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And Now DH has a light bill on his credit BC nothing applies to BM. GRRR

momandmore's picture

They had a debt of an electric bill from a prior city when they divorced. It was to be split in half in the CO. It was a little over $300. We are just now finding out that she didn't pay her half (shock) and now it's on DH's credit.

I am so sick of this. I know this is small and may be petty, but she could have at least said she wasn't paying. She doesn't realize this isn't really hurting DH and I, It's hurting her kids. We don't have a lot of extra money but the kids have more than they need. So now I get to tell them that we can't go on our camping trip this week because something has come up. We will still go, maybe we'll just wait to pay the bill and go anyways. I don't know.

I know in my life before marrying DH $300 wasn't a lot of money to come up with real quick. But now it is. $300 doesn't cover a full week of groceries in this house.

Now the question is, Does he take her to small claims after he pays it? It hardly seems worth it to me. DH thinks it would be nice to get something back, not just money but to let her know that she isn't untouchable (she still wouldn't get it, she never does and probably still wouldn't pay). He knows it would be pointless too but is on the fence about it.


Glassslipper's picture

I would just pay it, not worth the fight and BM will not "learn" from it anyhow.
My BM opened the electric bill at her house using DH SS#, after the divorce and ran the bill over 90days till the power got turned off, then paid it, when we found out and asked her why, she said "to ruin your credit"
BM and DH had credit cards when they were married, CO ordered them closed, BM kept charging on them anyhow.
BM couldn't pay her mortgage so she told the bank to take the 1500.00 out of DHs account, they did!
She keeps doing it, nothing stops her, and i feel the same will happen for you too!

momandmore's picture

Oh wow that's insane! The bank just took money from his account! :jawdrop:

I feel the same, I don't think anything good will come of it. I think we will just end up paying court fees and all of that as she never gets stuck with those either. And she will just continue to be her.

momandmore's picture

We tried that with the debt agency and they said there was nothing they could do as it was in DH's name. They said he would get a receipt upon payment to take her to court if he wanted to.

momandmore's picture

Lol.. I love the way you think! The kids are with us FT and she pays no CS.

She didn't get any furniture or anything like that in the divorce. She asked for everything including SD's beds and the kitchen table but she didn't ask for SDs. The divorce judge wasn't thrilled about that from what I heard.

momandmore's picture

Sorry but yeah.. true. She wanted their dressers and hangings off of their walls too. Along with the rest of the furniture in the house.

She pisses me off a lot. I cannot stand the thought of her. She truly is worthless to her kids and on earth in general.

momandmore's picture

Lol.. I am always super nice to her.. well except that one time when I went after her for calling SD8 a bitch.

I would really like to high five her in the face with an axe.

momandmore's picture

LOL Sally!! You can high 5 her too.. she has gotten a lot bigger so it may take more than one swing.

Good thinking on the axe.. I'll provide the booze and already have someone more than willing to dispose of the garbage Wink

momandmore's picture

I think I will take it to the light company. When I spoke with the debt collector over the phone, after explaining the situation to him I asked if I could just pay the light company and they said no, it was in collections.

and yes it would be another thing added to a long pile of nonsense.

The bill was from over 6 yrs ago. I don't know why how it just hit a collection agency. I know they were on PA, Maybe they just found out that DH isn't anymore. IDK.

I also like to avoid BM. I feel like I'm on vacation when she isn't contacting me. I'll see what the electric company says then go from there though. Thank you Smile

momandmore's picture

I agree, I asked DH about the bill when I first read the divorce decree. He said he hadn't paid it yet and would get around to it. We never really talked about it after that.

The bill is in his name.

bearcub25's picture

Do you pay CS? Could you just deduct it from it? Keep the receipt as proof, then let her take you to court for the CS and then you can bring up the bill she didn't pay.

misSTEP's picture

Once our BM took SD to a place that we had previously taken her. We ended up receiving a bill for about $143.

We saved it and the next time we went to court (she was constantly taking him to court), he told the judge about it and the judge made BM put it in her name and pay for it. He didn't even make DH pay his half as ordered in the CO since she thought she pulled a fast one on DH.

momandmore's picture

Jeez the things they think they can get away with!

I want your judge. Ours feels sorry for BM so is always very lenient with her.

misSTEP's picture

Most of the time, all BM would get is a tongue lashing in court but otherwise, not much unfortunately. I have hope that family courts are changing but not near fast enough. For us, the skids are aged out now so a LOT less stress.

Justme54's picture

If it was me, I would just pay it. I would still talk to a credit agent to see how this marked my credit. You might be able to correct any damage to your credit. I would hold on the paper work and proof of payment. If and when BM wanted to take me to court down the road, I would bring up the bill she REDUSED TO PAY.

momandmore's picture

BM won't take us to court for anything. All of our past court dates, half of them she didn't show up for. And every time we go to court, she thinks she's going to jail.

I do want to pay it, I just wanted to get some advice on taking her to small claims. DH is on the fence about it because of the court costs. I was ready to take the cash up to the place the day the debt collector called but he said we couldn't pay them as they didn't have the account anymore.

momandmore's picture

She is on disability and this state doesn't count that as income so she has to pay 0 CS. He already tried that.

momandmore's picture

She could still work, but she has never worked a day in her life. She has been on disability since middle school for "learning disability" When they were going to take her off of that, she suddenly lost her hearing (she now has selective hearing) DH never believed she was hearing impaired, they even had an appointment to fix it and she cancelled it because "she was so scared of the surgery" She also pretends to be blind "my eyesight comes and goes" It's really sick.

DaizyDuke's picture

YES, take her ass to small claims. That's what I did with my ExH. It was part of our divorce agreement that he was to pay off a credit card (in my name because he had shitty credit) that HE charged $10,000 worth of shit on. Of course it took him like a year to pay the stupid thing off and he ended up settling and paying less. Well that meant that the following year I received a tax form because apparently when you "settle" a debt, you have to claim the difference as income and I got screwed out of about $900.00 on my taxes because of it.

I took him to small claims court. My lawyer is the one who suggested it, he said I would have won, no doubt about it, but the idiot paid up the day prior to court so we didn't have to go. At any rate I got my money. Don't let these scumbags get away with the crap!

momandmore's picture

oh that sucks! I will let DH know. If he decides to file he will more than likely do it this week.

thinkthrice's picture

Hell the Girhippo NEVER paid her half of anything. Braces, medical bills, endless munchausen by proxy emergency room visits, co pays, you name it. Oh and she saddled Chef with the entire marital debt AND a grocery getter payment. He agreed to have the Gir on his med and dental insurance until the divorce was final. Guess who stalled and stalled and stalled getting a divorce? And Chef stupidly agreed to all of it. :barf:

momandmore's picture

I don't expect this one to ever pay anything. The last time she saw the kids she brought them each a bottle of $1 body wash and kept repeating "I figured I'd get them stuff for the house since I can't give you money" The last time she said it she added "and it's my job to do it"

Braces.. SD8 needs braces bad and not for cosmetic only. One of her front teeth is sideways. They are ready to do them now, I know there is no way she will be willing to pay. DH has them on full coverage as he's supposed to but anything not covered (dental) they are to split half. So I'm definitely not looking forward to that!

misSTEP's picture

You said she's scared of court. Has he tried notifying her that he is going to take her to court due to non payment of this bill that she was court-ordered to pay?

momandmore's picture

Yeah she is terrified of court. I think that will be done through the attorney if DH decides to do this which, I think he should, She has taken enough from these kids.

But anywho.. If he were to say anything to her about it, a war would be started. Even if she gets a letter from the court or attorney it would be a war but much worse if it came from here.