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Just... Ugh...

MidwestStepmom's picture

So this weekend we went shopping for ss13-will be 14 in a week birthday gift. We decided to convert his room into more of a teenager room and replace the "boy" stuff in it. We bought new bedding, curtains, wall art, a new flat screen TV and a blu ray player.

While making his bed I lifted up the mattress and found a candy bar wrapper under the bed and found open candy sitting out on his night stand. This past weekend he was forced to clean his entire room from top to bottom and reorganize everything as a punishment for hiding a box of wrappers in his Lego box.

There is a house rule that there is no eating in his bedroom, because just like he has shown, he doesn't seem to get it in his brain that open candy sitting out attracts bugs. He does this every weekend, and he gets a punishment the following weekend. He doesn't seem to understand that I WILL FIND HIS HIDING SPOTS!

I got angry when I saw the wrapper and told DH I wanted to take all this crap back because he is not ready to be a "big boy". I told DH that these punishments that we have been doing don't seem to cut it, so I will revert to toddler punishment and make him stand in the corner for a time out. I don't think DH was on the same page with me and didn't seem to think it was a big deal because later he asked me if I wanted to put the Wii in his room. Ah, no DH, I don't want to deal with unplugging the sucker every weeking and taking it out of his room because he can't follow simple house rules. It can stay where it is.

I have cabinet locks on all the lower doors. This is for DS2, you need a magnet to open them. I am thinking about putting them on the upper doors, putting a lock and key on the pantry and hiding the magnet and key at night.


TwoOfUs's picture

Ugh. What is it with skids and eating in "their" rooms. We have skids EOW and we have a small-ish house, so my office becomes SD15's bedroom when they're here. That's annoying enough as it is...but then she takes food and drink in there even though I've told her hundreds of times not to.

When I've complained to DH about it...he says it's unreasonable to ask them not to eat anything in their rooms...but that if it's really important to me, I just need to remind her. Um...yeah. It is really important to me. My very expense MAC desktop, huge monitor, wireless keyboard, etc. are in there. That's where I sit and make 75% of the money that comes into this household. I don't want her knocking over a soda and ruining my source of livelihood. you mention, bugs and just general grossness. That's an office trash can, so it doesn't get taken out every day. Still finding apple cores, half empty soda cans, and other leftover foods in that trash can when they leave. Sometimes I'll forget to check and look several days later. Disgusting. It's just...gross to eat in your room / on your bed anyway, and I'm not sure why you'd want to. When I was growing up, we had a strict "food belongs in the kitchen or dining room" rule. On rare occasions we got to have a treat while watching a movie. Skids think that they should just eat whenever and wherever...disgusting habit in my opinion.

Disneyfan's picture

That's just it. Everyone didn't grow up with the same rules.

By the time we were preteens, we were able to take food into our room. However, not cleaning cleaning up wasn't an option. If some these dads were able to have snacks in their rooms when they were kids, then chances are they see y his as a normal kid thing.

These should just stop agreeing to house rules they have no intention of enforcing or that they don't really agree with.

WTF...REALLY's picture

That's a new one for me to hear. Couches are for adults. Interesting childhood you must've had.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i grew up similarly, except yes we could sit on the couch, just NOT in dad or mom's spot. no food anywhere except the kitchen or dining room, but they loosened up with that as we got older and allowed pizza or burgers/chips if we were all watching a family tv show.

the one and only time i ever heard dad come close to cursing was when he found a stash of food-related stuff behind his bed. he lost his $#it that time!!! i mean literally - room stripped of everything but his clothes and a matress on the floor.

i'd never had a tv in the bedroom until after dh and i upgraded the living room one (we put the old one in our room). and the shoes on the couch drives me batty!!!!! dh dares not say anything if i bit@# at them when i see that. he knows better!