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Need advice on how to "stand our ground..hold the line" on a step-daughter with "entitlement" drama!--UPDATE (ADDED BUDGET)

leather64's picture

I am really looking for advice on how to respond to this unrealistic request from our DISRESPECTFUL, THOUGHTLESS, VERBALLY ABUSIVE, NARCISSITIC daughter.
Preface to this also includes...her horrible attitude, disrespect towards my DH and myself. She came to visit us on 12/22, slept the entire day and went out with friends that evening, next day she slept all day and went out with friends again..spent no time with DH and really hurt his feelings. On Christmas eve, she decided to get into a terrible argument with him, belittle him verbally to the point I could no longer stand it. I stood up from table and said "You need to leave this house now!" and I meant it. DH backed me up and we took her to train station on xmas eve and sent her back to her mothers, I felt a tremendous relief!

We enjoyed our Christmas with immediate family, excluding her and I loved every minute of the calmness and no-tension holiday. Her behavior is so disruptive in our home, I get stomach aches when I know she is coming to visit.

She tries to go through me, but my DH told me to ignore any texts or calls from her. He is fed up with her manipulative/rude/disrespectful behavior. To date, she has yet to reach out to my DH, except to of course ask for $$$$. For the months of Sept, Oct, November and December we provided her $200 and her bio mom chipped in her $200 also. Now she wants $717.00 per parent per month!!

So I've attached her email and would love some advice from others who can give some perspective:

"After experiencing some struggles to meet the $400-$500 constraint I originally quoted for I realized I had grossly underestimated the amount of money it requires to live comfortably in Europe.

When I say comfortably, and you will see from the numbers provided in the budget, I mean not eating bread and noodles for dinner every night, not walking home alone in Paris at 3am because I cannot afford a cab ride home, skipping out on seeing the vast array of museum exhibitions or concerts etc. that Paris has to offer because I can't afford the 10 Euro entrance fee (contrary to popular belief, majority of museum's in Paris are not free for students, and many of the free ones charge a special entrance fee to visit certain exhibitions.) Living comfortably means not having to say no when friends invite you to go out and see a soccer or rugby match, two things I actually would like to go and do this next semester. Living comfortably includes occasionally going out to a nicer club where the cover charge is 20 Euros to see a DJ set. Living comfortably includes having the money to purchase makeup, get my hair done if it needs it, buy toiletries. Living comfortably means being able to enjoy the never ending selections of world class dining that Paris has to offer, and always ordering the cheapest thing on the menu, if anything at all. Most of all, living comfortably means the peace of mind for me, that I am making the most of my time in Paris, with the freedom (read: money) to explore and enjoy everything like life in Europe has to offer.

I spent too much of last semester in my apartment, unable or afraid to do certain things in the city because of fear that I won't have enough money to eat etc. etc. While I do recognize that this isn't technically my money, and I don't exactly deserve to have as much as I want when I want, I think there's a middle ground to be met there in recognizing that very few times in my life will I ever get to live surrounded by so many opportunities to try new things, live in the moment, even if it is a tad selfish or hedonistic.

I want to be able to send home postcards to the Grandma's on a regular basis, purchase small gifts for you all to show you how much I am thinking of you, but the reality is when it comes down to doing that or being able to treat myself to a fresh salad for lunch rather than a cold deli sandwich, I'm at a point in my life where I would generally pick the latter.

I also would like to note that this budget is pretty general, but obviously some of the numbers aren't required for every month i.e. getting my hair done or whatever. There's some random expenses like textbooks for next semester, going to see the doctor (which is 50 euros, cash only) buying a new bed pillow etc. that can be spilled over into these categories.

Also, I would like to travel a few more places this next semester but we can discuss that on a case by case basis. I'm not looking to go to a different city every weekend like some of my friends, but there are a few places on my list to fill a few breaks I have in my calendar this Spring.

I know I don't always say it enough but thank you again for all your support, monetary or not, in this year abroad. I know it may seem like a vacation at times from the outside but I'm personally feel that I'm getting a crash course into adulthood, albeit one in a foreign country, foreign culture and foreign language. I am very thankful for everything you sacrificed and continue to sacrifice in order to make this dream of mine a reality, and I can honestly say every bit you already contribute never goes unnoticed. I 100% recognize that very few are given this kind of opportunity, which is why I really would like to make the most of it, however I know I cannot do that without your support.

