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DH the ATM, how can anyone be such a moron?!

Sootica's picture

I recently found out that in Dec/Jan when SS was called to trial for a football development squad besides taking him to practice on Tues & Weds which are our days to have SS,DH was paying for a cab to ferry SS to & from practice on a Monday which is BM's day as she refused to take SS.Apparently DH didn't tell me because he knew I would loose my shit which I did.

Now apparently there is an optional school trip (football related nothing to do with helping him academically which he seriously needs)coming up abroad & again DH will be paying the full £790 as BM is refusing to contribute one penny. SS has spent the past week (half term) lying everytime he was late coming home from the mall,each time DH "spoke" to him & the following evening the same thing would happen.

I am truely going off DH big time. How on earth can an adult be so bloody stupid?! Sad


DaizyDuke's picture

Wow, great job DH.... so now BM knows that all she has to do is refuse to pay or do... and DH will pay or do it for her! What a great racket she's got going!