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Back from Disney

CBCharlotte's picture

Overall, I would say it was a success. The "save money by bringing our food to the park" went out the window the second we got there. SO decided it was too much of a hassle and I didn't feel like fighting it. We didn't go crazy, but we did enjoy ourselves.

We spent 1 day at Universal (park to park pass) and 2 days at Magic Kingdom. All in all, we had a great time. Everyone got along and we didn't all go crazy sharing a small hotel room. Although I am close and have a good relationship with SD15 and SD12, I definitely feel the trip brought us closer. At one point, I thought of all the STalkers, because the analogy we always joke about here is "sitting and braiding each others hair" and that is actually what happened. I did a crown braid for SD15 and a french for SD12 and they were loving it. I did a half crown on myself to keep the hair out of my face on rides.

SD12 kept the whining and attitude to mostly a minimum. She definitely gets cranky when tired or hungry, but she managed pretty well. The hypochondria showed when her wittle pinky toe rubbed her other toe and bled a little. SD15 kept her in line though....the second SD12 started whining or baby talking SD15 nipped it right in the bud and told her to stop. But overall, it was a good trip. Even SO commented that "you can tell how comfortable the girls are with you, they look to you to see if something is alright or what the plan is"

Uh, duh. I'm the one who manages all of our calendars. SO wouldn't even remember when his visitation was if I didn't coordinate pick ups with BM. The girls know this and ultimately know I am the boss Blum 3 Therefore they ask my permission on things, it is kind of funny. SO doesn't mind; less work for him I'm sure.

We all had a really nice time but were exhausted by the time we got them home to BMs. They said thank you repeatedly during the trip and were kind to each other and us. It was a nice family vacation overall.


CBCharlotte's picture

Have you already booked your fast passes? If you haven't reserved your slots, do so right away! I didn't know you could do so in advance and we didn't have much of a selection.

Also, if something goes wrong, you can talk to guest services. Sometimes they will give you a "golden ticket" which you can use as a fastpass on any ride at any time! The dwarves ride was closed for two hours, and when it reopened had a 150 minute wait :jawdrop: I complained that it was our first family trip to Disney and my SD really wanted to ride and this was our only day to do it, and they gave me a pass for the front of the line

CBCharlotte's picture

Also, after you use up your 3 fast passes for the day, you can go to the kiosks in the park and get an additional one every time you use it up. They have less selection day of, but we were able to ride space mountain again later at night with no wait

Disneyfan's picture

Disneyland still has the legacy FP system. I really wish Disney World would do away with FP+. I HATE not being able to stack FPS and ride the headliners over and over again.