Transportation Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
Navigo Metro $77.00
Cabs $20.00
Total $97.00

Food Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
Groceries $25.00 $100.00
Dining $205.00 $820.00
Nightlife $30.00 $120.00
Total $260.00 $1,040.00

Miscellaneous Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
ATM Fees $10.00 $40.00
Entertainment $32.00 $128.00
Hair & Beauty $130.00
Total $42.00 $298.00

Grand Total (USD) $1,435.00

Grand Total (EURO) € 1,321.00

Payment due Cost Monthly (USD)
$717.50 PER PARENT

SERIOUSLY...I wish I could have $717.00 to LIVE COMFORTABLY on for groceries and running amuck as I pleased!


WalkOnBy's picture

Dear entitled brat -

A crash course in adulthood is exactly what you are getting. Be an adult and figure out how to support your extras if that's what you want to do. Otherwise, shut the f^&k up!!

Amber Miller's picture

Wow! This is nauseating to read. It sounds a lot like my SD30 who wrote daddy an email stating that she is his child and it's his responsibility to provide for her financially so she can enjoy the finer things in life. Wow.......just wow.

"I feel that I am getting a crash course into adulthood"

What a load of garbage this statement is. I would love to tell this entitled adult brat that being an adult means that you learn to make do with what you have and if you can't afford the finer things in life then you either go without or you get a JOB so that you can splurge once in awhile. She obviously thinks that getting a crash course in adulthood means/includes writing ridiculous emails outlining her definition of "living comfortably" and implying that her father should be doing whatever he can to make sure that she's "comfortable". Apparently she feels that learning how to be an adult Includes getting her hair done while stuffing her face with fine food and salads instead of sandwiches. We can't have little precious hiding out in her apartment, scared to walk out the front door because she might not be able to eat!

How gracious of her to be willing to discuss what places you and her father will pay for her to visit on a case by case basis. You and her father should feel so fortunate! (Insert sarcasm).
Most kids would be so grateful to be able to study abroad. They would be happy to eat bread and noodles every night if they had this opportunity.
This email is disgusting and manipulative. I think her crash course into adulthood needs to now include learning that you don't get everything you want when you want and to learn to show gratitude for what you have.
Good luck with this brat. I feel bad for you. I hope your DH doesn't give in to this nonsense.

leather64's picture

Are you kidding??? I would love to, but I would be caught or blamed so no..though noteworthy.

SilverPetra's picture

I'm so sorry for your situation. Students need to work to get extras. She's very lucky to have such generosity showered upon her as it is - is she allowed to work in France? I'm unsure of the legalities. The time she spends working will cut down her need for entertainment. She will improve her language skills and will get a very valuable set of life lessons in the process.

I hope the new year brings a new attitude to her and your DH.

Keep strong.

LauraM's picture

I will give her credit for being creative and that she writes very eloquently. As a college student, a got a genuine laugh out of "get my hair done". I've been a year without a haircut because I can't afford it. I use the rubber bands from vegetables as ponytail holders. A little humility will serve your daughter well. She sounds manipulative, even mentions grandma to try to get a reaction from you. When my son first joined the Navy, his father and I used to pay for his air fair and provide him with a car and gasoline at every chance we could in an effort to spend time with him. He'd come home, grab a shower and out the door he went. We'd see him at the airport upon arrival and departure only. I put my foot down eventually and told him that he'd have to pay for everything himself if he would not spend time with us. The next time he flew back he did indeed pay for it himself and he never let us know he was home. I was heartbroken but it gave me a lesson, that he can manage on his own and didn't need me. We didn't pay again for his trips after that. My point is that your daughter is intelligent and resourceful enough to find a way to get what she needs, and I'd let her know just that.

WalkOnBy's picture

don't give her too much credit - lots of grammar errors and syntax issues. LOL!!

leather64's picture

Transportation Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
Navigo Metro $77.00
Cabs $20.00
Total $97.00

Food Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
Groceries $25.00 $100.00
Dining $205.00 $820.00
Nightlife $30.00 $120.00
Total $260.00 $1,040.00

Miscellaneous Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
ATM Fees $10.00 $40.00
Entertainment $32.00 $128.00
Hair & Beauty $130.00
Total $42.00 $298.00

Grand Total (USD) $1,435.00

Grand Total (EURO) € 1,321.00

Payment due Cost Monthly (USD)
$717.50 per Parent!

nengooseus's picture

It sounds like she is over 18, which makes her an adult under the law. How would you deal with an adult that made such a ludicrous request (which I fully recognize wasn't a request at all).

Looks like she's on her own.

