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Very proud former step mom

Sweet T's picture

So today is my brother's 39th birthday. I just got a text from my 17 year old former step son. He asked me to wish my brother happy birthday and that he will always think of my family as his. I texted him back, said I would pass it along and reminded him I love him... he texted back I know :).

At the end of the day I guess I did something right :).


Sweet T's picture

I had great step kids, but a crazy husband. I was with the kids since they were 5 & 7 and saw them every day after school for 2 hrs.

No saint's picture

That was great and you should be proud.
2 weeks ago it was my bday and former SS7 refused to congratulate me on the phone or even talk to me. Not what I deserved (helped raising him since he was 2), but WTH, no use in getting sad/mad.

Sweet T's picture

BM is a great woman and has raised two fine young men with little help from crazy ex... he is more of a hinderence than anything. She and I actually ended up being friends... didn;t start out that way because crazy ex h spun a web of lies about her and situations.