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Things and stuff

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Puke has been having problems with her cell phone that she got back in April this year. DH is getting her a new one when she comes next weekend. Puke called DH from BM's phone cuz her is completely dead to see if DH would drive 8 hours roundtrip to get her so she could get a new phone now (SERIOUSLY?!). DH did tell her no. I flat out told him that this is the last cell phone WE are buying her. Next one is her or his responsibility. I am done replacing it every year or less and hearing her complain about cell phones not working when she is on it every waking hour. I am giving her my old laptop and getting a new one to help this phone last longer (this earned me major brownie points with DH). I told DH we are not replacing this laptop and under no circumstances am I tech support (she'll have it mucked up in less than a month). Puke is on her own.

So I found out after talking with MIL this weekend that she feels the same way I do about things. For example, Puke refuses to come without pup then she doesn't come(MIL is refusing to watch pup now). And that DH gives into Puke more than he should. MIL agrees that it won't be long before Puke stops coming. My prediction is after the new year Puke's visits will slow way down to nothing by Spring. She'll have a new phone, a laptop, and Christmas will be over. Nothing more she'll need from DH until her birthday.


over step's picture

DH thinks that if we have money in our savings that he can't tell Puke we can't afford it. The savings is so we have something to fall back on or make improvements around the house. It's not to blow.

over step's picture

A couple were backup phones we had. MIL bought one but she is done buying them too. We've had to buy the rest at retail. We really can't afford it. We have to dip into savings. DH just can't say no.

over step's picture

With how our phone company works, she cannot get another phone until this new one is paid off so she is TSOL until then. Poor DH won't have to say no. Phone company is doing that for him.