean up after 5 people: that is not a vacation, it's something you should get paid for.
We also make sure there are different things to do that are age-appropriate for all the kids (SD16, SD13 and DD2).
In other words: plenty of planning in advance and clear expectations for all are they way to go to minimize problems.
That said my SD's behave themselves pretty well (apart from the odd teenage moment) and my SO is not a Disney parent, plus they all know that in our home children have a voice but adults have the final say. I also have no problem in pulling up any of the kids for bad behaviour, and my SO will back me up.
I would not use my vacation
I would not use my vacation time with skids that age. I would encourage my DH to take a trip with them alone, and then he and I could vacation by ourselves.
I do not waste my time off
I do not waste my time off with skids. We can't even go to a restaurant together because they alternate stinking between the two of them, why in the world would I try to go out of town with them? You know the saying..... doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result = insanity.
Our first "vacation
Our first "vacation together", when SDs were 10 and 8, was for a week.
And I told DP as soon as we got home NEVER again until they
1) behave in public and listen to both of us - they wouldn't listen to him
2) eat better - they were extremely picky eaters, SD12 still is, because finding a restaurant was a nightmare due to DP asking SDs what THEY wanted rather than just finding a place and telling them to eat.
3) not whine about wanting to leave somewhere just because they were bored now.
4) SDthen8 got homesick the last day and was whining, and hyper at the same time.
5) DP allowed them to RUN all over a museum...I actually walked off to another section to get away from them and "got lost."
6) we had no down time...
7) They have their own luggage and are responsible for it.
If there's some control at home, if they eat pretty well and can sit through a normal restaurant meal, if they don't run loose wherever they are, and if he doesn't undermine you, you may try again.
I go on trips with them infrequently still, but I do go. DP understands that I do NOT keep my mouth shut on trips if they are misbehaving and we do not cater to their palates (we try to find places that have a little of everything but ultimately are the adult choice). This year they will have their own roller suitcases and DP or I will NOT be handling it for them. I also make sure I have some time alone.
If your partner can't meet basic requirements at home, it's hard to do on a trip.
My DP is a great Disney Dad, but he's improving...if you can say that, a short trip may be enough.
Thanks for all the replies -
Thanks for all the replies - I will try to answer and clarify the questions asked tomorrow but today is a mad rush unfortunately ! I do notice a lot of people of the same opinion as myself so good to know I ain't out in left field !
Hey everyone I was going to
Hey everyone
I was going to try to reply to everyone separate but I feel one thing may be better.
Firstly I want to say something. These aren't my children. I am entitled to a life outside work and vacations I enjoy. I do a very high pressure job and a lot of time off is spent studying for exams. It is rare I get to just kick back. When I do have a chance I want to spend it with people I care for- my partner is one of these and I want to spend time with him. I understand that when he is not in work he has the kids most of the time so if I want to see him I need to suck it up and see the kids too.
However these are not my children and I am not beholden to them. I do not love them and I did not bring them into the world. To ask me to put my life on hold because my partner has them seems unnecessary and unfair. My life does not revolve around kids whether they are mine or someone else's. I think a lot of people in this day and age have forgotten that.
So if I want to sit in a pub and watch the match with my partner or whatever, I want to do that. I may not always get to but if I can I will. What annoys me in that situation is three out of four people wanted to stay and yet we are rushing to the whims of one spoilt seven year old. As I said then there were plenty of kids her age to go play with and to leave us in peace if she didn't want to watch. She had at that stage that day already had a trip to the playground. And for the record , going to matches would have been something we did from very young in my house and would be expected from my children if I had them.
Maybe the people on here who challenge this are right - I refuse to bow and courtesy to my steps. I will never put them first. So maybe that is something I have to think about long term. Because it's my life and it will not be put on hold
Now in terms of this trip - I agree with people here. Ss and sd we're both whiny in this trip. Ss has since grown up. Sd is still the same. If he can't parent her at home when she is spoilt and rude and whiny (oh my god that voice ) then odds are a change of location isn't going to help.
At the same time I care for him and he really wants this so its s hard call to make.
I like the idea of hard and fast expectations for trips. He keeps saying last time was poor planning so maybe if he knew he had to do better. I would like to see him do better with the things at home before I went somewhere I couldn't escape from. I think I will bring this up with him and see what can be done. It may encourage him to parent better at home if he thinks it will get him what he wants long term. I also agree that they are still too young for us to go away again for any long period. They on vacation will likely be underfoot and there will be no down time. That isn't a vacation to me there is no joy in it.
That being said I may agree to an overnight somewhere. Odds are, sd will act up and then I will be free and clear because I will have given the chance, he will have blown it with help from sd and I will then not be going on another thing like this with them again
Thanks to everyone who commented. I will keep you informed as to how this will progress. I am still on the fence about it but we shall see
Thanks again
Amcc, if it's still the same
Amcc, if it's still the same 2 years down the line then you can take my party line. Me and the girls don't holiday with the Chucky. My husband can any time he wants, where ever and how ever he wants.
Make it a short one. My last one was 4 days. Just one more chance is all I ask you to consider.
smack Stop it Sally. You
Stop it Sally. You just took me back to the holiday I went on in 2013 that led to the demise of Unikitty, Chucky's and my relationship. She said exactly that!
Where do you think Chucky
Where do you think Chucky learnt I don't matter? Unikitty and Jabba taught him, he doesn't need to listen to me. I am nothing to him and his father. In those words. I am not his blood ergo I am "worthless". It has been 19 months and he still refuses to acknowledge BabyD is his sister. She remains my child. "BabyD is Monchichi's baby" to all and sundry. No clue what they say now that we are married. I do know BabyD is not my husbands as she was had out of wedlock![Blum 3](
Now let me stop hijacking this post.
The last time I forced him to
The last time I forced him to acknowledge me and the girls, he wiped snot all over my wall, swore at us, threw his food on the floor, defecated in his underwear, urinated all over my toilet and screamed for half of the weekend. It was that weekend when he made it crystal clear how much he hates me, my home, what we've provided for him and threatened my girls. Do I look insane to you, that I would try that again any time soon?