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I'm not jealous......

Skidmom1's picture

Okay this is going to sound like I am jealous of my skid, but I am honestly not. We have a great relationship and I feel blessed to be a part of life. My issue is that I feel like DH either ignores or pays so much more attention to skid that I feel like an outsider. Case in point, we go out to eat for skid's birthday and bring my mom along. My mom adores skid and they also have a great relationship. Pretty much during the entire dinner, DH is just addressing the conversation to skid. I have no problem with that, but good communication is where all parties are included in the conversation. You make eye contact to include everyone. I didn't say anything because it was a birthday dinner, but it definitely hurt my feelings. Fast forward a couple weeks later and my Mom brings up the fact that he pretty much ignored me. Mom isn't trying to start drama, she is crazy about DH, but I felt embarrassed that it was so obvious.

I know DH loves me very much and I am grateful that they have a good relationship. We have struggled in the past with parent alienation, etc and we now have skid 7 days on and then 7 days off. I know we have the 7 days where we don't have the skid, but here is my point, I don't want to my a wife/partner for 7 days and then when skid comes I am ignored for 7 days. Skid is 15 and a great student and has friends and I have encouraged her to invite people over or if there are social things she wants to do I will take her, but she enjoys hanging out with her dad all the time.

I grew up in a family with another sibling. Our focus was the family and not just an individual. I am feeling like he goes so far overboard in the attention department that it means that I am often excluded in conversations, watching movies, etc.

I mentioned to him last night that is okay that we have a little bit of alone time while she is with us. It's hard to discuss items/issues when she is always around. Of course he gets angry and makes it my fault.

Looking for some advise!!!!


TwoOfUs's picture

Man...I just wrote something about this. Same thing...SD is 15, and we've had a great relationship, but I often feel ignored. We only gave them weekends, though. Don't think I could do 7 days in a row. Don't know if I have any advice for you...trying to figure it out myself.