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R E S P E C T! Find out what it means to me or get the hell out. . .

princessmofo's picture

So anywho I have been laying low lately trying desperately to muttle through the impending holiday doom. If you've read my previous blogs you know BM recently got engaged. I was rather excited at the prospect. As I anticipated she would be less inclined to climb up dh's ass over every little thing, and it seemed to be going that way. This weekend was dh's weekend with POC. And "Prince Only Child" is a perfect way to describe this child. My ss has done a MAJOR about face with his attitude. Saturday (while I worked all day) my dh and my father took my ss and my kids to the winter carnival. My ss refused to go see Santa, refused to speak to my children or my father, refused to say "please" or "thank you" and literally clung to my dh. When I walked into my home saturday evening my ss's response was "why are you here?" Really? Because I effing live here you little brat and my name is on the title exclusively, and I allow you and your father to exist here by my benevolence and grace alone, said my inner monologue. But I bit my tongue.

Sunday rolls around and my oldest and ss both have seperate bday parties to attend at simultaneous times. As we are preparing to get everyone out the door my ss says to my dh, "Which coat? Black or white?" (White is a hoodie, black is winter coat and it's 20 degrees outside) He repeats the question again to which I politiely reply, "Black please." My ss looks at me and states loudly and snobbily, "I was talking to my dad!" My jaw hit the floor and then my blood went icy! Before I could cross the floor to scold him my dh proceeded to give him a tongue lashing about manners and yell at him about "respect". I bent down put my finger in POC's face and spewed, "This is MY home and I will answer any questions I feel like!"

So basically I spent the remaining part of the afternoon after returning home ignoring POC. Polite but aloof. Later that night he demanded, "Daddy I want to play Angry Birds, now!" No please, no may I. NADA. The kid has all the manners of a slug. I very calmly and without attacking pointed this out to my dh after the kids all went to bed. Explaining that he is good at talking the talk but he never walks the walk. The skid is never punished unless I do it. I am the only one who has EVER put him in timeout. My dh threatens but Never follows thru. Of course my dh reverts back to his playbook of deflection and shift blame in this discussion. He tries to point out my faults with my own children to which I simply reply, "This is not about me. This is about you and your parenting." Basically, I did not let him anger me, and thus he couldn't win. He had to just listen. He then attempted to play the "Well my POC isn't here all the time. He gets shuffled around so much, it's hard on him emotionally." Again, a crock. We have him 50% of the time. He has lived here since he was 3 (he's 6 now). None of this or our rules are new. So sell stupid somewhere else, I'm all full here.

I just had to vent this all out. I was beginning to feel like a pressure cooker. I can't help but think some of this has to do with BM moving in with "fiancee" last weekend and dh and her not discipling for shit for all these years because of POC's emotional state. Spare me. But I damn sure will not be reduced to the condition of visitor and servant in my own home! I cook, clean, do laundry, babysit and basically take care of dh and his POC's needs! I will get the Respect I am entitled to or you can indeed, get the hell out.


bearcub25's picture SO pulled the 'well her(sd11) Mother hasn't taught her how to clean up yada, yada.' I calmly said that she has lived with us for 2.5 years and knows how it goes....this is about her, not her mother.

He actually shut up and said...that's true.