Icansorelate's picture

fixed it. Below are "needs". Everything deleted were 'wants". It is time for her to learn the difference

Transportation Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
Navigo Metro $77.00
Total $77.00

Food Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
Groceries $100.00
Total $400

Miscellaneous Cost Weekly (USD) Cost Monthly (USD)
ATM Fees $5.00
total 10.00

Grand Total (USD) $487

$250 per Parent! (I rounded up to give her a bit extra)

misSTEP's picture

I would send back a letter saying that I am perfectly willing to pay half on a class on PERSONAL FINANCE AND MONEY MANAGEMENT.

If you want to "live comfortably," get off your ass and provide for yourself! Otherwise, live like a broke person. The rest of us did it and SURVIVED.

Holly's picture


I live in a European capital (not Paris) and while it can be expensive, keep in mind that the euro and the dollar are almost at parity. My husband and I both have excellent jobs and we don’t spend what your SD does. The 820 dollars for eating out is about EU 757 – that feeds three in my house hold for month! This girl needs to learn to cook – nobody (even in Paris) eats in top notch restaurant every night of the month!!!

Where I am, the ATM fees are charged quarterly and would be less than what she claims for one month. I get my hair done once a month at approx. EU 70 a pop. But if I don’t have it I just have to wait. The doctor here is EU 60 a visit BUT most universities have their own medical staff for free or minimal cost. If SD gets a student card, she will get reduced public transport (including euro rail to visit other places), entrance to events and museums and sometimes restaurant offers.

My SD is doing her masters here and once education fees and rent are paid, she gets EU 700 a month to live on from DH (and nothing from her mother) and I can tell you she is living very well for a student. She would think she had died and gone to heaven if she got double that money every month!

Your SD is not budgeting well and her expectations are way too high for a student. They have McDonalds and Subway in Paris – if she wants to taste haute cuisine then do what everyone else in the world does – cook or eat cheap and SAVE the money for the treats out of her budget.

Jsmom's picture

No kidding, my son got good at bread and cheese when he was studying in France. He also did some kind of noodles over there. He did discover that wine was cheaper than water and now likes wine. 3 months over there and he lost weight.

Jsmom's picture

I just sent my son to Europe for the summer to study abroad. I did not pay for anything but food. My expenses including all his college was 8700. 1100 was the flight. About 800 of that is food. The rest is the dorm over there and the fees from his university. I would have paid that if he was here. It was about 1K more in those than if he stayed and went to school here over the summer. I agreed to pay for his food. He paid for all excursions with money saved and donations from family. He went to 11 countries in three months and slept on the train or even in a parking garage in Pamplona.

She is spoiled. He is too, but I had limitations on my money. I pay his credit card and transfer money out of his acct.

Handing money over to a kid like that without restrictions is stupid. Pay for food and nothing else. She can get a job.

WalkOnBy's picture

Thing1 spent 6 weeks in Europe this summer. Asshat paid for his airfare, I gave him $500 and the rest was on him. He did just fine, staying in hostels and eating on the cheap.

moeilijk's picture

Man, can you send me $717 per month too? She's living the lifestyle I aspire to!

I'd just ignore her 'request'. It doesn't require any kind of serious response.

So either radio silence or:

Dear SD,

I was touched to hear that you appreciate the sacrifices your other parent and I already make for you. I'm so glad you're living your dream life. As a parent, I want nothing more than you to be a successful and happy adult.

We already support you generously. We will not give you more money as we both have haircuts coming up in the next month or so, and we were thinking of going out to dinner. Of course, since we have worked hard, saved and budgeted our money, we can afford that.

You can't. Bonne chance.

MamaBass's picture

Sorry, I can't offer any feedback. I just can't get over what I just read...........
Is this a friggin joke????

leather64's picture

I'm afraid it is not a joke, it actually her email that I copied and pasted.

I was floored, and questioned my reaction.

still learning's picture

(M)illennial (E)ntitlement...ME ME ME.

DH is right. Ignore texts, calls AND emails from her. What an entitled &*(!%. Seriously?

moeilijk's picture

Yeah, I'm still flabbergasted by this one. In your shoes, I think I would have to just ignore, and not enter into any discussion about it with anyone.

I'd also reconsider the money you're sending. It's tough to throw good money after bad.

whoaminow's picture

did she just send this to you or to her father also?

No way in hell would I give her what she has asked for.

it would take me several days of cooling down before I could even respond with just saying "no".

My SD is entitled but geez I think yours has her beat. She really feels like she deserves to do all of this without her putting forth any effort whatsoever. Makes me want to puke. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. I hope her father puts her in her place.

lynnief's picture

I want to slap this monster and whoever created her. She is quite the princess- and she is in for a rude awakening called the real workd.