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Feeling guilty that I'm glad OSS was a shit today

Redredwine's picture

BS is 14.5. OSS is 14. Puberty hit BS like a semi truck. He's six feet of attitude. He's gotten a little better but that could just be because of circumstances beyond his control and he could be full-on attitudinal when I see him next.

Anyhow, we went shoe shopping for OSS today. He's been complaining/using any excuse he can come up with to get out of exercising. He has a week where it's a half day of golf followed by a half day of table tennis...and it's rained most of the week so all they've done for golf is the coveted driving range. He's been complaining about his feet hurting too much (five hours later) to walk the dog because of golfing (where he stood in one spot or sat while taking turns driving). He's also complained about toe and knee problems. He does whatever he can to sit still so doing any activity would affect muscles that have atrophied.

We noticed his feet do overpronate so I suggested instead of any old tennis shoe that he get shoes for motion control. Well he's now at the in-between size from kids to men so there are hardly any choices. He needs good shoes. He was sullen and mumble-y and basically shitty about the whole thing because we could not find the cheap slipper/sneakers in exactly the color he wanted. Wouldn't look for shoes. Sat with his hands deep in his pockets with a shit look. Separately and unknown to the other, both DH and I told him to get up and help since it is shoes for him, not for us.

The part that makes me guilty happy? DH can no longer claim that BS is the sullen, uncooperative kid and his kids are stellar models of cooperation and responsibility. (Even DH was frustrated, had words with OSS, made him help, and said to me privately that OSS was a shit.)

I like OSS but it took all my willpower not to thank him for his craptastic attitude...because it meant they are all getting to be crabby teens. (DH even told me that YSS is being difficult with BM and she was thankful to get a break from it.)

Doing the happy "it's not just me and mine" dance right now.


Learning to Stepparent's picture

Don't feel bad about that. I have been in the same position.

I kept telling MIL for over a year that I thought there was something wrong with SD5 and described the meltdown tantrums that could last up to an hour and required us to restrain her, the developmental delays, the frequently incomprehensible speech, the inability to sit still, and the behavior problems. MIL, despite what she said, thought everything was my fault, her golden grandchild could never do anything like that, thought I was too hard on SD, and that I was exaggerating everything. She doubled down by chewing me up one side and down the other, all but accused me of child abuse on multiple occasions, and went so far as to call BM to tell her all about what a horrible person I am and how I am cruel to SD. Of course, several months later we finally got diagnoses of ADHD, anxiety, speech delays, developmental delays, sensory integration issues, and PDD-NOs. But yeah, I'm an evil bitch for "trash talking" her perfect precious granddaughter.

Easter Sunday we were at MIL's house and SD unloaded with a classic tantrum. It wasn't the worst we have seen but it was right up there. This one lasted a full half hour and required DH to restrain her. MIL had never seen anything like it before and the look on her face was priceless. About 6 weeks ago SD had another one out in public with MIL. I told DH both times that it's not that I WANT SD to have tantrums like that but that I was thrilled MIL finally saw it. She can't deny it anymore and that may be the only thing that gets her to realize that SD genuinely needs help.

kathc's picture

Oh, do not feel bad at all. Most of us are living for the day that puberty lets those shitty attitudes fly and they no longer hold it in to direct at us in private. It's about damn time DH sees that his kid can be a little shit, too.