completely disengaging
After this past weekend I am completely disengaging. I'm 2 weeks post-op, still in a lot of pain. We had the skids. Saturday, we go to the grocery store for some dinner things. PigPen goes with. This is the shi'thead who is "allergic to all veggies except French fries". DH got chicken fingers and deli fries for PrincASS and PigPen and a roast chicken for us (cuz obviously roast chicken is poison to skids and if 2 out of 3 items aren't fried, they will die). He told PipPen to pick out a veggie. PigPen got corn. This is the whiny little baby who sat at the dinner table for 2 hours in TEARS awhile back when DH the big meanie made him sit there until he ate 3 bites of corn. I immediately thought this would be a ploy for him to get out of eating any non-fried veggies.
Get home, DH added some butter and garlic powder to the corn. Skids are sitting there shoveling food and PrincASS immediately beeyotches about the garlic in the corn and how DH ruined it and he can't eat it. PigPen eats 5 kernels and says "I like it with garlic" and tho I damn near passed out said to DH "Maybe next time just leave it off and let PigPen sprinkle on his own."
Another dinky bite, PigPen says "PrincASS is right. This garlic is making me sick." The arsehole had eaten MAYBE 10 kernals of corn - not even one bloody forkful. At that exact moment, I knocked over a glass on the counter with my elbow and said "Oh hell" and grabbed a sponge to mop up.
Suddenly, PigPen is jumping up in a hissy that he is going outside because "mean people make me sick and Aniki is MEAN". WTF?? I'm sponging up spilled pop but I'm the bad guy cuz obviously I was saing Oh Hell that that little arsehole was pulling his usual BS.
Next thing I know DH is pissy because I hurt PigPen's fee fees with a "snide remark" and wishes I'd "just leave the kid alone". I'm like WTF, DH?? I knocked over a glass and spilled pop and said oh hell because I thought I broke glass and because I made a mess.
Anyhoo, because I'm a nice person, I went to the garage and told PigPen that I didn't say that to him, I knocked over glass and spilled and that was that and I'm sorry if he took it that I meant him.
I get back inside in time to hear PrincASS yelling at MY dog and telling DH that the dog was "LOOKING at a piece of chicken and licking his chops". Well hello you arsehole, he's a DOG. And dogs like FOOD. Did he take the damn food? No he did not. But apparently it's against PrincASS law to LOOK at food and lick chops because it is obviously PRINCASS's food for later and he doesn't like that.
So fukk those boys. I am done Done DONE. When DH left to take them back home, I took the brownie mixes in the cupboard and stuck them in my car. Gave them to a friend for her kids.
Skids left pop bottles in the living room. I left them there.
Skids left candy wrappers in the living room on the floor. I left them there.
PrincASS left half a box of candy in the living room. THAT I threw away.
PrincASS, as usual, was unable to once again put the 4 big cushions along back of couch. Put 3 and put 1 on side as arm pillow. Plus left ring from milk container smack dab in center cushion. I fixed the cushions because i hate that crap but left milk ring there. Then I took his pillow to wipe out dog's food dish with it...
PigPen pissed the bed and left the sheets on, but closed the door to the bedroom. I went in to check as couldn't believe he went all weekend without peeing bed. He didn't. So I closed the door and sprayed 1/3 can of disinfecting spray in the doorway and hall.
Right now feeling mean enough that hoping PigPen wets bed next time they come and leaves on bedding. Even if he puts it in hamper, I am closing the bloody door and leaving it there. I am not saying word to DH. He can check. When the princes of Fried food are eating, I'm taking the dog for a walk. WIll not be in the house while those effers shovel food into their gaping pieholes.
I am fed the fukk up with both those arseholes and DH can deal with ALL of it. I love my DH, but those boys suck busted arse BIG TIME.
Plz forgive typos - using one hand. Only took me 3 hours to type this!
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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what a bunch of picky,
what a bunch of picky, over-sensitive asshats!
yup, u've got enough to deal w/ as it is right now - screw 'em. let them handle themselves or not; YOU take care of yourself!!!
Yes, yes, yes! I'd respond to
Yes, yes, yes! I'd respond to every request with "Oh hell! Surgery! Sorrrrry." }:)
no echo! at LEAST a
no echo! at LEAST a month!!!!
hell my dh had surgery 4 1/2 months ago and he still can't even hold a gallon of milk with his right arm. (no fears, aniki, over 3 months ago he sneezed and felt something pop, probably an anchor - they keep telling him everything's fine... right.... but dh's healing time is NOT normal!) u'll need the rest, your sleep will be shitty anyway so even when pain eases u'll still be overtired for a while.
meh - they can handle themselves for a month. you go relax and leave it allll up to dh }:) }:) }:)
Why so worked up about what
Why so worked up about what skids eat ? I make dinner, and if they dont like it, they can eat skittles all week or make themselves a slice of toast. Not responsible for their eating habits. If they get fat, or their teeth fall out early from eating crap, so be it. I am not making them drink kale juice or make someting i know they absolutely hate, but no special consideration in this house. You eat what is on the table, and if you dont, you can go to bed hungry or toast a slice of bred. If you want " choices" , ask BM to take you to a restaurant. I have no major problems with it. Their mother and their father are responsible for healthy eating, not me. I try to lead by example, but do not force them to eat anything they dont like.
she's not worked up about it,
she's not worked up about it, she's marveling at the ridiculousness of the inconsistency of the subject of their bitching. cut her some slack please
she's had major surgery which i'm sure doesnt help how irritating skids and their stupid gripes can be.
ETA - well... yeah she is kinda worked up. but from now on her dh can just handle it and she plans on removing herself during contentious times of day. sounds like a good plan!![Wink](
YES - there are the magic
YES - there are the magic words. " Remove " and " let DH handle" . Whenever i have issues with SKIDS, before i blow up, i ask myself one question " Does their behavior have a direct impact on my life " ? most of the time, the answer is no. At that point, i simply dont care and " Daddy " needs to take over.
Sally is my spirit animal! I
Sally is my spirit animal! I have had so many crocodile tears lately accompanied by the "Why would I do that?" argument. SD has had so much fun manipulating the situation, I think turn about is fair play every once in a while!
Firstly, about damn time you
Firstly, about damn time you let us know you're alive. You had us WORRIED.![Wink](
Secondly, aniki's DH your son's suck.
Thirdly, love your wiping the dogs bowl
New item on todays to do
New item on todays to do list: Wipe down SD's nasty bathroom with her pillow!