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SS wants to live with us...

loveandfitness's picture

Sat down to a lovely thanksgiving meal and halfway through DS tells SS "After you go home I won't see you for a long time."and SS casually responds with "well when I'm 12 I'm gonna come live with you..."
Apparently DH told him last visit that when he turns 12 he can come live with us. That it's only "fair".
Not only was yours truly excluded from this conversation between DH and SS but when DH had mentioned it to me it was a quick conversation that was to be continued because I have *ahem* a lot of concerns.
To put it in perspective, I have not been appreciated or "liked" by SS and there has been ZERO respect as an adult let alone as his SM... mind you, I've been trying for FIVE years. He can't even sit up at the dinner table two seconds after being asked to, and then told to, and then threatened about it. Something I've been "reminding" him about guessed it... FIVE YEARS.
If after five years he can't obey simple instructions that he has heard every day, every meal that he has with us, ten times per meal, how can I trust him to obey and be respectful full time?
He's a liar, sneaky, disobedient and I DO NOT trust him around my children.
I'm seriously concerned.
I do well to keep my sanity during short visits. During the long visits in summers it's borderline torture. I'm not sure my sanity or marriage can handle him full time, thats not even taking into consideration the sh*t storm it will cause with his nutcase BM.
I told DH I have concerns and he asked me what I think I need to see in SS before it can happen, but when I started to talk to him about it he got angry and said the reason our marriage wouldn't hold up shouldn't be because of a person. I corrected him and said it's the situation and tried to explain further (he's not used to thinking of us as authority figures, His mother is super "lax", My Bios aren't used to it, I'm not used to having an older child around, we'd have to get a bigger apt...etc) but he just shut down after that.
I"m not sure what to do.
But I AM SURE that if this goes through, my marriage will take a huge hit.


FrenchPeas's picture

That very sentence was the beginning of the end for my marriage. Quite literally word for word. The entire situation is identical with one exception. I had only been married 6 months. I moved out 10 months later. Divorced 10 months after moving out. They were horrid people with no respect for anyone. At all.

Good luck.

Knottygirl's picture

It probably won't last especially if he's not used to rules. He will get sick of it and want to go back.

moeilijk's picture

I truly doubt that anyone involved will put the effort into making that 'transition' work.

I knew a dad who told his kid that she could CHOOSE where she wanted to live when she was 12. Partly it's true that where we are (the Netherlands) the judge will want to hear from the child - but no judge gives *only* the child a say. Partly he said that because it was how he undermined his ex. I asked him about his parenting once, and he said he valued 'natural consequences.' In my observation, this involved doing zero coaching or helping of the kid, although he did drive her to various activities. (see note at bottom)

When she got to be 11 or so, she was so insecure she had terrible rages and would hit her mom. Her mom couldn't manage her - partly because whatever 'punishment' she levied the dad would lift because he didn't agree with her... and tell the kid that. They had something close to 50/50. Anyway, the mom didn't want custody anymore. The kid didn't want to live with dad. {Sarcasam warning -->}So of course the only option was to put her into foster care. But the dad didn't want her to miss out on her activities, so he still drove her to her school musical on Thursday nights for a few months. By the time this was going on... I couldn't have contact with this guy anymore.

Note at bottom: When I asked him about parenting, the specific example was, what if the kid is having trouble making friends? He said, well... if she's too bossy or not friendly enough, the other kids won't play with her, and then she'll figure it out. To me, that's ridiculous. What 8 year old has that kind of insight? And ultimately, that lesson, if it worked, could lead to learning that it's easier to get along with others if we don't stand up for ourselves. What a crappy parent. Ugh. Still feel sorry for his kid.

oneoffour's picture

Think of it this way. DH has to live with your kids so he thinks it is fair for his son to live with you all as well. And the fact he is older really isn't a good reason that this known quantity is not included in your domestic situation.

What is a good reason is that you both have different expectations of your children. I am not a believer in the 'life lessons' line of thought. Children need guidance and direction with lots of love. Otherwise they are loose cannons who ricochet themselves through life leaving a trail of destruction.

One thing you can do is when SS is over you can say "Well, if you are allowed to move in here, because that would come down to a judge deciding, you will have to do your share of the chores like everyone else. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming the stairs, taking out the trash. It is what happens here."

If DH decides this is too tough for his special snowflake ask him why it is OK for your kids but not his? Ask him if he is really prepared for the hard work of telling his son "No" once in a while? How allowing his son to be chore-less will create problems? And is it fair to tell a child of 10 that in 2 years they can decide where they want to live when this is not at all true? And it doesn't matter what a loser BM is, has her situation changed sufficiently to encourage a change in custody? After all, DH did sign that order as much as his ex did.

And if he is all keen for this to happen, insist on SS having a specific chore to do when he is there. Let him see what being part of a family involves.

loveandfitness's picture

Actually the kids I have are with DH. they're OUR kids.
But I do agree about the chores and "no". That will be hard for DH to accomplish.
I will try the mandatory chore during visits and see what happens.