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SS13 has a Cold

BettyRay's picture

Just like the changing of the seasons it never fails - SS13 gets a cold right after the first frost. Like.Clock.Work.

SS13 arrived last night - blood shot eyes, runny nose, sneezing, he looked just nasty.

So DH decided SS13 would skip karate, and get to bed early. DH had SS13 take a hot shower and some cold medicine.

The skid was in bed by 8 p.m. - SS13 actually got 10 hours of sleep last night!

BM was floored when she called at 8:30 and told her SS13 was asleep.

This morning SS13 looked and sounded way better. He's with us till Tues. so DH and I will make sure he gets plenty of rest.

We always try to get the Skids back on their feet before they go back to BM's, otherwise they come back sicker than ever. It used to drive me nuts but now I'm so used to it I don't even question it anymore.



nengooseus's picture

We have the same thing at our house. Except it's that SD almost 11 has allergies that make her miserable, and BM doesn't tend to them. She'll give cough syrup, but not allergy meds. And apparently, she lets SD sleep with the dog at her house, which is a HUGE no-no.

Good on you for not minding. I still get super irritated.

BettyRay's picture

It's taken me YEARS to get to this point.

SS13 has asthma. I've been with DH for 10 years. BM has never really been proactive about keeping SS13 healthy. BM is a MOTY and loves the attention she and SS13 get when he's deathly ill. :jawdrop:

BM used to send the skids with no hats or gloves, and no winter boots. The skids never zipped up their coats either.

SS13 would be sick from the first frost to the spring thaw - it was awful. Getting strep-throat multiple times during the winter and severe colds too.

BM was/is never consistent with administering meds or enforcing early bedtimes when they were/are sick.

So DH and I started picking up the slack.


nengooseus's picture

I'm at three years of irritation with it, with no end in sight!

We've got the same crap at our house. The poor kid isn't even given a proper-fitting jacket when she comes to our house. This week she sent a sweatshirt. It's supposed to be in the 40s tonight. We bit the bullet and bought a jacket, hat, gloves for our house last year, and they should still fit this year. We have to have shoes at our house regardless after the flip flop debacle of last year.

We pick up the slack, too. SD is exhausted from her late bedtime and early wake up EVERY time she comes to our house (EOWE Thurs-Mon AM), so weekends at our house are very boring and restful for her.

We're dealing with a MOTY, too. Woo hoo.

BettyRay's picture

Yup us too, it was in the 30's and super windy this morning and SS13 came last night with only a hoodie (it was cold and windy last night too).

We have a supply of winter jackets and gloves for SS13. He took a winter coat this morning after DH barked at him to go get it.

I packed SS13's shorts away last weekend and last night put a long sleeve t-shirt under one of his short sleeve t-shirt, so he has an extra layer.

I know from past experience that the skids would rather wear shorts and just a t-shirt in the middle of winter. And then expect sympathy when they get sick. Not.Gonna.Happen.On.Our.Watch.

The skids come sleep deprived all the time. A couple weekends ago I let SS13 sleep in on a Saturday morning. He went to bed at 10 p.m. got up at 11:45 a.m. DH was getting worried, but I knew SS13 was just exhausted from staying up late all week.

IMHO Sleep deprivation is a covert way that BM sabotages DH's parenting time.


thisisnotmocking's picture

I'll give you that sleep deprivation will certainly compromise an immune system.

But, come, on... A hoodie and shorts in mid winter does NOT cause illness.

Stupidity in winter doesn't make people sick. It just makes them... Dumb... And cold.

BettyRay's picture

>>Stupidity in winter doesn't make people sick. It just makes them... Dumb... And cold.<<

I agree with that when the skids are 18 they can wear whatever they want whenever they want.

For now SS13 will be dressed appropriately for the weather when he's with DH and I.

Although a hoodie and shorts in mid winter may not cause illness it doesn't help when the immune system is already comprised.

Again this is just my $0.02.


thisisnotmocking's picture

And that's your fight to choose. I personally wouldn't choose it. And didn't. Nobody died. Or went to jail. Or lost custody. 13yo's are dumb. And for some reason coats & boots aren't cool.

lintini's picture

Sounds just like my SS13 living in his basketball shorts and constantly catching colds and the flu. He was sick 2 visits ago with a head cold and BM asked to keep him for that weekend, to be a martyr of course. Look at me taking care of my poor "prewshish snowfwake", he's got a runny nose and cough. Fine with me, we don't need his colds. DH was already up there unfortunately to pick him up so he wasted 6 hours+ in the car but I made sure he dropped off some medicine and orange juice so BM couldn't say shit in the future if she wanted to.

BettyRay's picture

Because of SS13's asthma a cold can morph into something really nasty very fast. If it escalates SS13 could end up in the ER for a breathing treatment. Which has happened on BM's watch in the past. BM also likes to go to pharmacies that DH's prescription coverage doesn't cover so we're stuck with a half of a bill that could have been less, but I digress.

DH and I were on SS13 this weekend making sure he got cold medicine and went to bed early and SS13 is way better today.
