Breaking Point...
My SO and I have had some really good conversations regarding our future the past week. Unfortunately, we currently do not know if we have a future or not anymore due to those conversations. Long story short, here's what I need to decide:
If I do decide that I want children in the future (I'm still very on and off about this), can I live with the fact that I will be having them with a man who doesn't really want them? He'll have a kid with me, but it'll basically be an obligation. I'll be having my first, so all the excitement, etc. will be there for me - but for him, I feel like it'll be an obligation b/c he really doesn't need/want anymore kids. He has his daughter and his son already.
This really pains me to know that. We've been together 2 years now and basically just need to figure this out, it's now or never ya know? I'm 29 now, if I decide I want kids I'm sure I'll be closer to 35 by that time, and therefore time will be running short. Can I live with it? I just don't know.
Any childless people out there with a similar situation? Any input is helpful, I don't have many people to ask IRL - and I'm impatiently waiting my therapy appointment on Thursday!
- confused86's blog
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I don't think he'd treat the
I don't think he'd treat the child as an obligation. I'm saying the whole process would be an obligation to me, to have another child. He wouldn't want it, he wouldn't necessarily be "excited" or however you want to put it. He'd just be doing it for my sake.
Idk if I can live with that. I'm trying to figure that out now. Can I live with that, or should I move on and find someone without kids who can see starting a family as an exciting thing, rather than an obligation.
Yea, he didn't want the 2
Yea, he didn't want the 2 kids he has. But he's still a very active, great father. We have the skids 50% of the time, he's involved in all activities, etc. I know he'd the love the child just the same, he's even said that to me during all of these discussions. So I'm not worried about that, I'm mostly worried about how it will effect me. I know the child will be loved.
Hmm. If both partners are
Hmm. If both partners are happy with how things are now, and one partner really wants a child to add to the mix, does that mean it's best to leave the relationship and find someone else who wants a kid? Because finding someone who matches you in your desire to have a kid is more important than having a happy relationship?
What if you marry someone who matches your desire to have a kid and you find out one of you are infertile - I guess you get a divorce, since the only reason to marry is to have a child?
And how would you find someone who matches you in wanting a child? Is there some test where you can measure the exact level of enthusiasm and desire and commitment? Or do you find a partner who adds happiness to your life and talk about possible futures you could share?
I mean, DH and I could have bought a boat or luxury vacations instead of having a kid. I've got friends that never vacation but hit all the major concerts and rarely eat at home. Everyone chooses how they spend their time and money for themselves, and I gotta believe that if my DH willing sticks his naked wiener in me, he knows and embraces the idea that I might get pregnant... and that he's cool with that. Even if he's got doubts.
Hell, I had doubts (and still do). And DD is 2 by now! And you betcha, I talk to my partner in life about them. Because that's the kind of relationship I have. I don't feel like we have to agree exactly on everything, I just care that we can talk about it.
I know. I find it
I know. I find it distracting too.
Thank you for the comment -
Thank you for the comment - this was really helpful, hearing from someone in a semi-similar situation as myself.
The last paragraph really hit home - it is VERY hard living a child obligated life - traveling is my biggest passion, and his kids do put a damper on that, at times.
Lately with all the issues b/w SO and I, I find myself spending more and more time hiding away in my bedroom when the skids are there to avoid everyone, b/c I just feel awkward and out of place. Who wants to feel that way in their own home?
There has to be a special
There has to be a special place in hell for that jerk
What a lying jerk! I'm so
What a lying jerk! I'm so sorry you were horribly manipulated and went through that.
I have always believed that
I have always believed that this is one of the issues in which both people need to be on the same page about. Not wishy washy, not talking the person into it or out of it, not "I'll do it if I have to," but on For the kid's sake and the marriage.
DH and I had that conversation when we first started dating; I very adamantly did not want to have kids and he absolutely did not want anymore, so we were good. I also let him know that I would not be cooking him dinner every night.
At first my husband didn't
At first my husband didn't want another child, so I said I would leave him, no bad feelings. He changed his mind and wanted our son to be born. They are close. Now I'm on my last leg with metastatic ovarian cancer. My son is 16, and I am glad his father is there for him. If I hadn't been absolutely sure about my husband's feelings, I would feel worse about leaving our son
I'm not sure you can ever
I'm not sure you can ever really know what you are asking. DH "said" he wanted kids with me, but now that we have them he is nearly nonexistent in their lives. And our two BDs notice that, unfortunately.
