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SD "Funny Dream" = My Nightmare :)

TwoOfUs's picture

So...I've definitely had my share of financial resentment as a childless SM to three skids. As many other childless SMs have posted stinks double to be childLESS without the benefits of being childFREE. I've also thought that my skids are entitled until I read some of the stories on here...woah. All in all, my skids are getting fairly self-sufficient and don't expect too much. Even the youngest (SD15) has a job and has recently offered to pitch in to her cell phone bill, which DH and I pay. I was floored and touched. While my Quality of Life has gone down in many ways since I married a guy with kids, much of that has to do with the fact that we started a business together right after we got married, and there were about 3-4 years of struggle before it started paying off, and isn't the fault of the skids, per se.

The BM, though, is incredibly entitled...and seems to be getting more entitled as the kids get older and age out of CS. A few weeks ago I was hanging out with SD15 and she said something that reveals A LOT about BM: "I had this dream last night that was so weird. During one part of it, you and dad sold your business and you got this huge pile of were just walking around carrying money everywhere. And then my mom showed up and was like...'Hey! I want some of that money!' It was so hilarious."

I mean...gah! If that isn't the SM dilemna in a nutshell. She just vocalized one of my deepest fears...that I'm putting all this time and effort into building something that will eventually go to another woman / another woman's kids. I work and $$$ already does go to help support another woman and her kids, I guess. I told my husband about SDs "hilarious" dream and he just rolled his eyes...says that his Ex's habit of always poor-mouthing it and coming to us to pay for "extra" expenses has seeped into his kid's subconscious...but that he's glad that she knows where her support comes from and that she knows whatever "pile" we put together belongs to both of us.

I don't know. I see it as kind of sinister and have trouble shrugging it off like DH.


hereiam's picture

BM knows better than to have her hands out (especially since CS is done) but SD24 would sure think she would be entitled.

notsobad's picture

Exmil told DH that BM had a dream that he died!
She came up to him at one of SDs games and told him, BM wasn't around. He just stood there kind of confused, what do you say when your ex mother in law tells you her daughter is dreaming of your death?

I asked if he'd heard her correctly. I'm sure it wasn't a dream but a wish on BMs part!