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Dealing with Adult Step Children: Does It Ever Get Any Easier?

constantlycoping's picture

Do adult step children ever grow up and accept that mommy and daddy are never getting back together? Do they every really accept their step-mother as anything other than just "dad's wife"?

I have two married adult step children and between the two of them we have six grandkids. I have tried over and over again to reach out to them to get to know them again (dad and I were married once before when kids were little-then divorced for 12 years and married again), 10 years later, I still feel like a complete stranger....doesn't matter how much money I spend on birthdays, Christmas's, baby showers, etc. I somehow find myself always on the outside looking in. Don't misunderstand, they are always polite to me in my presence, but it feels like I don't matter (example: they will call their Dad to ask if they can come use Dad's pool (dad never uses the pool and expressly installed it for me--go figure!). I have NEVER been invited to lunch or shopping with the girls or any of those normal family type events (in 10 years!!!). All those things are done with their Mother and her family. I am NEVER included.

I am really sick of trying and feel like I am simply wasting my time, energy, and money. At what point do I finally say, "enough is enough?" This is crazy!!!! Any advice?


twopines's picture

My advice is the same as ybarra357's. Stop wasting time, energy and money on them. The time to say "enough is enough" is now.

Tuff Noogies's picture

sounds like they have disengaged from you! i'm sorry you want more, but you cant force someone to have a relationship with you if they dont choose to. (((hugs)))

appreciate the fact that they treat your with respect and cordiality, and focus your heart on people who want you in their lives.

hereiam's picture

I would have said, "Enough," a long time ago. In fact, I did.

As soon as I realized how much anger my SD really had towards me, I just let her go. I am not emotionally invested in her or her kids, at all. I hope she has a good life but I don't care to be a part of it. She's very co-dependent so I REALLY don't want to be a part of that!

She is, for the most part, respectful to me and I'm cordial to her. Other than that, she's just my DH's daughter. It doesn't bother me at all that I don't matter to her and I've been in her life for 19 years, since she was 5.

If you have tried reaching out and they don't respond, let it go. No use banging your head against a brick wall, at least they are not outright rude to you.