He secludes himself in his bedroom away from the rest of the family, it's just my two girls and me most of the time. We took them ice skating, he chose not to participate. He was "there," but that is it. And if it wasn't for the fact that we were meeting some friends and his absence would have been noticed, I'm not sure he would have come at all. The next day, BD9 wanted to go play tennis. Yep, it was just her and me. 99% of their activities, I am the only parent there. He did show up for BD12's band concert, slightly late. He showed up to church for their Christmas program ... and slept the entire time. I can't be a crystal ball for you, but this is from a guy who DID want more kids (supposedly).
No - not married yet. We hit
No - not married yet. We hit that 2 year mark and some things just came up (not that we hadn't had the conversations before). I think that now he's realizing more that his kids will be damn near 18 before I'll want to start a family and its hitting home about starting all over again with another child. He's also mentioned that now, 2 years later, he has come to realize how difficult it is for us to just be together w/his kids and he's worried about how adding another child in the mix would just make it harder b/c frankly - kids are hard! I understand where he's coming from, I really do - I just can't seem to make my mind up.
This is nice to hear! My SO
This is nice to hear! My SO is an awesome guy and a great dad - it's really good know that there are men out there that feel the same way he does now, but truly get excited about the experience once it's happening! Congrats to you
I feel like in the end he should feel the same way - it will be COMPLETELY different. It will be a child with someone he really loves (not someone he just broke up with who calls and says 'btw I'm pregnant'), he will be older and more financial stable (not 22 and knocking up a girl he ended up breaking up with, just to find out she was pregnant). See where I'm going with this? He didn't want the first two, didn't love the mom (although I'm sure he thought he did eventually), they were never right for each other. They just ended up having 2 kids (why was there a second, I'll never understand) lol
Our men sound very similar.
Our men sound very similar. My SO is still playing catch up due his past, so he doesn't seem to think about the future much either.
WOW! I am in the exact same
WOW! I am in the exact same boat as you- Right around 2 years we had "the baby talk" and I could just tell he wasn't really into it. I actually had the guts to tell him, "This is a dealbreaker for me, I would hate to go, but I really want to have a child with someone who wants it as badly as me." I felt really strongly about planning a child with him because of how he was trapped by BM very manipulatively to have his daughter. He ended up very sweetly telling me a few days later that, "If I have another child, I'd want it to be with you." I stayed, and I married him.
Today we're actually "trying" to have that baby, "our baby." What's funny is that he is more excited about it than I am. He asks me almost everyday if "I feel our baby moving" and he has said he is looking forward to seeing what he/she will be like one day if we conceive.
I think men can be very afraid by fatherhood- my DH is especially financially motivated, so thinking about the future cost of childcare can still make him squirm; but I think we will be just fine. If he is WILLING to have a child with you, try to lower your "you should be excited" expectations. The fact that he is willing is enough.
Thanks! I'm glad things are
I'm glad things are working out for you two and that he's excited. I'm happy to hear about these similar situations turning out for the best, I am a very emotional, indecisive person and tend to let these types of things take over my head and drive myself crazy!!
I would not get too stressed
I would not get too stressed out about it. Remember, his last experience having kids was most likely negative and understandably he may be wary. you probably would be too if you were in his situation. Most men are super emotional, they just don't show it like us...instead they AVOID AVOID AVOID...
I'm no psychologist but I think if you don't stand up for what you want you will only become resentful over time and grow apart. I don't think you should make any decisions right now though. Did you know that January is the most popular time for couples to separate and divorce ? It's a stressful time of year for everyone. I know it feels like your time is running out but it is worth having a child with a wonderful loving man, than getting pregnant simply for fear of missing out not only for you but for your child...
Before I married DH, we
Before I married DH, we talked about having kids and agreed we would like that for our lives. Then we got married and he said he wasn't sure anymore. I was mad.
We talked about it more over the next few months and I came to see his point. He was happy. He enjoyed our lives together. He didn't want that to change. And I was happy too, and I enjoyed my life with him too. I sure wouldn't want to lose that.
