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I do not have to watch you bash me online!

ETexasMom's picture

So a few weeks ago SDs got mad when I told them it was crappy they didn't come to DD high school graduation. Of course this lead to a freak out and how me and my kids aren't "blood". And a bombarding of "blood" post on Facebook with comments trashing me. So what did I do???? I deleted them from my friends list. I can't see the post so therefor no annoyance and no fights.

I guess SDs didn't notice right away. I got a message today from MSD asking why I wasn't on her friend's list. I sent her a screenshot of the comments bashing me (I took it because I knew they would try to turn this into me being mean to them). SD replied that was weeks ago nothing has happened since then. My only response was "yes and I removed you from my page that day to avoid anymore fights".

Must suck that I refuse to sit around and watch you trash me anymore!!!!


mommy0104's picture

Yes, definitely not having the skids on your Facebook is a good thing! I did that as well a while back. Although they weren't treating me as badly as your SD's are you, there were a few small digs here and there that got under my skin. Plus they'd always "share" their BM's status updates that would passively-aggressively bash me..or "share" images of what she was making for dinner every..single...night lol..So, it was just easier to unfriend them..I have felt quite a huge sense of least being able to disengage on social media anyways Smile

ETexasMom's picture

I'm soooo glad I thought to take that screenshot before I deleted her! Her message to me today was rude! Kinda of hard to contest a screenshot full of bashing. }:) Perfect response from me! Changed her tone really quick! She will not be readded ever! And I showed DH exactly why I was deleting her and when so she can't run to him trying to start crap either.

Tuff Noogies's picture

FB is banned from my life.

not only no, but fuck no - i am NOT inviting drama.

Shaman29's picture

Don't forget to block them as well. That way they cannot stalk you or see what you're saying to mutual friends.

You don't owe them any explanations either.

And isn't it freeing they have now defined your relationship so well? Think of all the money you're going to save on gifts and cards at birthdays and holidays.

What? You didn't get a card or gift from me? Well that is because you believe I'm not a part of your family.
What? You're upset because I didn't invite you to X event? Well that is because you believe I'm not part of your family.

They don't seem to realize they gave you the power to lock the door they closed.

ETexasMom's picture

Exactly!!! They already invited hubby but not me to Stepgrandson's birthday party. I'm so heartbroken I don't get to be ignored by all the steps and Bm's family!!!! Instead I'm spending my money going to my nails and a pedicure done. Smile

Cadence's picture

Love it. Expecting you to forgive and forget since it was weeks ago (i.e. forever in teenaged time). Getting pissed because you committed the ultimate in insults of removing them from your facebook friends list as if that outranks public hostility.

Take the extra step and block them.

From now on, anytime they want anything, say "Oh, darn! Normally I'd do that for you, but I'm not your blood, so.... hmm.... NO. You guys have set the policy that we aren't nice for those that aren't our blood, so you've got yourselves to thank. Ask your dad. Oh, and, girls, he and I aren't blood either, but whooo wheee do we ever regularly exchange buckets of bodily fluids with each other so it's a step higher than being blood relatives!!!"

kathc's picture

Oh, I will second that being the PERFECT response any time they as you for anything ever again! Smile