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Update to "All Hail Prince Only Child" blog....

princessmofo's picture

I have established some new rules. And by rules I mean I typed them up and then nailed them, along with ss underwear, to asshat dh's pillow. (No, really I actually drove a nail through the pillow. A bit dramatic, I know, but I was attempting to make a point.)

The new rules (in addition to a lot of cursing and creative vocabulary choices) consisted of the following:

1. You are NEVER to discipline my kids again. I don't discipline yours, so if you have a problem, you can let me know about it.

2. If I find another pair of shitty/pissy underwear in this house, YOU (asshat dh) will do ss's laundry indefinitely.

3. SS is banned from MY master suite bathroom. For some fucking reason, asshat dh and ss insist on using MY shower rather than the kid's bathroom. No more.

So in addition, here are some of the more colorful highlights of Princess Mofo's "Emancipation Proclamation":

"Your favoritism sickens me. Obviously, you are going to love your "fuck trophy" you made with Twat Waffle more than my kids since they aren't yours and that's fine. But could you tone it down maybe? My kids and I might as well be ghosts when his royal highness is here. Should we start leaving the house when he visits? That way he won't have to share. Perhaps I can have DS11 and DS7 move into the same room together since POC SS clearly deserves his own room. Maybe he can have ours, I mean he already has our fucking bathroom!

Why the fuck can't your little prince use the hall bathroom? Seriously?! I am taking MY bathroom back. He can use the one in the hall like the other boys and take turns. That is if that's not too much for him, taking turns and sharing?

And the kid is clingy and needy. If you are gone from his sight for two fucking minutes he comes to me and whines, "Where's MY dad?" "I need MY dad." Wow.

And in the meantime he ignores me, my kids, everyone. He has no manners. I'm sick of being reduced to the condition of maid when he's here! When someone speaks to you, you speak back. And that goes for entering and exiting the house. He can at least learn to be civil.

You have allowed this shit for too long. And you can't claim to love my kids and be a "father figure" and then turn around and shit on them when your own is here. Whatever "guilt" you are harboring over not seeing your kid as much, or that you and his fucking mother are divorced, I don't care about. You are not doing that kid any favors by being a "Disney Dad" and letting him run the show.

I have never once seen you lay into your own kid, or discipline him for that matter. Tell me when's the last time you made your own kid cry? Um, never because you have a double standard and different set of rules for everyone. You suck.

So, in closing, fuck you."

Was I harsh? Meh, I think not. Asshat dh steered clear of me last night, choosing to go over to the neighbors and help him with a project (i.e. drink beer and watch baseball). It was a pleasant evening. He mentioned NOTHING of the underwear or "Rules". POC and his unholy reign of terror shall begin all over again tonight. We'll see if there are any changes in asshat's behavior...


Monchichi's picture

Oh I love it and it's not the least bit harsh. I wish I'd thought of that before I did a Chucky ban last weekend.

Ninji's picture

SO and I just had a huge fight last night about SS ignoring me when he enters or leaves the house but doesn't have a problem speaking to me when he wants something.

SO says, his just a kid, he's only 9. I said, "Ok. at what age are you going to make your kid be respectful to me" SO said 36.....SO thinks this is a dig at me. He thinks I'm 36. I'm not.

So, my SS doesn't have to respect me until he turns 36yrs old. :?

I think I need to grow some balls and follow your lead.

Ninji's picture

Because SS ignored me when he walked in the house last weekend. Then less than 5 minutes later was begging me to play video games. It pissed me off and I told SS to go away from me. SO got butt hurt and said that I was being mean to his kid and I "hate SS". Then went and babied SS. SS wasn't upset at all until SO made it into a huge thing and started babying him.

SO brought up it up again last night...How I'm disrespectful to his kid and I said his kid is disrespectful to me....

He also said I'm nicer to my dogs than SS...I said "Well my dogs are nicer to me than SS is." Huge fight about nothing in my opinion.

princessmofo's picture

Your dh needs to pull his head out of his ass. You are the ADULT. You should be respected. He is a CHILD. When you start putting a kid on the same level playing field as an adult (i.e. you are disrespecting his child) then you are playing with fire. He is teaching the kid that his behavior is acceptable and he has the same rights as an adult. He doesn't. News flash, dh! You are creating a self-entitled brat.

Ninji's picture

I agree. I actually had a post not to long ago about SO always putting his kids on an adult level.

I'm going away for the month of July for work. I'm really going to take that time alone to think about whether or not I'm getting what I need or anything really from this relationship.

You did an awesome job with your DH though. Congrats