So I let it sit for a couple of years. Then I thought, you know, I think I DO want that kid. And DH said he was on the fence, but leaning towards having a kid with me. So I accepted that and we decided to go off birth control.
It was a few years before I conceived, for a number of reasons. Once the baby came, the first year or so I found very difficult and regularly missed/wished for pre-baby freedom. Now DD is 2, and our lives are still organized around her needs. In some ways still difficult compared to pre-DD, but in other ways infinitely more rewarding.
DH enjoys this stage of our lives more than I do. He is just so much more 'in the moment' than I am. I'm always looking to the future.
In your case, keep talking. It's a balance - happy relationship now vs leaving a happy relationship for the possibility of having a child AND a happy relationship in the future. I never seriously considered leaving my DH over this, because I was happy with him and enjoyed our lives. And while I am happy with him and with DD, I don't enjoy the job of motherhood all that much. So while I'd never give up DD, I don't think I'm happier with her. But life is long, and DD will grow and change and the mommy-job will change along the way. Once it's less about taking care of her animal self and more about guiding her philosophically, I'll enjoy it more. Poopy diapers are the pits but teenage angst is just fascinating!
I agree! My bff is great at
I agree! My bff is great at being honest about motherhood, and it's nice to see someone else's honest perspective as well... honestly - it's why I don't even know if I want kids or not! I just know that I want the option
My mom even told me the other day "I mean, it would be nice to be a real grandma some day, but if you decide not to - I wouldn't blame you!" Lol
Lol! Man I wish it was that
Lol! Man I wish it was that easy to decide... I thought for sure I wanted kids at 18 - for the last 5 years or so, my thoughts have changed - A LOT. I'm just back and forth all the time, at this point, I still might want them, just not now. Later. I'm enjoying traveling too much and non-kid time. Doesn't mean I won't wake up one day 2, 3, 5 years later and think "yep, I'm ready".
Yeah, that would be tough. I
Yeah, that would be tough. I have always known that I didn't want kids, at least since I was old enough to realize that one doesn't have kids "just because". I would have gotten my tubes tied as a teenager if I could have!
I wonder why your SO has not
I wonder why your SO has not gotten "the snip" yet if he really doesn't want any more kids?
My fiance had the whole baby
My fiance had the whole baby conversation right in the early days of our relationship, for me it was really simple. There was no way in hell I was going to get involved in a step-dynamic if my partner wasnt interested in having a baby with me. As a childless person I do not understand why anyone would knowingly choose to have to alter their lives for children that are not theirs unless they intend to have children of their own eventually.
For the past 3 years my fiance and I have been able to really enjoy our mixed time; our child focused time with SD and our totally not child friendly time without her.
If I try to think how would I feel if my fiance wanted me to give up my want for my own child? Id be furious, but not only that, Id have a crap tonne of resentment for my SD.
Yes couples who do not have children tend to be able to travel more, spend more time together alone, etc etc but if you are on a 50/50 schedule with SKIDS you dont get that benefit. Any holidays you take would be a week max or result in lost time with the skids, which no doubt their father wouldnt want.
No sorry, too many compromises to day to day life.
HOWEVER, if he genuinely doesnt want any more children then you cant force him. Like you say you have to figure out YOURSELF how important this is to you.
My fiance and I are getting married this year (YAY) and baby talk is pretty much down to a timeline now. We have a few things we want to do before dumping the birth control and if we run into fertility issues (hopefully not since we are both young but you never really know until you try) then I want treatment and ultimately adoption as an option.
Take some time to yourself and do some soul searching, how different is your day to day life when SKIDS are with you and when they arent? What are your plans and what are your partners plans for when Skids age out if they are that much older?
We also had that talk, about
We also had that talk, about 2 months in. I started feeling it was getting serious and could see a future with him, so I straight up asked those hard questions, b/c I wanted to know - I might want a family, are you in or are you done, dude? If he would have said no then, we would have broken up. B/c I want the option. But obviously, he said yes, he did want more kids.
At this point, he just says "well I don't know what I'll want in the future" b/c he never thinks about the future, just dwells on the screw ups of his past (b/c some of screw ups still effect his life today - like the house we've been trying to sell for a year now).