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Where does he come off...

over step's picture

saying these things to and about me?

"You will be happy when Puke stops coming while I'll be miserable."
I personally will be happy when Puke stops coming but I won't be happy for DH. Not as cold and heartless as you seem to think.

"What will you say if Puke says she won't come anymore because of you?" What else would she say? She doesn't have the courage to tell the truth that she just doesn't want to come see her dad. But let's believe her and make me the bad guy. Way to have my back.

"I've always put Puke first even over mself. That what you do when you're a parent." I am not her parent. I am your wife. Pay me the respect I deserve in that capacity or else you get nothing from me.

"I know my time is limited with Puke and you'll always be here." I may not emotionally be here when that time comes. Don't come crying to me.

I told DH, who will now be referred to as SO, that there is no more of "I guess I should make that for her" or "buy that for her" when I make something or buy something for myself. Those are mine and mine alone. She has no right to any of that.

I'm slowly going on strike with him. No whoopie. No doing nice things just because. Next is no doing his laundry. Then no letting him play golf whenever he wants (we have things that need to be done around the house).

It's like they say...I give many chances but when I'm done I'm done.


askYOURdad's picture

I literally just posted how it's like a rubberband, you give and give and give until it's too much and you snap back to where you started. Same boat as you.

over step's picture

Oh you just reminded me of something else he said recently. Something about me being in competition with another woman. I just gave him a look of utter disbelief. Don't flatter yourself honey.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Competition with another woman?!?!?! Um, that really comes across as being on a sexual level. :sick:

over step's picture

I keep asking how he would feel if I said and treated him like he was me. I made it clear that I won't be who I was before. So when he comes looking for me when Puke isn't not to expect we will pick up where we left off.

oneoffour's picture

I wouldn't raise to the bait. He is laying the guilt game..

"No DH, I would love Puke to come over when she can be nice and polite and not steal my things."

"I don't like living with you being miserable all the time. But that is your choice. Obviously Puke determines whether you are happy or sad. So explain why am I here?"

"No, Puke is more than welcome when she stops wanting everything I have. Sometimes life is about waiting your turn."

"Look I get it. You miss seeing her all the time. The alternative is divorce me and remarry her mother. Then you will be happy again, right?"

"Allowing your daughter to take my things without asking is disrespectful. And yes, that make you a bad father and me the victim of your light fingered daughter."

"I want your daughter to grow into a lovely respected confident young lady. To do this she has to respect other people like teachers, the police, medical staff and other adults. Hang on, that means me because I am an adult! Wow!"

"Yeah you are a bad father. What are you going to do about it?"

over step's picture

So many things I wanna say and will get the chance when he comes to me with his tail between his leg after Puke stops coming.

over step's picture

Silence is queen now. He is so uncomfortable with my cold shoulder. He can get the companionship he's not getting from me from Puke. Oh wait! She's not readily available like I was. Darn the luck!

I will be splitting our finances. No point in being joint in only one aspect of our marriage. We are clearly not a team so why act like it? Ms Kitty takes priority as she actually deserves it.